Questionnaire Public Report11/15/2012 04:51:40 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Round:Youth Questionnaire 97 (R11)
Instrument :Youth
  1. Tell Us What You Think

YTEL-SAMP-CHECK [T10682.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think


If Answer = 1 Then Go To
If Answer >= 2 AND Answer <= 3 Then Go To YTEL-41

Default Next:YTEL-51

YTEL-21 [T10683.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Now let's wrap up our conversation. Thinking about your life since [LINTDATE4~X], would you say that overall this has been a very good time in your life, a pretty good time in your life, a pretty bad time in your life, or a very bad time in your life?

 5   MIXED

Default Next:YTEL-22A

YTEL-22A [T10684.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Why is that?


Default Next:YTEL-22
Lead-In:YTEL-21 [Default]

YTEL-22 [T10685.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Twenty years from now, what do you think you will remember most about your life between [LINTDATE4~X] and today?


Lead-In:YTEL-22A [Default]

YTEL-41 [T10686.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Overall, how important do you believe the NLSY97 data are to understanding the lives of Americans in their twenties?

 1   Very important
 2   Somewhat important
 3   Not very important
 4   Not important at all

Default Next:YTEL-42

YTEL-42 [T10687.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Now think about how most people would answer this question -

How important are the NLSY97 data to understanding the lives of Americans in their twenties? -

Would most people say very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important?

 1   Very important
 2   Somewhat important
 3   Not very important
 4   Not important at all

Default Next:YTEL-43
Lead-In:YTEL-41 [Default]

YTEL-43 [T10688.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Overall, how well do you feel that this NLSY97 interview captured information about your life?

 1   Very well
 2   Somewhat well
 3   Somewhat poorly
 4   Very poorly

Default Next:YTEL-44
Lead-In:YTEL-42 [Default]

YTEL-44 [T10689.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

What topics could we include in the interview to better capture information about your life?


Lead-In:YTEL-43 [Default]

YTEL-51 [T10690.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

During the past 12 months, have you even once...

 - Donated blood
 - Given food or money to a homeless person
 - Returned money to a cashier after getting too much change
 - Allowed a stranger to go ahead of you in line
 - Let someone you didn't know well borrow an item of value like dishes or tools
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YTEL-52
Lead-In:YTEL-SAMP-CHECK [Default]

YTEL-52 [T10691.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements:

 - People should be willing to help others who are less fortunate.
 - Those in need have to learn to take care of themselves and not depend on others.
 - Personally assisting people in trouble is very important to me.
 - These days people need to look after themselves and not overly worry about others.
 4   Strongly Agree
 3   Agree
 2   Neither Agree nor Disagree
 1   Disagree
 0   Strongly Disagree

Default Next:YTEL-53
Lead-In:YTEL-51 [Default]

YTEL-53 [T10692.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think

Here are some ways that we can participate in our society. Please tell me if you think it is very important to do these things, somewhat important to do these things, or not at all important to do these things.

 - Vote in elections?
 - Serve on a jury if called?
 - Report a crime you may have witnessed?
 - Keep fully informed about news and public issues?
 1   Very Important
 2   Somewhat Important
 3   Not at all Important

Lead-In:YTEL-52 [Default]

YTEL-LOCATORCHECK [T10693.00]Section: Tell Us What You Think


COMMENT: This respondent is to receive the alternate locator format

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YLOC-025
Lead-In:YTEL-22 [Default], YTEL-44 [Default], YTEL-53 [Default]

YTEL-61 []Section: Tell Us What You Think

Those are all of the questions that we have for you this year. As usual we appreciate the time and the attention that you give to the NLSY97.

Default Next:YLOC-025