SYMBOLEXIST ([ysaqdone])COMMENT: R already answered the SAQ section
([saqpassword] ="dolphins")
(INTERVIEWER: IT IS NOW TIME TO ADMINISTER THE AUDIO CASI SECTION OF THE INTERVIEW. PLEASE INSERT THE HEADPHONE INTO THE LAPTOP AND THEN READ THIS INTRODUCTION TO THE RESPONDENT:) This part of the interview is different from the previous parts. In the previous parts I read you the questions and recorded your answers. For this section you will hear the question through the headphones while you read the question on the computer screen. You may remember how this works. We have one practice question. (INTERVIEWER: TURN LAPTOP AROUND AND HAND RESPONDENT THE HEADPHONES.)
Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Approximately what is your height?
Approximately what is your weight?
([age as of 12/31/96] < 13)COMMENT: R was born 1984
([R lives with mother]=1)COMMENT: R lives with biological mother
([R's biological mother is alive]=0)COMMENT: Bio-mother is deceased - from HHI
([nocontactbiomother]=1)COMMENT: Respondent has had no contact with biological mother since 12 months before Round 1 interview
Let's begin with some questions about contact you may have had with parents you don't live with.
([R has lived with bio mother since dli]=1)COMMENT: R has lived with bio-mother since DLI - From HHI
Have you had any contact with your biological mother since our last interview on [date of last interview]?
Thinking about the months you didn't live with your mother since [date of last interview], did you have any contact with her during that time?
How long has it been since you had contact with your biological mother, including face to face contact, a phone call, or a card or letter? Was it a month or more ago or less than a month?
How many months ago?
Was it a week or more ago or less than a week?
How many weeks ago?
Was it a day or more ago or was it today?
How many days ago?
Thinking only about the time since the last interview when you were living apart...
How many times have you received a card, letter, or phone call from your biological mother?
How many times have YOU contacted or tried to contact your biological mother, either by mail or phone?
How many times have you visited your biological mother either at her house, your house, or somewhere else WITHOUT spending the night?
Thinking only about the time since the last interview, when you were living apart, did you ever stay overnight at your biological mother's house?
About how many nights since the last interview did you stay over at your biological mother's house when you were living apart? Think about visits at holidays, during vacations and other times like weekends.
([R lives with mother]=3) or ([R lives with mother]=5)COMMENT: R lives with adoptive mom or adoptive stepmother
([adoptive mother deceased] = "Y") OR ([adoptive mother deceased] = "y")COMMENT: R's adoptive mom is deceased
([R has lived with adoptive mother since dli] = 1)COMMENT: R has lived with adoptive mom since DLI
Do you have an adoptive mother, or a stepmother who adopted you?
Now I'm going to ask about your adoptive mother.
Have you had any contact with your adoptive mother since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
Thinking about the months you didn't live with your adoptive mother since the last interview on [date of last interview], did you have any contact with her during that time?
How long has it been since you had contact with your adoptive mother, including face to face contact, a phone call, or a card or letter? Was it a month or more ago or less than a month?
Thinking only about times since the last interview when you weren't living with her ...
How many times have you received a card, letter, or phone call from your adoptive mother?
How many times have YOU contacted or tried to contact your adoptive mother, either by mail or phone?
How many times have you visited your adoptive mother either at her house, your house, or somewhere else WITHOUT spending the night?
Thinking only about times since the last interview when you weren't living with her, did you ever stay overnight at your adoptive mother's house?
About how many nights since the last interview did you stay over at your adoptive mother's house when you were living apart? Think about visits at holidays, during vacations and other times like weekends.
([R lives with father]=1)COMMENT: R lives with biological father
([R's biological father is alive] = 0)COMMENT: R's bio-dad is deceased
Now I am going to ask about your biological father.
([R has lived with bio father since dli]=1)COMMENT: R has lived with bio-dad since DLI
Have you had any contact with your biological father since our last interview on [date of last interview]?
Thinking about the months you didn't live with your father since [date of last interview], did you have any contact with him during that time?
How long has it been since you had contact with your biological father, including face to face contact, a phone call, or a card or letter? Was it a month or more ago or less than a month?
