We now have some questions about your household's income during the calendar year, that is, 2001. We appreciate that our questions are difficult to answer and sometimes seem intrusive. As with other questions in this survey, we want to reassure you that the information you provide to us is kept confidential.
([marital status]=1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household]=1)COMMENT: R is married or living with a partner
Now let's start with some questions about your earnings and income in the year 2001.
Now let's start with some questions about the earnings and income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001. I'll ask you first about your earnings and business income and then the earnings and business income of your [spouse/partner].
During 2001, did you receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income you received from doing freelance jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves, or the National Guard. Also, please be sure to include any 2001 income from the jobs you discussed with me earlier.
During 2001, did you have any income from any employee-type or freelance jobs, such as mowing lawns or babysitting? By income we mean money you received by working for someone else, such as wages, a salary, commissions or tips.
I know some questions are difficult to answer and sometimes seem intrusive. As I said before, the information you provide to us is kept confidential. During 2001, did you have any income from any freelance jobs, such as mowing lawns or babysitting or from any employee-type jobs?
During 2001, how much income did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or for anything else?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount you received last year in wages, salary, commissions and tips?
([R is independent]=1)COMMENT: R meets the criteria for independence
(Excluding any income you already have mentioned) During 2001, did you receive any money in income from your own farm, business, partnership, or professional practice?
During 2001, how much income did you receive from your own farm, business, partnership or professional practice AFTER EXPENSES?(IF RESPONDENT LOST MONEY ON OWN FARM, BUSINESS, ETC. AFTER EXPENSES ENTER NEGATIVE VALUE)
(HAND R SHOWCARD EE)Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount of income you received last year from your own farm, business, partnership or professional practice after expenses?
During 2001, did you receive any income from Worker's Compensation?
During 2001, how much income did you receive from Worker's Compensation?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG)Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter for the range that best describes the amount of income you received during 2001 from Worker's Compensation?
Now I would like to ask about the earnings and business income of your [spouse/partner]. During 2001, did your [spouse/partner] receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income your [spouse/partner] received from doing odd jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
Please remember that the information you provide to us about yourself and your [spouse/partner] is kept strictly confidential. Did your [spouse/partner] have any income from any jobs during 2001?
During 2001, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount your [spouse/partner] received during 2001 in wages, salary, commissions and tips?
(Excluding any income you already have mentioned) During 2001, did your [spouse/partner] receive any money in income from [his/her] own farm, business, partnership, or professional practice?
During 2001, how much did your [spouse/partner] receive from [his/her] own farm, business, partnership or professional practice AFTER EXPENSES? (IF [spouse/partner] LOST MONEY ON OWN FARM AFTER EXPENSES ENTER NEGATIVE VALUE.)
(HAND R SHOWCARD EE)Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount of income your [spouse/partner] received during 2001 from [his/her] own farm, business, partnership or professional practice after expenses?
During 2001, did your [spouse/partner] receive any income from Worker's Compensation?
During 2001, how much income did your [spouse/partner] receive from Worker's Compensation?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG)Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter for the range that best describes the amount of income your [spouse/partner] received during 2001 from Worker's Compensation?
Now I would like to ask about other sources of income [you/you and your spouse/partner] may have received in 2001.
([household biological child flag]=1) OR ([step-child's id]=1) OR ([adoptive child in household]=1)COMMENT: R has kids on household rostercheck if independent
Have child support payments ever been agreed to or awarded for any of [your children/your or your spouse's/partner's children] living here?
During 2001, were [you/you or your spouse/partner] supposed to receive any child-support payments?
How much did [you/you and your spouse/partner] receive in child-support during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount of income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001 in child support payments?
During 2001 did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive any interest payments from interest-earning-checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, bonds, treasury notes, IRA accounts, or certificates of deposit?
What was the total amount of interest payments [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001, including even small amounts and amounts reinvested or credited to the account?
(HAND R SHOWCARD HH) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount of income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001 in interest payments?
During 2001, did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive any dividend payments from stocks or mutual funds?
What was the total amount of dividend payments [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from stocks or mutual funds during 2001, including even small amounts and amounts reinvested or credited to accounts?
(HAND R SHOWCARD HH) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount of income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001 in dividend payments?
During 2001 did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive any rental income from any land, business property, apartments, or houses which [you/you or your spouse/partner] own, including any income from roomers or boarders?
