([needchr]=1)COMMENT: R is slated to get questions in this section
(HAND R SHOWCARD XX)These next questions are about your life while you were growing up. First, I want to review which parents, grandparents or parent figures you lived with as a child. This card lists the parents and grandparents that I will be asking about.
([parentsum] > 2)COMMENT: This determines whether two parents have been identified
(HAND R SHOWCARD XX)Our records indicate that when we first talked to you on [date of first interview], you were [key.agedfi] years old, and you were [living with your (parent)] [living with your (parent)].
(HAND R SHOWCARD XX)Our records indicate that when we first talked to you on [date of first interview], you were [key.agedfi] years old, and you were living with:[biomomchr.txt][biodadchr.txt][your adoptive motheryou][your adoptive father][stepmomchr.txt][stepdadchr.txt][grandmomchr.txt][granddadchr.txt][fostermomchr.txt][fosterdadchr.txt][noparfigchr.txt].and no other parents or grandparents listed on the card.
(HAND R SHOWCARD XX)Which of these parents or grandparents were you living with in [dofi4]?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
Did you live with someone else who was like a parent figure to you?
What was your relationship to the parent figure you lived with?
Which of the following best describes the place you were living in? Were you...(INTERVIEWER READ CATEGORIES AND INDICATE THAT ONE THAT APPLIES)
([rev.biomomchr]=1) AND ([rev.biodadchr]=1)COMMENT: R lived with both biological parents at first interview
Prior to [date of first interview], did you always live with both of your biological parents?
Prior to [date of first interview] did you ever live apart from at least one of your biological parents for a period of six months or more?
Think about times when you were growing up when there was a change in the parents, grandparents or parent figures that you were living with. For example, you or one of your parents may have moved out of the house, or one of you might have moved into the house after being away or because of getting married. Please tell me about changes in who you were living with that lasted for six months or more.
Let's start at the beginning. Just after you were born, did you live with both your biological parents?
(HAND R SHOWCARD XX)What parents or grandparents were you living with just after you were born?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
Which of the following best describes the place you were living in? Were you...
What parents or parent figures were you living with at the earliest point you can remember?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
How old were you when you first lived [livingsit.txt]?
INLIST ([YCHR-480],1)COMMENT: R lived with bio mother just after birth
At the time of your birth, was your biological mother...
INLIST ([YCHR-480],2)COMMENT: R lived with bio father just after birth
At the time of your birth, where was your biological father...
At the time of your birth, was you biological father...
At the time of your birth, where was your biological mother...
REPEAT ([ychr-loop1])COMMENT: Updates of all parent/parent figures variable equal R1 status
([ychr-loop1]=1)COMMENT: this is the first time through the loop
(([prebiomomchr]=[rev.biomomchr]) AND ([prebiodadchr]=[rev.biodadchr]) AND ([preadoptmomchr]=[rev.adoptmomchr]) AND ([preadoptdadchr]=[rev.adoptmomchr]) AND ([prestepmomchr]=[rev.stepmomchr]) AND ([prestepdadchr]=[rev.stepdadchr]) AND ([pregrandmomchr]=[rev.grandmomchr]) AND ([pregranddadchr]=[rev.granddadchr]) AND ([prefostermomchr]=[rev.fostermomchr]) AND ([prefosterdadchr]=[rev.fosterdadchr]) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=[rev.noparfigchr]))COMMENT: Updates of all parent/parent figures variable equal R1 status
(([prebiomomchr]=[rev.biomomchr]) AND ([prebiodadchr]=[rev.biodadchr]) AND ([preadoptmomchr]=[rev.adoptmomchr]) AND ([preadoptdadchr]=[rev.adoptdadchr]) AND ([prestepmomchr]=[rev.stepmomchr]) AND ([prestepdadchr]=[rev.stepdadchr]) AND([pregrandmomchr]=[rev.grandmomchr]) AND ([pregranddadchr]=[rev.granddadchr]) AND([prefostermomchr]=[rev.fostermomchr]) AND ([prefosterdadchr]=[rev.fosterdadchr]) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=[rev.noparfigchr]))COMMENT: Updates of all parent/parent figures variable equal R1 status
Between that time and our first interview in [dofi4], did you live with a different combination of parents, grandparents or parent figures for a period of six months or more?
