Questionnaire Public Report12/03/2012 02:06:02 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Round:NLSY79 Round 16
Instrument :NLSY7994 release
  1. Child Care

Q10-2 [R49055.]Section: Child Care

CHECK ([Name of biological child(1)])

COMMENT: Is there a child to check

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-66

Q10-3 [R49056.]Section: Child Care

(([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(1)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(2)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(3)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(4)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(5)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(6)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(7)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(8)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(9)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(10)]]>0))


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-4
Lead-In:Q10-2 [1:1]

Q10-4 [R49057.]Section: Child Care

(([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(11)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(12)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(13)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(14)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(15)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(16)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(17)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(18)]]>0)|
([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(19)]]>0)|([[Preprinted child care question (if any required) for biological child(20)]]>0))


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-5
Lead-In:Q10-3 [Default]

Q10-5 [R49058.]Section: Child Care


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-5A
Lead-In:Q10-4 [Default]

Q10-5A [R49059.]Section: Child Care


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-6
Lead-In:Q10-5 [Default]

Q10-6 [R49060.]Section: Child Care

(([[Status code of biological child (code)(1)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(2)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(3)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(4)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(5)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(6)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(7)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(8)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(9)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(10)]]=97))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-6A
Lead-In:Q10-5A [Default]

Q10-6A [R49061.]Section: Child Care

(([[Status code of biological child (code)(11)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(12)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(13)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(14)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(15)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(16)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(17)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(18)]]=97)|
([[Status code of biological child (code)(19)]]=97)|([[Status code of biological child (code)(20)]]=97))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-66
Lead-In:Q10-6 [Default]

Q10-6B []Section: Child Care

Next, I am going to ask you about the child care arrangements you may have
used for the first three years of your child(ren)'s lives.

Default Next:Q10-7.1
Lead-In:Q10-3 [1:1], Q10-4 [1:1], Q10-5 [1:1], Q10-5A [1:1], Q10-6 [1:1], Q10-6A [1:1]

Q10-7.1 [R49063.]Section: Child Care

CHECK ([Name of biological child(1)])

COMMENT: Is there a first child to check?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-66
Lead-In:Q10-6B [Default]

Q10-66 [R49578.]Section: Child Care

([[Flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]]=1) | ([HH5-5]=1) | ([[Marital status at date of last interview (code) (with possible update during survey)]]=1) | ([[Marital status at date of last interview (code) (with possible update during survey)]]=5)

COMMENT: Does R have a spouse or partner listed on the household roster?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-70
Lead-In:Q10-2 [Default], Q10-6A [Default], Q10-7.1 [Default]

Q10-67 [R49579.]Section: Child Care

Now we have a few questions about your current (marriage/relationship).

Would you say that your (relationship/marriage) is...(READ CATEGORIES)?

 1   Very happy
 2   Fairly happy
 3   Not too happy

Default Next:Q10-68A
Lead-In:Q10-66 [1:1]

Q10-68A [R49580.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD X). How often do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] calmly discuss
something...almost every day, once or twice a week, once or twice a month,
or less than once a month?

 1   Almost Every Day
 2   Once or Twice a Week
 3   Once or Twice a Month
 4   Less Than Once a Month

Default Next:Q10-68B
Lead-In:Q10-67 [Default]

Q10-68B [R49581.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD X). How often do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] laugh together
...almost every day, once or twice a week, once or twice a month, or less
than once a month?

 1   Almost Every Day
 2   Once or Twice a Week
 3   Once or Twice a Month
 4   Less Than Once a Month

Default Next:Q10-68C
Lead-In:Q10-68A [Default]

Q10-68C [R49582.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD X). How often do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] tell each other
about your day...almost every day, once or twice a week, once or twice a
month, or less than once a month?

 1   Almost Every Day
 2   Once or Twice a Week
 3   Once or Twice a Month
 4   Less Than Once a Month

Default Next:Q10-69~000001
Lead-In:Q10-68B [Default]

Q10-69~000001 [R49583.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about chores and responsibilities....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000002
Lead-In:Q10-68C [Default]

Q10-69~000002 [R49584.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about your children....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000003
Lead-In:Q10-69~000001 [Default]

Q10-69~000003 [R49585.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about money....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000004
Lead-In:Q10-69~000002 [Default]

Q10-69~000004 [R49586.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about showing affection to each other....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000005
Lead-In:Q10-69~000003 [Default]

Q10-69~000005 [R49587.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about religion....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000006
Lead-In:Q10-69~000004 [Default]

Q10-69~000006 [R49588.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about leisure or free time....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000007
Lead-In:Q10-69~000005 [Default]

Q10-69~000007 [R49589.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about drinking....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000008
Lead-In:Q10-69~000006 [Default]

Q10-69~000008 [R49590.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about other women....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000009
Lead-In:Q10-69~000007 [Default]

Q10-69~000009 [R49591.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about his relatives....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-69~000010
Lead-In:Q10-69~000008 [Default]

Q10-69~000010 [R49592.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Y). How frequently do you and [Text fill for husband or opposite sex partner of female respondent] have arguments about your relatives....often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never?

