YHEA-100 [T31446.00] | Section: Health |
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health.
In general, how is your health?
| 1 Excellent |
| 2 Very good |
| 3 Good |
| 4 Fair |
| 5 Poor |
YHEA-500A_ELIG [T31447.00] | Section: Health |
{R11COMPLETE} == 1
COMMENT: R completed the round 11 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1005
YHEA-500A [T31448.00] | Section: Health |
In a typical week, how many times do you eat fruit? (Do not count fruit juice.)
| 1 I do not typically eat fruit |
| 2 1 to 3 times |
| 3 4 to 6 times |
| 4 1 time per day |
| 5 2 times per day |
| 6 3 times per day |
| 7 4 or more times per day |
YHEA-500B [T31449.00] | Section: Health |
In a typical week, how many times do you eat vegetables other than french fries or potato chips?
| 1 I do not typically eat vegetables |
| 2 1 to 3 times |
| 3 4 to 6 times |
| 4 1 time per day |
| 5 2 times per day |
| 6 3 times per day |
| 7 4 or more times per day |
YHEA-600 [T31450.00] | Section: Health |
In a typical week, how many days do you engage in exercise that lasts 30 minutes or more?
YHEA-610 [T31451.00] | Section: Health |
In a typical week, how many hours total do you use a computer?
| 1 None |
| 2 Less than 1 hour a week |
| 3 1 to 3 hours a week |
| 4 4 to 6 hours a week |
| 5 7 to 9 hours a week |
| 6 10 hours or more a week |
YHEA-620 [T31452.00] | Section: Health |
In a typical week, how many hours do you watch television?
| 1 Less than 2 hours per week |
| 2 3 to 10 hours a week |
| 3 11 to 20 hours a week |
| 4 21 to 30 hours a week |
| 5 31 to 40 hours a week |
| 6 More than 40 hours a week |
YHEA-650 [T31453.00] | Section: Health |
On a typical week night, how many hours of sleep do you usually get?
YHEA-810 [T31454.00] | Section: Health |
During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle when you had been drinking alcohol?
| 1 0 times |
| 2 1 time |
| 3 2 or 3 times |
| 4 4 or 5 times |
| 5 6 or more times |
YHEA-820 [T31455.00] | Section: Health |
During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been drinking alcohol?
| 1 0 times |
| 2 1 time |
| 3 2 or 3 times |
| 4 4 or 5 times |
| 5 6 or more times |
YHEA-1005 [T31456.00] | Section: Health |
{YHEA_LIMTXT1} limited in the kind of work you {YHEA_LIMTXT2} do on a job for pay because of your health?
YHEA-1006 [T31457.00] | Section: Health |
{YHEA_LIMTXT1} limited in the amount of work you {YHEA_LIMTXT2} do because of your health?
YHEA-1007_ELIG [] | Section: Health |
{R11COMPLETE} == 1
COMMENT: R completed the round 11 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1880
YHEA-1006B [] | Section: Health |
The following questions ask about various health conditions. If you've previously told us about a health condition, we'll ask you if it currently limits your ability to do things. We'll also ask you to tell us about any new health conditions, whether or not they currently limit you in any way.
YHEA-1007 [T31458.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R reported genetic disabilities during the round 6 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1010B-LOOP-BEGIN
YHEA-1010B-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1060A [T31459.00] | Section: Health |
Does [R6GENCONDITIONTEXT1([GENCONDITIONLOOP1])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
| 3 Never had this condition |
| 4 No longer have this condition |
YHEA-1010C-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1010D [T31461.00] | Section: Health |
Apart from the condition(s) we have talked about, do you have any other eating disorders, learning or emotional problems or mental conditions that limit your ability to attend school regularly, do regular school work, or work at a job for pay?
YHEA-1010 [T31462.00] | Section: Health |
Have you ever had an eating disorder, a learning or emotional problem or a mental condition that has limited your ability to attend school regularly, do regular school work, or work at a job for pay?
YHEA-1020 [T31463.00] | Section: Health |
What (is/are) the condition(s)?
| 1 Learning disability (i.e., dyslexia) or attention disorder |
| 2 Emotional/mental problem or behavior problem |
| 3 Eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia |
| 4 Mental retardation |
| 5 Other |
YHEA-1025 [T31464.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: Other was selected in YHEA-1020
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1027
YHEA-1027 [T31465.00] | Section: Health |
Please describe this other condition.
