Questionnaire Public Report11/30/2012 04:51:35 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Round:NLSY79 Round 24
Instrument :NLSY79 R24 release
  1. Philanthropy

PHIL_1D [T24959.00]Section: Philanthropy

During the year [calendar year prior to survey year], did you [or] [Spouse/partner's name] donate money, assets, or goods with a combined value of at least $25 to religious or not-for-profit organizations such as schools, hospitals, museums, charities, or the United Way? If you received something in return, such as candy or tickets to an event, we would consider it to be a donation if the amount you gave exceeded the item's value.

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PHIL_2)
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_8

PHIL_2 [T24960.00]Section: Philanthropy

I will now read a short list of different types of organizations. For each one, please tell me whether you [or] [Spouse/partner's name] made any donations specifically to an organization of this type in [calendar year prior to survey year].

 - Religious or spiritual organizations including churches, synagogues, and mosques
 - Organizations that serve a combination of purposes such as the United Way
 - Organizations that help people in need of food, shelter, or other basic necessities
 - Health care or medical research organizations
 - Educational organizations, including schools and libraries
 - Youth, neighborhood or community organizations aside from schools and libraries
 - Organizations that support arts or culture
 - Organizations that support the environment
 - Organizations that provide international aid or promote world peace
 - Any other types of organizations
 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_CHK1
Lead-In:PHIL_1D [1:1]

PHIL_CHK1 [T24961.00]Section: Philanthropy

[PHIL_2~1]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~2]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~3]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~4]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~5]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~6]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~7]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~8]==0 &&
[PHIL_2~9]==0 &&

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_2COUNT
Lead-In:PHIL_2 [Default]

PHIL_2COUNT [T24972.00]Section: Philanthropy

IIF([PHIL_2~1]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~2]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~3]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~4]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~5]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~6]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~7]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~8]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_2~9]==1,1,0)==1 ||

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_8
Lead-In:PHIL_CHK1 [Default]

PHIL_3A []Section: Philanthropy

For each type of organization that you [or] [Spouse/partner's name] made donations to in [calendar year prior to survey year], please tell me the total dollar value of all donations made.

Lead-In:PHIL_2COUNT [1:1]

PHIL_LOOP1_BEGIN []Section: Philanthropy


Default Next:PHIL_LOOP1
Lead-In:PHIL_3A [Default]

PHIL_LOOP1 []Section: Philanthropy

IIF([specific type of monetary philanthropic activity reported?([loop for monetary philanthropic activity])]>0,1,0)

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP1_END
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP1_BEGIN [Default]

PHIL_3 [T24973.00]Section: Philanthropy

How much did you [or] [Spouse/partner's name] give to [text for monetary philanthropic activity([loop for monetary philanthropic activity])]?


Default Next:PHIL_TOTEMP1
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP1 [1:1]

PHIL_TOTEMP1 [T24983.00]Section: Philanthropy

{totemp} > 0

COMMENT: Check for at least one employer

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP1_END
Lead-In:PHIL_3 [Default]

PHIL_4 [T24993.00]Section: Philanthropy

Was some or all of that donation collected at your [or] [Spouse/partner's name][s] workplace?

 1   Yes
 0   No

PHIL_EMP1 []Section: Philanthropy


Default Next:PHIL_4_CHK1
Lead-In:PHIL_4 [Default]

PHIL_4_CHK1 [T25003.00]Section: Philanthropy


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP1_END
Lead-In:PHIL_EMP1 [Default]

PHIL_5 [T25013.00]Section: Philanthropy

Was some or all of that donation made through payroll deduction?

 1   Yes
 0   No

PHIL_6 [T25023.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did an employer match any of those donations?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP1_END
Lead-In:PHIL_5 [Default]

PHIL_LOOP1_END []Section: Philanthropy

UNTIL([loop for monetary philanthropic activity]>=10)

Default Next:PHIL_8
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP1 [Default], PHIL_TOTEMP1 [Default], PHIL_4_CHK1 [Default], PHIL_6 [Default]

PHIL_8 [T25033.00]Section: Philanthropy

Let's talk about volunteering your time through or for religious or not-for-profit organizations such as schools, hospitals, museums, charities, or the United Way. By “volunteering” I don't mean just belonging to an organization - I mean doing unpaid work or providing unpaid assistance, either on a regular basis or infrequently. In [calendar year prior to survey year], did you do any volunteer activity through or for an organization?

