SYMBOLEXIST ([R already answered SAQ2 section])COMMENT: R already answered the SAQ2 section
([begin password] ="dolphins")
(INTERVIEWER: IT IS NOW TIME TO ADMINISTER THE SECOND AUDIO CASI SECTION OF THE INTERVIEW. PLEASE INSERT THE HEADPHONE INTO THE LAPTOP AND THEN READ THIS INTRODUCTION TO THE RESPONDENT:) We now have a second section for you to take the laptop and answer the questions on your own. As you will recall, you will hear the question through the headphones while you read the question on your computer screen. Please return the laptop to the interviewer when you reach the end of this section. (INTERVIEWER: TURN LAPTOP AROUND AND HAND RESPONDENT THE HEADPHONES.)
([gender]=2)COMMENT: R is female
([YSAQ-284]=4)COMMENT: R said puberty changes seem completed at DLI
People reach puberty at different ages. Signs of puberty for males include physical changes such as developing pubic or facial hair, or the voice cracking or lowering. Would you say these changes:
([YSAQ-285] > 0)COMMENT: R answered what age puberty began at DLI
How old were you when you entered puberty (that is, when these changes began)?
([YSAQ-286]=1)COMMENT: R has had menstrual period by DLI
Have you ever had a menstrual period?
In what month did you have your first period?
In what year did you have your first period?
([YSAQ2-287]=-2) or ([YSAQ2-288]=-2)COMMENT: Month or Year R began menstrual period is don't know
How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?
([ymarcontsdli]=1)COMMENT: R has lived with partner/spouse continuously since DLI
([last round interviewed]>=6)COMMENT: R interviewed R6 or later
([prev.curdating]=1)COMMENT: R reported current dating partner at last interview
([R had a spouse at dli]=1) OR ([R had a partner at DLI]=1)COMMENT: R was married or had partner at DLI
([prev.datingsamesex]=1)COMMENT: R and DLI partner were same sex
At the time of the last interview, you said you were dating [prev.initials]. What best describes your current relationship with [prev.initials]?
In what month and year did you stop dating [prev.initials]?
Have you ever legally married [prev.initials]?
Have you and [prev.initials] ever lived together?
([ysaq2-705]=4) OR ([ysaq2-707]=4)COMMENT: R no longer dating DLI dating partner
We would like to know a little more about when you first started your relationship with [this spouse/partner]. Please think about your relationship before you started living together.
Since [date of last interview], have you been in a dating relationship in which you thought of yourself as a part of a couple? You may consider male or female dating partners for this section.
Please think about the most recent person with whom you have been in a dating relationship in which you thought of yourself as a part of a couple.
Please enter the first and last initials of the most recent person with whom you have been in a dating relationship.
In what month and year did you start dating [dating partner/spouse]?
([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R is married or cohabiting
What best describes your current relationship with [dating partner/spouse]?
Have you ever lived together with [dating partner/spouse]?
Have you ever been legally married to [dating partner/spouse]?
([YSAQ2-298D5A]=1)COMMENT: R is currently dating
In what month and year did you stop dating [dating partner/spouse]?
([reskids.count] >= 1) OR ([nonreskids.count] >= 1)COMMENT: R has child on household or non-resident roster
Is [dating partner/spouse] the other parent of your child/children?
Is [dating partner/spouse] Hispanic, Latino or of Spanish origin?
Which of the following is [dating partner/spouse]? Please select all that apply.
Is [dating partner/spouse] male or female?
The next set of questions is about the characteristics of [dating partner/spouse] when you first started dating.How old was [dating partner/spouse] when you first started dating?
Was [dating partner/spouse] enrolled in school when you first started dating?
What was the highest grade or year of school or university [dating partner/spouse] had completed when you first started dating?
Was [dating partner/spouse] working for pay full-time, part-time, or not at all when you first started dating?
([marital status]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5A]=2)COMMENT: R is married
([R has a prtner in the household]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5A]=3)COMMENT: R is cohabiting
([YSAQ2-298D7B]=1)COMMENT: Dating partner is parent of R's child and was previously asked questions
([YSAQ2-298D5A]=4)COMMENT: R is no longer in relationship with most recent dating partner
Now we would like to know about your relationship with [dating partner/spouse].On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not close at all and 10 is very close, how close do you feel towards [dating partner/spouse]?
null () () null
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means [he/she] does not care about you at all and 10 means [he/she] cares about you a lot, how much do you feel that [dating partner/spouse] cares about you?