How old were you when you [first/next] had a change in which parents, grandparents or parent figures you were living with?
([YCHR-565([ychr-loop1])] < 0)COMMENT: R answered DK or RF to YCHR-565
([YCHR-565([ychr-loop1])] = 1)COMMENT: R says living situation never changed
INPATH ([YCHR-150])COMMENT: R answered YCHR-150, first interview parent situation update
[num-parents]COMMENT: number of parents
([parchange]=1)COMMENT: R answered YCHR-580, change of parent combo
[num-parents1]COMMENT: number of parents
Our records show that at your first interview you were [rev.ychr-parent1.txt] [rev.ychr-parent2.txt].Now I have recorded that starting [atbirth/atage] you were living with [preychr-parent1.txt] [preychr-parent2.txt] and that your living situation didn't change between that time and our first interview. Which of our records is correct?
Our records show that at your first interview you were living with:[rev.biomomchr.txt][rev.biodadchr.txt][rev.adoptmomchr.txt][rev.adoptdadchr.txt][rev.stepmomchr.txt][rev.stepdadchr.txt][rev.grandmomchr.txt][rev.granddadchr.txt][rev.fostermomchr.txt][rev.fosterdadchr.txt][rev.noparfigchr.txt].Now I have recorded that starting [atbirth/atage] you were living with:[prebothbiopar.txt][prebiomomchr.txt][prebiodadchr.txt][preadoptmomchr.txt][preadoptdadchr.txt][prestepmomchr.txt][prestepdadchr.txt][pregrandmomchr.txt][pregranddadchr.txt][prefostermomchr.txt][prefosterdadchr.txt][prenoparfigchr.txt] and that your living situation didn't change between that time and our first interview. Which of our records is correct?
About how old were you when you [first/next] had a change in which parents, grandparents or parent figures you were living with? Please report changes that lasted at least six months.
With that change, what parents, grandparents or parent figures were you living with?
([prenoparfigchr] = 1)COMMENT: R said does not live with parents/parent figures
Which of the following best describes the place you were living in? Were you...(INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES AND INDICATE THAT ONE THAT APPLIES.)
([ychr-loop1] = 1)COMMENT: This is the first time through the loop
(([prebiomomchr]=1) AND ([prebiomomchr]=0) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=0))COMMENT: biological mom present prior to change but left after, R did not stop living with parent figures
(([preadoptmomchr]=1) AND ([preadoptmomchr]=0) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=0))COMMENT: adoptive mom present prior to change but left after, R did not stop living with parent figures
What is the main reason that you stopped living with your biological mother at that time?
What is the main reason that you stopped living with your adoptive mother at that time?
(([prebiodadchr]=1) AND ([prebiodadchr]=0) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=0))COMMENT: biological dad present prior to change but left after, R did not stop living with parent figures
(([preadoptdadchr]=1) AND ([preadoptdadchr]=0) AND ([prenoparfigchr]=0))COMMENT: adoptive dad present prior to change but left after, R did not stop living with parent figures
What is the main reason that you stopped living with your biological father at that time?
What is the main reason that you stopped living with your adoptive father at that time?
(([prebiomomchr]=0) AND ([prebiomomchr]=1))COMMENT: biological mom absent prior to change but returned after
(([preadoptmomchr]=0) AND ([preadoptmomchr]=1))COMMENT: adoptive mom absent prior to change but returned after
What is the main reason that you began living with your biological mother at that time?
What is the main reason that you began living with your adoptive mother at that time?