Thinking only about times since the last interview when you weren't living with him ...
How many times have you received a card, letter, or phone call from your biological father?
How many times have YOU contacted or tried to contact your biological father, either by mail or phone?
How many times have you visited your biological father either at his house, your house, or somewhere else WITHOUT spending the night?
Thinking only about the time since the last interview when you weren't living with him, did you ever stay overnight at your biological father's house?
About how many nights since the last interview did you stay over at your biological father's house when you were living apart? Think about visits at holidays, during vacations and other times like weekends.
([R lives with father]=3) or ([R lives with father]=5)COMMENT: R lives with adoptive father or adoptive stepfather
([adoptive father deceased] = "Y") OR ([adoptive father deceased] = "y")COMMENT: R's adoptive father or adoptive stepfather is deceased
([R has lived with adoptive father since dli] = 1)COMMENT: R has lived with adoptive father or adoptive stepfather since DLI -from HHI
Do you have an adoptive father or a stepfather who adopted you?
Now I'm going to ask you about your adoptive father.
Have you had any contact with your adoptive father since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
How long has it been since you had contact with your adoptive father, including face to face contact, a phone call, or a card or letter? Was it a month or more ago or less than a month?
Thinking only about times since the last interview when you weren't living with him...
How many times have you received a card, a letter, or phone call from your adoptive father?
How many times have YOU contacted or tried to contact your adoptive father, either by mail or phone?
How many times have you visited your adoptive father either at his house, your house, or somewhere else WITHOUT spending the night?
Thinking only about the times since the last interview when you weren't living with him, have you stayed overnight at your adoptive father's house?
About how many nights since the last interview did you stay over at your adoptive father's house when you were living apart? Think about visits at holidays, during vacations and other times like weekends.
([current survey round] = 4)COMMENT: this is round 4
(([R lives with mother] > 0) and ([R lives with father] > 0))COMMENT: R lives with a mother or mother figure and a father or father figure
Now we are going to mention some ways men and women sometimes act toward each other. The following questions refer to the parents or parent figures with whom you are currently living. For many young people, these parent figures are also their biological parents. First we will ask you questions about how your mother or mother figure acts toward your father or father figure. Then we will ask you the same questions about how your father or father figure acts toward your mother or mother figure.
To begin, please tell us how often your mother (figure) acts toward your father (figure) in the following ways.
Is she fair and willing to compromise when they disagree?
Does she scream or yell at him when she is angry?
Does she express affection or love for him?
Does she insult or criticize him or his ideas?
Does she encourage or help him do things that are important to him?
Does she blame him for her problems?
Now, tell us how often your father or father figure acts toward your mother or mother figure in the following ways. Tell us if he acts this way toward her never, rarely, sometimes, usually, or always.
Is he fair and willing to compromise when they disagree?
Does he scream or yell at her when he is angry?
Does he express affection or love for her?
Does he insult or criticize her or her ideas?
Does he encourage or help her do things that are important to her?
Does he blame her for his problems?
([age as of 12/31/96] >= 13)COMMENT: R was born in 1980, 1981, 1982, or 1983
REPEAT ([biological mother/father, mother/father figure])
([biological mother/father, mother/father figure])COMMENT: loop counter
([R's biological mother is alive] = 1) and ([nocontactbiomother]=0)COMMENT: R's biological mother is alive and she has been in contact with R since Round 1
Is there [a/another] person who is a "mother figure", or like a mother to you?
What is your mother figure's relationship to you? If there is more than one woman who is like a mother to you, please describe the one you feel closest to.
Are you currently living with her?
([R's biological father is alive] = 1) and ([nocontactbiofather]=0)COMMENT: R's biological father is alive and he has been in contact with R since Round 1
Is there [a/another] person who is a "father figure", or like a father to you?
What is your father figure's relationship to you? If more than one man is like a father to you, please describe the one you feel closest to.
Are you currently living with him?
([ysaqparentintro](1)=1) OR ([ysaqparentintro](2)=1) OR ([ysaqparentintro](3)=1)COMMENT: The intro has already been read for this section
These next questions are about the kinds of things you and your parents talk about.