Overall, what is your relationship like with [dating partner/spouse]? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no conflict and 10 is a lot of conflict, how would you rate your relationship?
On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely do you think it is that you will still be together with [him/her] in 6 months? 0 means no chance, 5 means 50-50, 10 means 100 percent certain that you and [dating partner/spouse] will be together.
([YSAQ2-298D5B]=1)COMMENT: Check if ever cohabbed
Have you and [dating partner/spouse] ever discussed living together?
([gender of dating partner]=1) AND ([gender]=1)COMMENT: R and dating partner are both male
([gender of dating partner]=2) AND ([gender]=2)COMMENT: R and dating partner are both female
([YSAQ2-298D5C]=1)COMMENT: Check if married
Have you ever discussed marriage with [dating partner/spouse]?
Have you ever discussed long-term commitment or marriage with [dating partner/spouse]?
([YSAQ2-298D5B]=1)COMMENT: Check if cohabbed
Have you ever discussed cohabitation with [dating partner/spouse]?
([ysaq2-705] > -4)COMMENT: dating partner from prior interview
([ysaq2-707] > -4)COMMENT: dating partner from prior interview
When you first started dating [dating partner/spouse] were you dating or going out with that one person, mainly that one person but others as well, or a number of persons?
([YSAQ2-298D5A]=2) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5A]=3) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5B]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-298D7B]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R's last dating partner is now spouse or cohabitant or former cohabitant or parent of R's child
([prev.ysaq2-298d25ab1]=1)COMMENT: R reported having sex with dating partner at DLI
Have you ever had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse]?
([YSAQ2-298D5A]=2) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5A]=3) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5B]=1)COMMENT: R's last dating partner is now spouse or cohabitant or former cohabitant
([prev.ysaq2-298d25ab1]=1)COMMENT: R had sex with dating partner at last interview
Have you ever had a sexual relationship with [dating partner/spouse]?
How many times have you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse]?
Which of these is closest to the number of times you had sexual relations with [dating partner/spouse]?
How often have you and/or [dating partner/spouse] used a method to prevent a sexually transmitted infection?
In what month and year did you first have sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse]?
The first time you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your partner use any birth control method?
At that time did you want a pregnancy?
That first time you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your sexual partner use a condom, either to avoid pregnancy or for some other reason?
Still thinking about that first time that you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your sexual partner use one of these other methods of birth control?
Have you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse] more than once?
These next questions are about your relationship with [dating partner/spouse].
In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse]?
That last time you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your sexual partner use any birth control method?
That last time you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your sexual partner use a condom, to avoid pregnancy or for some other reason?
[YSAQ2-298D33]=3COMMENT: R and partner are unable to have children
Still thinking about that last time that you had sexual intercourse with [dating partner/spouse], did you or your sexual partner use one of these other methods of birth control?
([YSAQ-294A]=1) OR ([YSAQ-291A]=1)COMMENT: R had dated in previous interview
([YSAQ-298D1]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R is married or cohabiting or has a dating partner
([YSAQ-291A] <= 0) OR ([YSAQ-294A] <= 0)COMMENT: R had not dated by DLI, refused or don't know
Have you ever been on a date or "gone out" with someone?
How old were you the FIRST TIME you had been on a date or "gone out" with someone?
(([R had a spouse at dli]=1) AND (([marital status] != 1) AND ([R has a prtner in the household]=0))) OR (([R had a partner at DLI]=1) AND (([R has a prtner in the household]=0) AND ([marital status] != 1))) OR ((([YSAQ2-298D5B]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-298D5C]=1)) AND ([YSAQ2-298D5A]=4))COMMENT: R not currently married or cohabiting but had been in an earlier marriage or cohabitation
Thinking back since the last interview date on [date of last interview], how many times have you had a date or "gone out" with someone?
What is your best estimate of the number of times you have had a date or "gone out" with someone since the last interview?
Thinking back since you broke up with [dating partner/spouse] in [stopdating4], how many times have you had a date or "gone out" with someone?
What is your best estimate of the number of times you have had a date or "gone out" with someone since you broke up with [dating partner/spouse]?
([R had a partner at DLI]=0) AND ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R's cohabiting began after DLI
Thinking back, between the last interview in [date of last interview] and the date you started living with [dating partner/spouse] in [(date)/the time you first started living together], how often had you had a date or "gone out" with someone?