(([prebiodadchr]=0) AND ([prebiodadchr]=1))COMMENT: biological dad absent prior to change but returned after
(([preadoptdadchr]=0) AND ([preadoptdadchr]=1))COMMENT: adoptive dad absent prior to change but returned after
What is the main reason that you began living with your biological father at that time?
What is the main reason that you began living with your adoptive father at that time?
UNTIL ([ychr-loop1], (([diffcombo] = 0) OR ([diffcombo] = -1) OR ([diffcombo] = -2) OR ([recwrong] = 2) OR ([recwrong] = -1) OR ([recwrong] = -2) OR ([ychr-loop1] = 4)))
([recwrong] = -1) OR ([recwrong] = -2)COMMENT: Identifies non-DK/RFs
([retrotrip1] = 1) OR ([retrotrip2]=1)COMMENT: Identifies non-DK/RFs
When we interviewed you on [date of first interview], you were [rev.ychr-parent1.txt] [rev.ychr-parent2.txt].How long had you been living with that combination of parents or parent figures?ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS:
When we interviewed you on [date of first interview], you were living with:[rev.biomomchr.txt][rev.biodadchr.txt][rev.adoptmomchr.txt][rev.adoptdadchr.txt][rev.stepmomchr.txt][rev.stepdadchr.txt][rev.grandmomchr.txt][rev.granddadchr.txt][rev.fostermomchr.txt][rev.fosterdadchr.txt][rev.noparfigchr.txt].How long had you been living with that combination of parents or parent figures?ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS:
Between when you were born and [date of first interview] when we first interviewed you, how many years total did you live with your [bioadopt] mother.(INTERVIEWER: IF R LIVED WITH PARENT FOR 6 - 12 MONTHS, ENTER 1 YEAR, IF R LIVED WITH PARENT FOR LESS THAN 6 MONTHS, ENTER 0.)ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS:
Between when you were born and [date of first interview] when we first interviewed you, how many years total did you live with your [bioadopt] father.(INTERVIEWER: IF R LIVED WITH PARENT FOR 6 - 12 MONTHS, ENTER 1 YEAR, IF R LIVED WITH PARENT FOR LESS THAN 6 MONTHS, ENTER 0.)ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS:
([last round interviewed] = 6)COMMENT: R completed R6
I have a few questions about your childhood and about your parents' background.
([R's parent was interviewed]=0) OR ([R is adopted]=1)COMMENT: R had no parent interview or is adopted
([R's parent was interviewed]=1) AND ([R is adopted]=1)COMMENT: R had parent interview and is adopted
Now please think about where you were living -- the house, apartment or other type of residence. When we first talked to you you were living at [R's address at first interview]. About how old were you when you moved to that address?
(About how old were you when you moved to that address?)
Please think about all the different places where you lived when you were young. In about how many different places total had you lived before you moved to that address?
Would you say it was...
While you were growing up, did anyone you lived with speak a language other than English at home?
What language(s) did people speak in your home?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R is adopted]=1)COMMENT: R was adopted at birth and knows it
Was your biological mother born in the United States?
In which country was she born?
Was your biological father born in the United States?
In which country was he born?
Let's talk a little bit about your adoptive mother. What is the highest educational degree your adoptive mother received?
Let's talk a little bit about your adoptive father. What is the highest educational degree your adoptive father received?
Do you know anything about your biological mother?
What is the highest educational degree your biological mother received?
([R is adopted]=1)COMMENT: R was adopted at birth
Do you know anything about your biological father?
What is the highest educational degree your biological father received?
([R's parent was interviewed]=1)COMMENT: R has completed parent interview
Now I have some questions about times you may have repeated or skipped a grade. When we first talked, you were [R's grade at first interview]. Had you ever repeated a grade before that time?
Which grade(s)?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
Before our first interview, had you ever skipped ahead a grade?
REPEAT ([ychr-loop2])
Tell me about the [first/next] time you skipped a grade. Which grade were you in before the skip?
Which grade were you skipped into?
Were you skipped ahead again?
UNTIL ([ychr-loop2], ([skipped] = 0))