 1   Yes   ...(Go To PHIL_9)
 0   No

Default Next:Q2-11
Lead-In:PHIL_CHK1 [1:1], PHIL_1D [Default], PHIL_2COUNT [Default], PHIL_LOOP1_END [Default]

PHIL_9 [T25034.00]Section: Philanthropy

I will now read a short list of activities or purposes for which people might volunteer their time. For each one, please tell me whether you volunteered any time in [calendar year prior to survey year] toward this type of purpose or activity.

 - Promoting religious or spiritual goals, including helping at churches, synagogues, and mosques
 - Promoting education, including helping at schools or libraries
 - Helping youth, neighborhoods or communities outside schools and libraries
 - Helping people in poor health
 - Helping people in need of food, shelter, or other basic necessities
 - Activities that related to arts or culture
 - Activities that help the environment
 - Providing international aid or promoting world peace
 - Any other types of activities
 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_CHK2
Lead-In:PHIL_8 [1:1]

PHIL_CHK2 [T25035.00]Section: Philanthropy

[PHIL_9~1]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~2]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~3]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~4]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~5]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~6]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~7]==0 &&
[PHIL_9~8]==0 &&

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_9COUNT
Lead-In:PHIL_9 [Default]

PHIL_9COUNT [T25045.00]Section: Philanthropy

IIF([PHIL_9~1]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~2]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~3]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~4]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~5]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~6]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~7]==1,1,0)==1 ||
IIF([PHIL_9~8]==1,1,0)==1 ||

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q2-11
Lead-In:PHIL_CHK2 [Default]

PHIL_LOOP2_BEGIN []Section: Philanthropy


Default Next:PHIL_LOOP2
Lead-In:PHIL_9COUNT [1:1]

PHIL_LOOP2 []Section: Philanthropy

IIF([specific type of non-monetary philanthropic activity reported?([loop for non-monetary philanthropic activity])]>0,1,0)

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP2_END
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP2_BEGIN [Default]

PHIL_10 [T25046.00]Section: Philanthropy

In [calendar year prior to survey year], how many times did you volunteer for [code for non-monetary philanthropic activity([loop for non-monetary philanthropic activity])]?


Default Next:PHIL_11A
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP2 [1:1]

PHIL_11A [T25055.00]Section: Philanthropy

How much time would you typically spend during one of those volunteering sessions?

Enter Number: 

PHIL_11B [T25064.00]Section: Philanthropy

 1   Minutes
 2   Hours

Default Next:PHIL_LOOP2_END
Lead-In:PHIL_11A [Default]

PHIL_LOOP2_END []Section: Philanthropy

UNTIL([loop for non-monetary philanthropic activity]>=9)

Default Next:PHIL_TOTEMP2
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP2 [Default], PHIL_11B [Default]

PHIL_TOTEMP2 [T25073.00]Section: Philanthropy

{totemp} > 0

COMMENT: Check for at least one employer

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q2-11
Lead-In:PHIL_LOOP2_END [Default]

PHIL_12 [T25074.00]Section: Philanthropy

Was any of your volunteer activity in [calendar year prior to survey year] organized through your workplace?

 1   Yes
 0   No

PHIL_EMP2 []Section: Philanthropy


Default Next:PHIL_12_CHK1
Lead-In:PHIL_12 [Default]

PHIL_12_CHK1 [T25075.00]Section: Philanthropy


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:PHIL_15
Lead-In:PHIL_EMP2 [Default]

PHIL_13 [T25076.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did any of your coworkers volunteer with you?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_14
Lead-In:PHIL_12_CHK1 [1:1]

PHIL_14 [T25077.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did you get paid time off from work to volunteer?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_15
Lead-In:PHIL_13 [Default]

PHIL_15 [T25078.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did any of your volunteer activity in [calendar year prior to survey year] utilize skills acquired or used at work?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_16
Lead-In:PHIL_12_CHK1 [Default], PHIL_14 [Default]

PHIL_16 [T25079.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did any of your volunteer activity in [calendar year prior to survey year] help you learn about job openings or job-related opportunities?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:PHIL_17
Lead-In:PHIL_15 [Default]

PHIL_17 [T25080.00]Section: Philanthropy

Did any of your volunteer activity in [calendar year prior to survey year] teach you skills that you could then use at work?

 1   Yes
 0   No

Default Next:Q2-11
Lead-In:PHIL_16 [Default]