YHEA-1030-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: loop through all general conditions
YHEA-1040 [T31466.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-1020], [genconditionloop2])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1050
YHEA-1050 [T31471.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when the [genconditiontxt2([genconditionloop2])] was first noticed?
YHEA-1060 [T31475.00] | Section: Health |
Does [genconditiontxt2([genconditionloop2])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
YHEA-1099-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([genconditionloop2] == 5)
YHEA-1110A [T31479.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R reported sensory disabilities during the round 6 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1110B-LOOP-BEGIN
YHEA-1110B-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1160A [T31480.00] | Section: Health |
Does [R6SENCONDITIONTEXT1([SENCONDITIONLOOP1])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
| 3 Never had this condition |
| 4 No longer have this condition |
YHEA-1110C-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1110D [T31482.00] | Section: Health |
Apart from the condition(s) we have talked about, do you have any other problems with hearing, seeing, or speaking?
YHEA-1110 [T31483.00] | Section: Health |
Have you ever had trouble seeing, hearing or speaking?
YHEA-1120 [T31484.00] | Section: Health |
What (is/are) the condition(s)?
| 1 Blindness in one eye |
| 2 Blindness in both eyes |
| 3 Other vision difficulty |
| 4 Hearing difficulty |
| 5 Deaf |
| 6 Speech impairment (e.g., lisp, stammering, or stuttering) |
| 7 Other |
YHEA-1125 [T31485.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: Other was selected in YHEA-1120
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1127
YHEA-1127 [T31486.00] | Section: Health |
Please describe this other condition.
YHEA-1130-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: loop through all general conditions
YHEA-1140 [T31487.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-1120], [senconditionloop2])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1150
YHEA-1150 [T31494.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when the [senconditiontxt2([senconditionloop2])] was first noticed?
YHEA-1160 [T31499.00] | Section: Health |
Does [senconditiontxt2([senconditionloop2])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
YHEA-1199-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([senconditionloop2] == 7)
YHEA-1210A [T31504.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R reported deformities during the round 6 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1210B-LOOP-BEGIN
YHEA-1210B-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1260A [T31505.00] | Section: Health |
Does [R6DEFCONDITIONTEXT1([DEFCONDITIONLOOP1])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
| 3 Never had this condition |
| 4 No longer have this condition |
YHEA-1210C-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1210D [T31506.00] | Section: Health |
Apart from the condition(s) we have talked about, do you have any part of your body that is deformed or missing?
YHEA-1210 [T31507.00] | Section: Health |
Have you ever had a part of your body that was deformed or missing?
YHEA-1220 [T31508.00] | Section: Health |
What (is/are) the condition(s)?
| 1 Missing finger, hand, arm, toe, foot, or leg |
| 2 Permanent stiffness or any deformity of the back, foot, or leg |
| 3 Permanent stiffness or any deformity of the fingers, hand, or arm |
| 4 Other |
YHEA-1225 [T31509.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: Other was selected in YHEA-1220
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1227
YHEA-1227 [T31510.00] | Section: Health |
Please describe this other condition.
YHEA-1230-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: loop through all general conditions
YHEA-1240 [T31511.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-1220], [defconditionloop2])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1250
YHEA-1250 [T31515.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when the [defconditiontxt2([DEFCONDITIONLOOP2])] was first noticed?
YHEA-1260 [T31518.00] | Section: Health |
Does [defconditiontxt2([DEFCONDITIONLOOP2])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
YHEA-1299-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([defconditionloop2] == 4)
YHEA-1310A [T31521.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R reported chronic disabilities during the round 6 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1310B-LOOP-BEGIN
YHEA-1310B-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1360A [T31522.00] | Section: Health |
Does [R6CHRCONDITIONTEXT1([CHRCONDITIONLOOP1])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
| 3 Never had this condition |
| 4 No longer have this condition |
YHEA-1310C-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1310D [T31525.00] | Section: Health |
Apart from the condition(s) we have talked about, do you have any other chronic health conditions or life threatening diseases?
YHEA-1310 [T31526.00] | Section: Health |
Have you ever been diagnosed with any other chronic health condition or life threatening disease such as the ones listed on this card?