 1   Often
 2   Sometimes
 3   Hardly Ever
 4   Never

Default Next:Q10-74
Lead-In:Q10-69~000009 [Default]

Q10-70 [R49593.]Section: Child Care

Now we have a few questions about your current dating experiences.

How often do you go out on dates? Is it...(READ CATEGORIES AND SELECT

 5   Almost every day
 4   Once or twice a week
 3   Once or twice a month
 2   Less than once a month
 1   Not at all

Default Next:Q10-71A
Lead-In:Q10-66 [Default]

Q10-71A [R49594.]Section: Child Care

([[Total number of biological children listed in BIOCHILD roster]] > 0)

COMMENT: Has R ever had any children?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-73
Lead-In:Q10-70 [Default]

Q10-71B [R49595.]Section: Child Care

((([[Usual residence of biological child(1)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(1)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(2)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(2)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(3)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(3)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(4)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(4)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(5)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(5)]]!=5)))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-71C
Lead-In:Q10-71A [1:1]

Q10-71C []Section: Child Care

((([[Usual residence of biological child(6)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(6)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(7)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(7)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(8)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(8)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(9)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(9)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(10)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(10)]]!=5)))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-71D
Lead-In:Q10-71B [Default]

Q10-71D []Section: Child Care

((([[Usual residence of biological child(11)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(11)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(12)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(12)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(13)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(13)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(14)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(14)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(15)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(15)]]!=5)))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-71E
Lead-In:Q10-71C [Default]

Q10-71E []Section: Child Care

((([[Usual residence of biological child(16)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(16)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(17)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(17)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(18)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(18)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(19)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(19)]]!=5)) |
(([[Usual residence of biological child(20)]]!=8) & ([[Usual residence of biological child(20)]]!=5)))

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q10-73
Lead-In:Q10-71D [Default]

Q10-72 [R49596.]Section: Child Care

Thinking of your oldest child, does (he/she)....(READ CATEGORIES AND


 1   Encourage your dating
 2   Discourage your dating
 3   Not care one way or the other whether you date

Default Next:Q10-73
Lead-In:Q10-71B [1:1], Q10-71C [1:1], Q10-71D [1:1], Q10-71E [1:1]

Q10-73 [R49597.]Section: Child Care

Thinking of the future, would you....(READ CATEGORIES AND SELECT ONE)?

 1   Like to get married
 2   Like to marry sometime, but not right now
 3   Rather not get married

Default Next:Q10-74
Lead-In:Q10-71A [Default], Q10-71E [Default], Q10-72 [Default]

Q10-74 [R49598.]Section: Child Care

How would you rate your neighborhood as a place to raise children? Would
you say it is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?

 1   Excellent
 2   Very Good
 3   Good
 4   Fair
 5   Poor

Default Next:Q10-75A
Lead-In:Q10-69~000010 [Default], Q10-73 [Default]

Q10-75A []Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). I'm going to read a list of problems that neighborhoods
sometimes have. For each one, please tell me if it is a big problem in
your own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all.

Default Next:Q10-75B
Lead-In:Q10-74 [Default]

Q10-75B [R49600.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... People don't have enough respect for rules and laws.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75C
Lead-In:Q10-75A [Default]

Q10-75C [R49601.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Crime and violence.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75D
Lead-In:Q10-75B [Default]

Q10-75D [R49602.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Abandoned or run-down buildings.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75E
Lead-In:Q10-75C [Default]

Q10-75E [R49603.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Not enough police protection.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75F
Lead-In:Q10-75D [Default]

Q10-75F [R49604.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Not enough public transportation.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75G
Lead-In:Q10-75E [Default]

Q10-75G [R49605.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Too many parents who don't supervise their children.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75H
Lead-In:Q10-75F [Default]

Q10-75H [R49606.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... People keep to themselves and don't care what goes on
in the neighborhood.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-75I
Lead-In:Q10-75G [Default]

Q10-75I [R49607.]Section: Child Care

(HAND CARD Z). ... Lots of people who can't find jobs.

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY REMIND R:) Is this a big problem in your
own neighborhood, somewhat of a problem or not a problem at all?

 1   Big problem
 2   Somewhat of a problem
 3   Not a problem

Default Next:Q10-76
Lead-In:Q10-75H [Default]

Q10-76 [R49608.]Section: Child Care


 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q11-A
Lead-In:Q10-75I [Default]