([R lives with mother] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with biological mother
([R lives with father] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with biological father
([livewmothfig] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with mother figure
([livewfathfig] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with father figure
In a typical month, how often do you communicate (email, phone, mail, or face to face) with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?
When you think about how your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] acts towards you, in general, would you say [he/she] is very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not very supportive?
Since the last interview, how often have you asked your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] advice or help on education, training, or job decisions?
Since the last interview, how often have you asked your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] advice or help on friendships or close personal relationships?
UNTIL ([biological mother/father, mother/father figure],([biological mother/father, mother/father figure] = 4))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? SAQ parent loop
When you think about how your mother acts toward you, in general, would you say she is very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not very supportive?
When you think about how your father acts toward you, in general, would you say he is very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not very supportive?
Is there a person who is a "mother figure", or like a mother to you?
When you think about how your mother figure acts toward you, in general, would you say she is very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not very supportive?
Is there a person who is a "father figure", or like a father to you?
When you think about how your father figure acts toward you, in general, would you say he is very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not very supportive?
(([R's biological mother is alive] = 1) and ([R's biological father is alive] = 1))COMMENT: R's biological mother and biological father are living
(([R lives with father] = 1) and ([R lives with mother] = 1))COMMENT: R lives with biological mother and biological father
Now we are going to mention some ways men and women sometimes act toward each other.
Now think about the current circumstances between your natural or biological mother and father. Since the last interview, about how many times have your natural or biological parents spoken with each other, either face-to-face or on the phone. Would you say...
Overall, would you say the behavior of your biological mother toward your biological father is...
Overall, would you say the behavior of your biological father toward your biological mother is...
Now please think about everyone you know, including friends, family, and other people you may have met at school, work, or somewhere else. If you had an emotional problem or personal relationship problem, who would you first turn to for help? Would you first turn to...
And now a question about your religious background. In the past 12 months, how often have you attended a worship service (like a church or synagogue service, or a service at a mosque?)
The following statements describe the way some people may feel about religion and religious practices. After each statement, please indicate whether you believe each statement to be True or False.
I don't need religion to have good values.
The Bible/Koran/Torah/religious teachings should be obeyed exactly as written in every situation.
I often ask God to help me make decisions.
God has nothing to do with what happens to me personally.
I pray more than once a day.
([age as of 12/31/96] <= 14)COMMENT: R was born in 1982, 1983, or 1984
Please use this list of common human traits to describe yourself as accurately as possible. Describe yourself as you see yourself at the present time, not as you wish you might be in the future. Describe yourself as you are generally or typically, as compared with other persons you know of the same sex and of roughly the same age.
How much do you feel that disorganized describes you as a person? Where 1 means organized and 5 means disorganized.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (organized) (disorganized) null
How much do you feel that conscientious describes you as a person? Where 1 means not conscientious and 5 means conscientious.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (not conscientious) (conscientious) null
How much do you feel that undependable describes you as a person? Where 1 means dependable and 5 means undependable.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (dependable) (undependable) null
How much do you feel that thorough describes you as a person? Where 1 means careless and 5 means thorough.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (careless) (thorough) null
How much do you feel that agreeable describes you as a person? Where 1 means quarrelsome and 5 means agreeable.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (quarrelsome) (agreeable) null
How much do you feel that difficult describes you as a person? Where 1 means cooperative and 5 means difficult.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (cooperative) (difficult) null
How much do you feel that stubborn describes you as a person? Where 1 means flexible and 5 means stubborn.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (flexible) (stubborn) null
How much do you feel that trustful describes you as a person? Where 1 means distrustful and 5 means trustful.NOTE: THE SLIDER BAR MUST BE MOVED TO ACTIVATE THE QUESTION EVEN IF YOU WISH TO SELECT "3".
null (distrustful) (trustful) null
The next questions ask about how often you felt things during the past month. For each statement, please indicate whether you have felt this way all, most, some or none of the time.
How much of the time during the last month have you been a very nervous person?
How much of the time during the last month have you felt calm and peaceful?
How much of the time during the last month have you felt downhearted and blue?
How much of the time during the last month have you been a happy person?
How much of the time during the last month have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up?
Now we would like to ask you a few questions about smoking habits.