YHEA-1320 [T31527.00] | Section: Health |
What conditions have you been diagnosed with?
| 1 Asthma |
| 2 Cardiovascular or Heart condition |
| 3 Anemia |
| 4 Diabetes |
| 5 Cancer |
| 6 Epilepsy |
| 7 HIV/AIDS |
| 8 Sexually transmitted disease other than HIV/AIDS |
| 9 Other |
YHEA-1325 [T31528.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: Other was selected in YHEA-1320
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1327
YHEA-1327 [T31529.00] | Section: Health |
Please describe this other condition.
YHEA-1330-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-1340 [T31530.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-1320], [chrconditionloop2])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1350
YHEA-1350 [T31539.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when the [chrconditiontxt2([CHRCONDITIONLOOP2])] was first diagnosed?
YHEA-1360 [T31547.00] | Section: Health |
Does [chrconditiontxt2([CHRCONDITIONLOOP2])] currently limit your activities?
| 1 Yes, limits a little |
| 2 Yes, limits a lot |
| 0 No, not currently limited by this condition |
YHEA-1399-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([chrconditionloop2] == 9)
YHEA-1880 [T31555.00] | Section: Health |
During the past 12 months, how many times were you injured or ill and had to be treated by a doctor or nurse?
| 1 None |
| 2 1 time |
| 3 2 times |
| 4 3 times |
| 5 4 or more times |
YHEA-1890 [T31556.00] | Section: Health |
Some injuries are not treated by a doctor or nurse. During the past 12 months, how many times were you injured or ill so that you missed at least one full day of usual activities such as work or school, but were not treated by a doctor or nurse?
| 1 None |
| 2 1 time |
| 3 2 times |
| 4 3 times |
| 5 4 or more times |
YHEA-1910 [T31557.00] | Section: Health |
Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance, prepaid plans such as HMOs, or government plans such as Medicaid?
YHEA-1912 [T31558.00] | Section: Health |
What is the source of your primary health or hospitalization plan? Is it from a policy from your current or previous employer, [yheamarriagtextsub] a policy bought directly from a medical insurance company, is it Medicaid or an alternative Medicaid provider, or is it from some other source?
| 1 1. Policy from your CURRENT Employer |
| 2 2. Policy from a PREVIOUS Employer |
| 3 3. Policy from spouse's or partner's CURRENT employer |
| 4 4. Policy from spouse's or partner's PREVIOUS employer |
| 8 8. Policy from your parents or another family member |
| 5 5. Policy you or your spouse or partner bought directly from medical insurance company |
| 6 6. Medicaid or Medicaid provider/Medi-Cal/Medical Assist/Welfare/Medical Service |
| 7 7. Other (SPECIFY) |
YHEA-1913 [T31559.00] | Section: Health |
Who else in your family is covered by this plan?
| 1 Spouse |
| 2 Partner |
| 3 Residential children |
| 4 Your non-residential biological/adopted children |
| 5 Your spouse/partner's non-residential biological/adopted children |
| 6 Other dependents |
| 7 Your parents or siblings |
| 99 No other person |
YHEA-1914 [T31560.00] | Section: Health |
([YHEA-1910] == 0 || [YHEAINSSOURCE] != 3) && ([KEY_MARSTAT] ==1 || [YOUTH_PARTNER]==1)
COMMENT: R has no health insurance Or R is not covered by spouse/partner's current employer AND R has a spouse or partner
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1915
YHEA-1915 [T31561.00] | Section: Health |
Can you obtain coverage from a health plan from your [spouse/partner]?
YHEA-1917 [T31562.00] | Section: Health |
[YHEA-1910] == 1
COMMENT: R currently has health insurance
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-1920
YHEA-1920 [T31563.00] | Section: Health |
Since [LINTDATE~X], was there any time that you did not have any health insurance or coverage?
YHEA-1930 [T31564.00] | Section: Health |
Since [LINTDATE~X], was there any time that you had health coverage?
YHEA-1940A [T31565.00] | Section: Health |
In the past twelve months, have you visited a doctor for a routine checkup?
YHEA-2304 [] | Section: Health |
{R11COMPLETE} == 1
COMMENT: R completed the round 11 interview
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YPOL-100
YHEA-2305A [] | Section: Health |
Now we are going to ask you about events you may have experienced in the five years from January 2003 through December 2007.