What was the total amount of rental income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount of rental income [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001?
During 2001, did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive any property or money from any estates, trusts, annuities or inheritances?
What was the total market value or amount that [you/you and your spouse/partner] received during 2001 from these sources? (BY MARKET VALUE WE MEAN HOW MUCH YOU WOULD REASONABLY EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY YOU IF YOU SOLD THE ITEM(S) TODAY IN ITS/THEIR PRESENT CONDITION, NOT THE ORIGINAL PRICE PAID FOR THE ITEM(S).)
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total market value [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from any estates, trusts, annuities or inheritances?
Who did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive this (estate/trust/annuity/inheritance) from? Was it from your own [or your spouse's/partner's] parents, siblings, other relatives or from a friend? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R lives with mother]>0) and ([R lives with father]>0)COMMENT: R lives with mother (figure) and father (figure)
Other than an allowance, did your parents give [you/you or your spouse/partner] any money during 2001? Please include any gifts in the form of cash or a check but do not include any loans from your parents.
How much did your parents give [you/you and your spouse/partner] during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD HH) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total amount [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from your parents?
([R lives with mother] >0) or ([R's biological mother is alive] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with mother or R's mother is living
Other than allowances, did your (mother/female guardian) give [you/you or your spouse/partner] any money during 2001? Please include any gifts in the form of cash or a check but do not include any loans from your (mother/female guardian).
How much money did your (mother/female guardian) give [you/you and your spouse/partner] during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD HH) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total amount [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from your (mother/female guardian)?
([R lives with father] >0) or ([R's biological father is alive] = 1)COMMENT: R lives with father or R's father is living
Other than allowances, did your (father/male guardian) give [you/you or your spouse/partner] any money during 2001? Please include any gifts in the form of cash or a check but do not include any loans from your (father/male guardian)
How much money did your (father/male guardian) give you during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD HH) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total amount [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from your (father/male guardian)?
During 2001 did [you/you or your spouse/partner] receive income from any other sources, such as Social Security payments, pension or retirement income including survivor's benefits, alimony, veterans or GI benefits, payments from life insurance policies or any other regular or periodic source of income?
What was the total amount [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from all of these other sources during 2001?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total amount [you/you and your spouse/partner] received from all other sources of income?
([YINC-1400] = 1) OR ([YINC-1700] > 0) OR ([YINC-1800] = 1) OR ([YINC-1800] = 2) OR ([YINC-1800] = 3) OR ([YINC-1800] = 4) OR ([YINC-1800] = 5) OR ([YINC-1800] = 6) OR ([YINC-1800] = 7) OR ([YINC-2000] = 1) OR ([YINC-2100] > 0) OR ([YINC-2200] = 2) OR ([YINC-2200] = 3) OR ([YINC-2200] = 4) OR ([YINC-2200] = 5) OR ([YINC-2200] = 6) OR ([YINC-2200] = 7) OR ([YINC-2200] = 8) OR ([YINC-2250] = 1) OR ([YINC-2260] > 0) OR ([YINC-2270] = 2) OR ([YINC-2270] = 3) OR ([YINC-2270] = 4) OR ([YINC-2270] = 5) OR ([YINC-2270] = 6) OR ([YINC-2270] = 7) OR ([YINC-2270] = 8) OR ([YINC-2400] = 1) OR ([YINC-2600] > 0 ) OR ([YINC-2700] = 1) OR ([YINC-2700] = 2) OR ([YINC-2700] = 3) OR ([YINC-2700] = 4) OR ([YINC-2700] = 5) OR ([YINC-2700] = 6) OR ([YINC-2700] = 7) OR ([YINC-2900] = 1) OR ([YINC-3000] > 0) OR ([YINC-3100] = 2) OR ([YINC-3100] = 3) OR ([YINC-3100] = 4) OR ([YINC-3100] = 5) OR ([YINC-3100] = 6) OR ([YINC-3100] = 7) OR ([YINC-3100] = 8) OR ([YINC-3150] = 1) OR ([YINC-3160] > 0) OR ([YINC-3170] = 2) OR ([YINC-3170] = 3) OR ([YINC-3170] = 4) OR ([YINC-3170] = 5) OR ([YINC-3170] = 6) OR ([YINC-3170] = 7) OR ([YINC-3170] = 8)COMMENT: R and/or R's spouse/partner have sources of income
Did [you/you or your spouse/partner] claim, or are [you/you or your spouse/partner] planning to claim, an Earned Income Tax Credit on your [or your spouse's/partner's] 2001 FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURN?