What is your best estimate of the number of times you have had a date or "gone out" with someone between our last interview and when you started living with [dating partner/spouse]?
About how many different persons have you had a date with or gone out with since the last interview on [date of last interview], including anyone you are currently dating?
About how many different persons have you had a date with or gone out with since you broke up with [dating partner/spouse], including anyone you are currently dating?
About how many different persons have you had a date with or gone out with between the last interview on [date of last interview] and the time you started living with [dating partner/spouse]?
We are interested in learning about your sexual experiences and birth control usage in order to analyze the number of children born to people around your age. We realize that this is very sensitive information and thank you for your candid responses to our questions.
([YSAQ-299] <> 1)COMMENT: R has never reported having sex during previous interviews
([YSAQ2-298D25A]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R reported having sex in dating partner or marriage section
Have you ever had sexual intercourse, that is, made love, had sex, or gone all the way with a person of the opposite sex?
Have you had sexual intercourse since the last interview on [date of last interview], that is, made love, had sex, or gone all the way with a person of the opposite sex?
Was [dating partner/spouse] the first person of the opposite sex with whom you had sexual intercourse?
Thinking about the very first time in your life that you had sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex, how old were you?
What month and year was it when you first had sexual intercourse?
How old was your partner at that time?
Where did you have sex that first time that you had sex?
What time of day did you have sex the first time you had sex?
At the time you first had sexual intercourse, how would you describe your relationship with your first sexual partner? Would you say you ...
([YSAQ2-298D38]=1)COMMENT: R's first sex partner was dating partner described in dating section
Is your first sexual partner of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Which of the following is your first sexual partner? Please select all that apply.
Before the first time you had sexual intercourse, did you ever talk with your first sexual partner about using birth control?
INPATH ([YSAQ2-298D27])COMMENT: R was asked first sex questions about dating partner
Did you or your sexual partner use any birth control method, or do anything to avoid pregnancy such as natural family planning, the FIRST TIME YOU HAD SEXUAL INTERCOURSE?
That first time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your sexual partner use a condom, either to avoid pregnancy or for some other reason?
Still thinking about that first time that you had sexual intercourse, did you or your sexual partner use one of these other methods of birth control?
([YSAQ2-298D31]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R reported having had sex more than once with dating partner or is married or cohabbing
Have you had intercourse more than once?
How many partners have you EVER had intercourse with? This includes any person you had intercourse with, even if it was only once, or if you did not know him or her well.
Would you say it was ...
How many PARTNERS have you had sexual intercourse with since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
How many partners have you had sexual intercourse with since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
Since the last interview, have you had sex with someone who was a stranger to you?
Since the last interview, have you had sex with an I-V drug user - a person who takes/shoots street drugs using a needle?
Thinking about any partner you have had intercourse with since the last interview on [date of last interview], about HOW MANY TIMES have you had sexual intercourse since the last interview?
Thinking about ALL THE TIMES that you have had sexual intercourse since the last interview, how many of those times did you or your sexual partner or partners use a condom?
Which of these is closest to the number of times you had sexual intercourse since the last interview?
Thinking about all the times that you have had sexual intercourse since the last interview, about what percent of the time, from 0 to 100, have you or your sexual partner or partners used a condom?
([YSAQ2-308] = [YSAQ2-308M])COMMENT: times having sex equals times having sex with a condom
Thinking about ALL THE TIMES that you have had sexual intercourse since the last interview, how many of those times did you or your sexual partner or partners use any method of birth control, including a condom?
Thinking about all the times that you have had sexual intercourse since the last interview, about what percent of the time, from 0 to 100, have you or your sexual partner or partners used any method of birth control, including a condom?
Still thinking about birth control you used since the last interview, which one of these methods did you or your partner use most often, either with or without a condom?
About how many times have you had sexual intercourse in the past four weeks?Enter number:
(([total partners]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-305]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-306]=1) OR ([YSAQ2-307]=1)) AND (([YSAQ2-298D25A]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1))COMMENT: If R had only one partner and is married, cohabbing, or had dating partner with whom s/he had sex
([YSAQ2-298D25A]=1) OR ([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R reported having sexual intercourse with dating partner or is married or cohabbing
Was [dating partner/spouse] the last person you had sexual intercourse with?
In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse?Enter month and year:
At that time how old was the person you last had sexual intercourse with?Age:
Is that person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Which of the following is that person? Please select all that apply.