YHEA-2308A [T31567.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did you stay in a hospital for at least 24 hours for treatment of an illness or injury?
YHEA-2309A [T31568.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, how many nights in total did you spend in the hospital because you were injured or ill?
YHEA-2310A [T31569.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did any close relative of yours die?
YHEA-2320 [T31570.00] | Section: Health |
Was the person who died your...?
| 1 Mother/stepmother |
| 2 Father/stepfather |
| 3 Grandparent |
| 4 Brother/sister |
| 5 Spouse or partner |
| 7 Child |
| 6 Other relative |
YHEA-2321-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: loop through all relatives who died
YHEA-2325 [T31571.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-2320], [deadrelativeloop])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-2340
YHEA-2340 [T31578.00] | Section: Health |
About how old were you when your [deadrelativetxt([deadrelativeloop])] died?
YHEA-2341-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([deadrelativeloop] ==7)
YHEA-2500A [T31584.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, were you the victim of a violent crime, for example, physical or sexual assault, robbery, or arson?
YHEA-2520 [T31585.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when you were the victim of a violent crime? If you have been victimized more than once, please tell me your age the last time you were a victim.
YHEA-2600B [T31586.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did you have two or more nights in a row where you were living in an emergency or transitional shelter, in a welfare or voucher hotel, or in an abandoned building, a place of business, a car/other vehicle, or anywhere outside?
YHEA-2620A [T31587.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when you last had two or more nights in a row when you were living in once of these places?
YHEA-2700A [T31588.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did a member of your household stay in a hospital for at least one week for treatment of illness or injury?
YHEA-2720 [T31589.00] | Section: Health |
Was the person who was hospitalized your...?
| 1 Mother/stepmother |
| 2 Father/stepfather |
| 3 Child |
| 4 Spouse or partner |
| 5 Brother/sister |
| 6 Grandparent |
| 7 Other relative |
| 8 Non-relative |
YHEA-2800A [T31590.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, was an adult member of your household (other than yourself) sent to jail or prison?
YHEA-2820 [T31591.00] | Section: Health |
Was the person sent to jail or prison your...?
| 1 Parent |
| 2 Partner or Spouse |
| 5 Brother/sister |
| 3 Other relative |
| 4 Non-relative |
YHEA-2841-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
YHEA-2850 [T31592.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-2820], [incarceratedrelativeloop])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-2860
YHEA-2860 [T31597.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when your [incarceratedrelativetxt([incarceratedrelativeloop])] went to jail or prison? If they went to jail or prison more than one time, please give me your age the last time they were incarcerated.
YHEA-2880-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([incarceratedrelativeloop] ==5)
YHEA-2900A [T31601.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did any adult member of your household (other than yourself) experience one or more periods of unemployment lasting at least six months?
YHEA-2920 [T31602.00] | Section: Health |
Was the person who was unemployed your...?
| 1 Parent |
| 2 Partner or Spouse |
| 3 Other relative |
| 4 Non-relative |
YHEA-2940-LOOP-BEGIN [] | Section: Health |
REPEAT ([unemployedrelativeloop])
COMMENT: loop through parent or partner-spouses only who were unemployed
YHEA-2950 [T31603.00] | Section: Health |
INSELECTION ([YHEA-2920], [unemployedrelativeloop])
COMMENT: This condition was chosen
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-2980
YHEA-2980 [T31607.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when your [unemployedreltxt([UNEMPLOYEDRELATIVELOOP])] last became unemployed?
YHEA-2999-LOOP-END [] | Section: Health |
UNTIL ([unemployedrelativeloop] == 4)
YHEA-3000A [T31611.00] | Section: Health |
From 2003 to 2007, did your parents divorce, either from each other or from their former spouse?
YHEA-3020 [T31612.00] | Section: Health |
Who divorced?
| 1 My parents |
| 2 My mother and her husband |
| 3 My father and his wife |
YHEA-3021 [T31613.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R's bio or adoptive parents divorced
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-3021A
YHEA-3021A [T31614.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you when your parents divorced?
YHEA-3022 [T31615.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R's mother got divorced from step-father
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-3030
YHEA-3022A [T31616.00] | Section: Health |
COMMENT: R's father got divorced from step-mother
If Answer = 1 Then Go To YHEA-3030
YHEA-3030 [T31617.00] | Section: Health |
How old were you the last time one of your parents got divorced?