STOCK_OPTIONS_CHK1 [T24632.00] | Section: Stock Options |
([any employers ever reported?] >= 1)
COMMENT: Is there at least one employer listed?
If Answer = 0 Then Go To Q7-A
STOCK_OPTIONS_1 [T24635.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Were you offered any stock options by your [current/last] employer? By stock option, we mean the right to buy shares of company stock at a specific price for a specific term.
STOCK_OPTIONS_CHK4 [T24636.00] | Section: Stock Options |
If Answer = 0 Then Go To Q7-A
STOCK_OPTIONS_2 [T24637.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Were you offered a stock option more than once by your [current/last] employer?
STOCK_OPTIONS_3 [T24638.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Was a stock option offered before you accepted the job?
STOCK_OPTIONS_4 [T24639.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Was the stock option a factor in your decision to accept the job?
STOCK_OPTIONS_5 [T24640.00] | Section: Stock Options |
(Was/Were any of the) stock option(s) offered to you explicitly as a bonus or incentive for good work performance?
STOCK_OPTIONS_6 [T24641.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Can you currently exercise the (first) stock option offered to you by your [current/former] employer?
STOCK_OPTIONS_7 [T24642.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Are you unable to exercise that option because you are not yet allowed to, because the stock option has already expired, or because you already exercised the option?
| 1 Not yet allowed to exercise option |
| 2 Option has expired ...(Go To STOCK_OPTIONS_10) |
| 3 Already exercised option ...(Go To Q7-A) |
STOCK_OPTIONS_8 [T24643.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Do you plan to exercise the option?
| 1 Yes ...(Go To Q7-A) |
| 0 No |
STOCK_OPTIONS_10 [T24645.00] | Section: Stock Options |
Do you expect to be offered a stock option by your current employer in the future?