([YSAQ-359] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about smoking at DLI
([YSAQ-359] = 0)COMMENT: R had never smoked as of DLI
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
([YSAQ-360] <0)COMMENT: R did not answer or answered refused/don't know age started smoking at DLI
How old were you when you smoked your first cigarette?
Have you smoked a cigarette since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke a cigarette?
When you smoked a cigarette during the past 30 days, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke each day?
Next we would like to ask you some questions about drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine or liquor.
([YSAQ-363] <0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about alcohol at DLI
([YSAQ-363] = 0)COMMENT: R hadn't used alcohol as of DLI
Have you ever had a drink of an alcoholic beverage? (By a drink we mean a can or bottle of beer, a glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a shot of liquor. Do not include childhood sips that you might have had from an older person's drink.)
([YSAQ-364] <=0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about age started drinking alcohol at DLI
How old were you the first time you had a glass of beer or wine or a drink of liquor such as whiskey, gin, scotch, etc?
Have you had a drink of an alcoholic beverage since the last interview on [date of last interview]? (By a drink we mean a can or bottle of beer, a glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a shot of liquor.)
During the last 30 days, on how many days did you have one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage?
In the past 30 days, on the days you drank alcohol, about how many drinks did you usually have?
On how many days did you have five or more drinks on the same occasion during the past 30 days? By occasion we mean at the same time or within hours of each other.
In the LAST 30 DAYS, how many days have you had something alcoholic to drink, such as beer, wine or hard liquor, right before or during school or work hours?
([YSAQ-369] <0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about using marijuana at DLI
([YSAQ-369] = 0)COMMENT: R had not used marijuana as of DLI
Have you ever used marijuana, for example: grass or pot, in your lifetime?
([YSAQ-370] <= 0)COMMENT: check if youth didn't answer questions about age first used marijuana
How old were you when you first used marijuana?
Since the date of last interview, have you used marijuana, even if only once, for example: grass or pot?
On how many days have you used marijuana in the last 30 days?
In the last 30 days, how many times have you used marijuana right before or during school or work hours?
Next we would like to ask you some questions about drug use.
([YSAQ-372B] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about ever using cocaine/hard drugs at DLI
([YSAQ-372B] = 0)COMMENT: R had not used cocaine/hard drugs as of DLI
Excluding marijuana and alcohol, have you ever used any drugs like cocaine or crack or heroin, or any other substance not prescribed by a doctor, in order to get high or to achieve an altered state?
([YSAQ-372C] <= 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about age started using cocaine/crack
How old were you when you first used a drug such as crack or cocaine or heroin or some other substance?
Excluding marijuana and alcohol, since the date of last interview, have you used any drugs like cocaine or crack or heroin, or any other substance not prescribed by a doctor, in order to get high or to achieve an altered state?
Since the date of last interview, how many times would you estimate that you took this drug or other substance?
In the last 30 days, how many times, if any, did you use this drug or other substance right before school or during school or work hours?
How do you describe your weight?
Which of the following are you trying to do now about your weight?
([parent/guardian]=0) OR ([age at DLI] >=17)COMMENT: R is over 17 as of DLI or not living with any parents
([YSAQ-375] <0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about running away at DLI
([YSAQ-375] = 0)COMMENT: R had not run away as of DLI
Have you ever run away, that is, left home and stayed away at least overnight without your parent's prior knowledge or permission?
How many times have you run away?
([YSAQ-377] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about age first ran away
How old were you the first time you ran away?
Have you run away, that is, left home and stayed away at least overnight without your parent's prior knowledge or permission since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
How many times have you run away since the last interview?
([YSAQ-378] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about carrying a gun at DLI
([YSAQ-378] = 0)COMMENT: R had never carried a handgun as of DLI
Have you ever carried a hand gun? When we say hand gun, we mean any firearm other than a rifle or shotgun.
([YSAQ-379] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about age first carried a hand gun at DLI
How old were you when you first carried a hand gun?
Have you carried a hand gun since the last interview on [date of last interview]? When we say hand gun, we mean any firearm other than a rifle or shotgun.
How many days have you carried a hand gun in the last 30 days?