What is the highest grade or year of school that person has completed?
At that time was that person working for pay?
At that time was that person enrolled in school?
That last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your sexual partner use any birth control method?
That last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your sexual partner use a condom, either to avoid pregnancy or for some other reason?
Still thinking about that last time that you had sexual intercourse, did you or your sexual partner use one of these other methods of birth control?
([YSAQ-299] > 0) AND ([firstsex]=0) AND ([last round interviewed] < 6)COMMENT: respondent had sexual intercourse by DLI but has not yet received the first sex questions and did not complete R6 interview
These questions are about the first time that you ever had sexual intercourse. Please think back to that time, which may have been a couple of years ago.
In what month and year did you first have sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex?Enter date:
Thinking about the first time that you had sexual intercourse, how old was your partner at that time?Enter age:
Where did you have sex that first time you had sex?
At the first time you had sexual intercourse, how would you describe your relationship with your first sexual partner? Would you say you
([YSAQ-314] < 0)COMMENT: R answered refused/don't know ever pregnant by DLI - R is going through questions for first time
Have you ever been pregnant? (Consider all pregnancies even if no child was born).
Have you been pregnant since the last interview? (Consider all pregnancies, even if no child was born, as well as any pregnancy that was current at the time of the last interview).
Are you pregnant now?
How many weeks along are you in your pregnancy?
What month did your most recent period begin?
What day did your most recent period begin?
What year did your most recent period begin?
([YSAQ2-317]=-2 OR [YSAQ2-318]=-2 OR [YSAQ2-319]=-2)COMMENT: R did not know month, day or year first menstrual cycle began
About how many weeks ago did your most recent period begin?
([YSAQ-314] < 0)COMMENT: R is going through questions for first time
Not counting a current pregnancy, how many times have you been pregnant? (Please include pregnancies that did not result in live births.)
Now we would like to know about the outcomes of your previous pregnancies. How many of your pregnancies have resulted in children born alive to you?
How many of your pregnancies were not live births, that is, they ended in a stillbirth, a miscarriage or an abortion?
Not counting a current pregnancy, how many times have you been pregnant since the last interview date on [date of last interview]? (Please include pregnancies that did not result in live births, as well as a pregnancy that was current at the time of the last interview.)
Now we would like to know about the outcomes of your previous pregnancies since the last interview. How many of these pregnancies have resulted in children born alive to you?
Since the last interview, how many of your pregnancies were not live births, that is, they ended in a stillbirth, a miscarriage or an abortion?
REPEAT ([not live birth(s)])COMMENT: Pregnancy loop
([not live birth(s)]=1)COMMENT: this is the first time through the loop
In which month did you have the first stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion, that is, when did the pregnancy end?
In which year did you have the first stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion, that is, when did the pregnancy end?
([YSAQ2-329()]=-2) OR ([YSAQ2-330()]=-2)COMMENT: R did not know month or year pregnancy ended
In which month did you have the next stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion, that is, when did the pregnancy end?
In what year did you have the next stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion, that is, when did the pregnancy end?
([YSAQ2-332()]=-2) or ([YSAQ2-333()]=-2)COMMENT: Month or year pregnancy ended is don't know
How old were you when the stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion occurred?
How many months pregnant were you at the time the pregnancy ended?
What was the outcome of the pregnancy? Was it a
UNTIL ([not live birth(s)],([not live birth(s)] = [not live birth]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Pregnancy loop
([gender]=1)COMMENT: R is male
([YSAQ-340] < 0)COMMENT: R is male and going through pregnancy questions for the first time
Have you ever gotten someone pregnant?
Since the last interview, have you gotten someone pregnant or found out that you've gotten someone pregnant?
How old were you the first time you got someone pregnant?
Is anyone currently pregnant with your child?
Not counting any current pregnancies, how many different women have you gotten pregnant in total?
Counting all of the pregnancies these women have had by you, but not counting current pregnancies, how many pregnancies in total have there been?
How many of these pregnancies led to a live birth?
How many of these pregnancies ended in abortion?
Thank you!You have reached the end of the second Self-Administered Section in this interview. Please press the Continue button to go to the next screen.
Thank you for answering these questions.Please give the computer back to the interviewer for the rest of the interview.
REPEAT ([saq2passwordloop])
UNTIL ([saq2passwordloop], ([saq2pass]=1))