Did you receive an allowance from your family at any time during 2001?
In total, how much allowance did you receive during 2001?
Did you receive this allowance weekly, monthly, or some other way?
([R lives with father]=1) or ([R's biological father is alive]=1)COMMENT: R lives with biofather or biofather is alive
During 2001, did your biological father have any earnings or income from a job, farm, business or professional partnership? Please include any full- or part-time jobs, temporary or seasonal work and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
During 2001, how much income did your father have from jobs, a farm, a business or professional partnership?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount your father received from a job, farm, business or professional partnership?
([R lives with mother]=1) or ([R's biological mother is alive]=1)COMMENT: R lives with biomother or biomother is alive
During 2001, did your biological mother have any earnings or income from a job, farm, business or professional partnership? Please include any full- or part-time jobs, temporary or seasonal work and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
During 2001, how much income did your mother have from jobs, a farm, a business or professional partnership?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount your mother received from a job, farm, business or professional partnership?
([R lives with father] >1)COMMENT: R lives with nonbio father/male guardian
During 2001, did your (step-father/male Guardian) have any earnings or income from a job, farm, business or professional partnership? Please include any full- or part-time jobs, temporary or seasonal work and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
During 2001 about how much income did your (step-father/male guardian) have from jobs, a farm, a business or professional partnership?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount your (step-father/male guardian) received from a job, a farm, business or professional partnership?
([R lives with mother] >1)COMMENT: R lives with nonbio mother/female guardian
During 2001, did your (step-mother/female guardian) have any earnings or income from a job, farm, business or professional partnership? Please include any full or part time jobs, temporary or seasonal work and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
During 2001, how much income did your (step-mother/female guardian) have from jobs, a farm, a business or professional partnership?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total income of your (step-mother/female guardian).
([R is independent] = 1)COMMENT: R is independent
([final roster] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person in the HH to ask about
REPEAT ([YINC_HHILOOP])COMMENT: Household members' income
([age] < 14)COMMENT: This HH member is younger than 14
(([spouse's or partner's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([mother's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([father's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([stepmother's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([stepfather's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([adoptive mother's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([adoptive father's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([foster mother's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]) OR ([foster father's id]=[YINC_HHILOOP]))COMMENT: This household member is a parent (figure)
([check for introduction]=1)COMMENT: The introductory text can be skipped
The next few questions are about the earnings in 2001 of other persons over the age of 14 who live in your household, excluding the people whose earnings we have already asked you about.
During 2001, how much income did [this person] have from all sources? Please include income from any full or part time jobs, temporary or seasonal work and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard, a farm, a business or professional partnership, Social Security, pensions, welfare, interest, gifts or anything else?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of this amount?
UNTIL ([YINC_hhiloop],([YINC_hhiloop] = [final roster]) OR ([YINC_hhiloop] >=15))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Household members' income
([last round interviewed] <= 4)COMMENT: R has not been asked income questions since prior to DLI, data needs updated
Now I have a few questions about your income during the year 2000.
During 2000, did you receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income you received from doing freelance jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves, or the National Guard. Also, please be sure to include any 2000 income from the jobs you discussed with me earlier.
During 2000, how much income did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or for anything else?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount you received in 2000 in wages, salary, commissions and tips?
([your spouse/partner] > 0)COMMENT: check if youth had spouse or partner during 2000 (from Round 4 info)
During 2000, did [this spouse/partner] receive any income from a job such as wages, salary, commissions, or tips? Please include any income [this spouse/partner] received from doing odd jobs, temporary or seasonal work, and service in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard.
During 2000, how much did [this spouse/partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else?
(HAND R SHOWCARD FF)Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the amount [this spouse/partner] received in 2000 in wages, salary, commissions and tips?
During 2000 did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive income from any other sources, such as Social Security payments, pension or retirement income including survivor's benefits, alimony, veterans or GI benefits, payments from life insurance policies or any other regular or periodic sources of income?
What was the total amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received from all of these other sources during 2000?
(HAND R SHOWCARD GG) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that is your best estimate of the total amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received in 2000 from all other sources of income?