In the last 30 days, did you carry the hand gun to school?
Are there any gangs in your neighborhood or where you go to school? By gangs, we mean a group that hangs out together, wears gang colors or clothes, has set clear boundaries of its territory or turf, and protects its members and turf against other rival gangs through fighting or threats.
Do any of your brothers, sisters, cousins or friends belong to a gang?
([prev.ysaq-385] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about belonging to a gang at DLI
([prev.ysaq-385] = 0)COMMENT: R had never belonged in a gang as of DLI
Have you ever belonged to a gang?
([YSAQ-386] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about age first belonged to a gang at DLI
How old were you when you first joined a gang?
Have you been a member of a gang since the last interview date on [date of last interview]?
([YSAQ-385] = 1)COMMENT: R has ever belonged to a gang
How old were you when you last belonged to a gang?
Now we would like to ask you about some different activities you may or may not have been involved in.
([YSAQ-389] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about destroying property at DLI
Have you ever purposely damaged or destroyed property that did not belong to you?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you purposely damaged or destroyed property that did not belong to you?
([YSAQ-390] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about ever stealing something less than fifty dollars
Have you ever stolen something from a store or something that did not belong to you worth less than 50 dollars?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you stolen something from a store or something that did not belong to you worth less than 50 dollars?
([YSAQ-391] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about ever stealing something worth more than fifty dollars
Have you ever stolen something from a store, person or house, or something that did not belong to you worth 50 dollars or more, including stealing a car?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you stolen something from a store, person or house, or something that did not belong to you worth 50 dollars or more including stealing a car?
([YSAQ-392] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about other property crimes
Have you ever committed other property crimes such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property, or cheated someone by selling them something that was worthless or worth much less than what you said it was?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you committed other property crimes such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property, or cheated someone by selling them something that was worthless or worth much less than what you said it was?
([YSAQ-393] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about ever attacking someone
Have you ever attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting them or have had a situation end up in a serious fight or assault of some kind?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting them or have had a situation end up in a serious fight or assault of some kind?
([YSAQ-394] < 0)COMMENT: R didn't answer or answered refused/don't know about ever selling drugs
Have you ever sold or helped to sell marijuana (pot, grass), hashish (hash) or other hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine or LSD?
Since the last interview on [date of last interview], have you sold or helped to sell marijuana (pot, grass), hashish (hash) or other hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine or LSD?
([YSAQ-389c]=1) OR ([YSAQ-389d]=1)COMMENT: R purposely damaged or destroyed property
You indicated earlier that you had purposely damaged or destroyed property that did not belong to you. How many times have you purposely damaged or destroyed property that did not belong to you since the last interview?
Was it 3 or more times?
([YSAQ-390] = 1) OR ([YSAQ-390b] = 1)COMMENT: R has stolen something worth less than 50 dollars
You indicated earlier that you had stolen something from a store or something that did not belong to you worth less than 50 dollars. Did you take something from a store without paying for it?
Did you snatch someone's purse or wallet or pick someone's pocket?
Did you go into a locked house or building to steal something?
Did you use a weapon to steal something?
How many times have you stolen something from a store or something that did not belong to you worth less than 50 dollars since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
([YSAQ-391] = 1) OR ([YSAQ-391b] = 1)COMMENT: R has stolen something worth more than 50 dollars
You indicated earlier that you had stolen something from a store, person or house, or something that did not belong to you worth 50 dollars or more including a car. Did you take something from a store without paying for it?
Did you steal a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle for your own use or to sell it?
How many times have you stolen something from a store, person or house, or something that did not belong to you worth 50 dollars or more including stealing a car since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
In the year 2001, what was the amount of cash you received for the items you stole or would have received if you had sold them?
Would you say it was ...
([YSAQ-392] = 1) OR ([YSAQ-392b] = 1)COMMENT: R has committed other property crimes
You indicated earlier that you had committed other property crimes such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property, or cheating someone by selling them something that was worthless or worth much less than what you said. How many times have you committed other property crimes since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
In 2001, what was your total cash income from other property crimes such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property?
