On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is uncooperative/uninformative, 5 is neutral and 10 is very cooperative and informative, rate the quality of the youth interview.
In general, what was the youth respondent's understanding of the questions?
Did the youth respondent have any special circumstances that affected his/her ability to answer any portion of the survey? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
In general, how candid/honest was the youth respondent?
Was the youth interview conducted in English or Spanish?
Is the respondent of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Which one of the following is the respondent?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
What is respondent's sex?
Was any part of this interview conducted by telephone?
For which of the self-administered sections of the interview did the respondent use the audio?
Do you believe that the Rs reading ability is good enough to complete the self-administered sections of this interview without an audio component?
Was anyone else present during any portion of the youth interview, not just walking through the area where the interview was being administered, but listening in or taking part in the interview itself?
Who was present? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
Where was the youth interview conducted?
Did you have any problems conducting this interview? For example, were you unable to record the respondent's answer in CAPI or did a question upset or confuse the respondent?
REPEAT ([problems with questionnaire])COMMENT: Problems with questionnaire
At what question number did a problem occur? If you do not know the question number, describe the question in the next screen.
What problem occurred at this question?
Was there another question where a problem occurred?
UNTIL ([problems with questionnaire],([another problem question] =0))COMMENT: CONDITIONS FROM LOOP MET?
[interview was conducted in spanish]COMMENT: Did R do any part of this interview in spanish
Does R speak and understand English well enough to complete this interview in English rather than in Spanish?
Please enter your Project Staff ID.
How many telephone calls did you or another NLSY field person make to gain the respondent's cooperation, parental consent, and complete the interview?
How many personal visits did you or another NLSY field person make to gain the respondent's cooperation, parental consent, and complete the interview?
Please enter any special instructions that will help contact the respondent in the future.
Did you conduct the previous round's youth interview with this respondent?