([YSAQ-393]=1) OR ([YSAQ-393b]=1)COMMENT: R has attacked someone
You indicated earlier that you attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting them or have had a situation end up in a serious fight or assault of some kind. How many times have you attacked someone or have had a situation end up in a serious fight or assault of some kind since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
([YSAQ-394]=1) OR ([YSAQ-394b]=1)COMMENT: R has sold drugs
You indicated earlier that you had sold or helped to sell marijuana, hashish, or other hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or LSD. Did you sell marijuana or hashish, that is pot, grass, or hash?
Did you sell or help to sell hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, LSD or other drugs?
How many times have you sold or helped to sell marijuana, hashish or other hard drugs since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
In 2001, about how much cash income did you make from selling or helping to sell marijuana, cocaine or other drugs?
([prev.ysaq-497]=1)COMMENT: R was in a corrections facility at dli
Since [date of last interview], what year were you first released from a corrections facility, including an adult or juvenile institution or reform or training school?
What month were you first released from a corrections facility since [date of last interview]?
([prev.ysaq-502]=1)COMMENT: R was performing community service at dli
Since [date of last interview], what year did you first complete a sentence to perform community service?
What month did you first complete community service since [date of last interview]?
([prev.ysaq-506B]=1)COMMENT: R was on probation at dli
Since [date of last interview], what year did you first stop being on probation?
What month did you first stop being on probation since [date of last interview]?
([YSAQ-439] < 0)COMMENT: R did not answer questions about being arrested at DLI
Have you ever been arrested by the police or taken into custody for an illegal or delinquent offense (do not include arrests for minor traffic violations)?
In total, how many times have you been arrested?
Since the date of last interview on [date of last interview], have you been arrested by the police or taken into custody for an illegal or delinquent offense (do not include arrests for minor traffic violations)?
([YSAQ-439b] = 1)COMMENT: R answered "yes" to YSAQ-439B
(([YSAQ-441] = 0) AND ([prev.ever.arrest] = 1))COMMENT: R has not been arrested since DLI and R had ever been arrested prior to DLI
In total, how many times have you been arrested since the last interview on [date of last interview]?
REPEAT ([number of arrests])COMMENT: Arrests loop
([number of arrests]=1)COMMENT: This is the first time through the arrest loop
([onemorefortheroad]=1)COMMENT: It's time to pick up the DLI arrests
([oldarrestonly]=1)COMMENT: R has not been arrested since DLI but has an earlier unresolved arrest
([number of arrests] + [never arrested])COMMENT: arrest loop counter
The next questions are about the first time you were ever arrested.
What month was your first arrest?
What year was your first arrest?
The next questions are about your [(number)] arrest since the last interview on [date of last interview].
What month was your [(number)] arrest since the last interview?
What year was your [(number)] arrest since last interview?
Did the police charge you with an offense?
Did the police charge you with assault, that is, an attack with a weapon or your hands, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, or manslaughter?
Did the police charge you with robbery, that is taking something from someone using a weapon or force?
Did the police charge you with burglary or breaking and entering, that is, breaking into private property without permission in order to steal?
Did the police charge you with theft, that is, stealing something without the use of force, such as auto theft, larceny, or shoplifting?
Did the police charge you with destruction of property, that is, vandalism, arson, or malicious destruction?
Did the police charge you with other property offenses, such as, fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property?
Did the police charge you with possession or use of illicit drugs?
Did the police charge you with the sale or trafficking of illicit drugs?
Did the police charge you with a major traffic offense, such as, driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, reckless driving, or driving without a license?
Did the police charge you with a public order offense, such as, drinking or purchasing alcohol while under the legal age, disorderly conduct, or a sex offense?
Did the police charge you with any other offense we have not talked about?
As a result of these charges, did you go to juvenile or adult court?
Since [date of last interview], have you received a court decision or had an out-of-court resolution on any police charges brought against you [(blank)/prior to dli]?
In what year were you arrested for the charges that were decided or resolved? If charges were finalized from different arrests, please enter the earliest arrest year.
What offenses had the police charged you with? Had the police charged you with assault, that is an attack with a weapon or your hands, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault or manslaughter?
Had the police charged you with robbery, that is taking something from someone using a weapon or force?
Had the police charged you with burglary or breaking and entering, that is, breaking into private property without permission in order to steal?
Had the police charged you with theft, that is, stealing something without the use of force, such as auto theft, larceny, or shoplifting?
Had the police charged you with destruction of property, that is, vandalism, arson, or malicious destruction?
Had the police charged you with other property offenses, such as, fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property?
Had the police charged you with possession or use of illicit drugs?
Had the police charged you with the sale or trafficking of illicit drugs?
Had the police charged you with a major traffic offense, such as, driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, reckless driving, or driving without a license?
Had the police charged you with a public order offense, such as, drinking or purchasing alcohol while under the legal age, disorderly conduct, or a sex offense?
Had the police charged you with any other offense we have not talked about?
Were you convicted of, or found delinquent (adjudicated delinquent) of any charges, or did you plead guilty to any charges?
([YSAQ-456]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467C]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with assault
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to assault, that is, an attack with a weapon or your hands, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, or manslaughter?
([YSAQ-457]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467D]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with robbery
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to robbery, that is taking something from someone using a weapon or force?
([YSAQ-458]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467E]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with burglary
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to burglary and breaking and entering, that is, breaking into private property without permission in order to steal?
([YSAQ-459]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467F]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with theft
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to theft, that is, stealing something without the use of force, such as auto theft, larceny, or shoplifting?
([YSAQ-460]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467G]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with destruction of property
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to destruction of property, that is, vandalism, arson, or malicious destruction?
([YSAQ-461]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467H]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with other property offenses
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to other property offenses, such as, fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property?
([YSAQ-462]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467I]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with possession of use of illicit drugs
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to possession or use of illicit drugs?
([YSAQ-463]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467J]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to the sale or trafficking of illicit drugs?
([YSAQ-464]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467K]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with a major traffic offense
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to a major traffic offense, such as, driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, reckless driving, or driving without a license?
([YSAQ-465]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467L]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with a public order offense
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to a public order offense, such as, drinking or purchasing alcohol while under the legal age, disorderly conduct, or a sex offense?
([YSAQ-466]=1) OR ([YSAQ-467M]=1)COMMENT: R was charged with other offenses
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to the other offenses you told us about?
Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to any other offenses we have not talked about?
What was the outcome?
(([YSAQ-470]=1) OR ([YSAQ-472]=1) OR ([YSAQ-474]=1) OR ([YSAQ-476]=1) OR ([YSAQ-478]=1) OR ([YSAQ-480]=1) OR ([YSAQ-482]=1) OR ([YSAQ-484]=1) OR ([YSAQ-486]=1)OR ([YSAQ-488]=1) OR ([YSAQ-491]=1))COMMENT: R was convicted of at least one of the previous offenses
Were you sentenced to spend time in a corrections institution, like a jail, prison or a youth institution like juvenile hall or reform school or training school or to perform community service?
What month did you begin your sentence?
What year did you begin your sentence?
Are you still in a corrections facility?
What month were you released?
What year were you released?
What month did you begin your community service?
What year did you begin your community service?
Are you still performing community service?
What month did you complete your community service?
What year did you complete your community service?
Were you put on probation?
What month did you begin your probation?
What year did you begin your probation?
Are you still on probation?
What month did you end your probation?
What year did you end your probation?
UNTIL ([number of arrests],(([number of arrests]>=([number of times arrested]+1-[never arrested]) OR ([oldarrestonly]=1))) AND ([killthearrestloop]=1))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Arrests loop
(([violencecheck] = 0) AND ([R's age in 2001]>=18))COMMENT: R has not already received these questions and age as of 12/31/2001 >= 18
The following questions are about things you may have experienced between the ages of 12 and 18.Between these ages, did you ever have your house or apartment broken into?
Between the ages of 12 and 18, were you ever the victim of repeated bullying?
Between the ages of 12 and 18, have you ever been shot at, or seen someone get shot or shot at with a gun?
What was your relationship to the person who was shot or shot at?
Thank you for answering these questions.Please give the computer back to the interviewer for the rest of the interview.
REPEAT ([saqpasswordloop])
UNTIL ([saqpasswordloop], ([saqpass]=1))