(INTERVIEWER READ TO R:) You will recall that this is the sixth year of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, and I appreciate your willingness to take time to talk to me once again this year. Your cooperation and careful answers to the questions I have are important because your answers and those of thousands of other men and women are used by advisors and policy makers in writing laws, spending tax money, and developing and changing many programs to help adolescents and adults. We really do appreciate your help by answering these questions.
([number of non-household members] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the non-resident roster
Let's begin with some questions about where and with whom you've been living since your last interview. When we interviewed you on [date of last interview], you were living at [(street address)]. Since [date of last interview] have you ever lived at a different address?
Not including where you were living at the time of last interview, [(street address)], how many different addresses have you lived at for more than a month?
Since [date of last interview], have you moved from one state, city, or county to another?
REPEAT ([loop number 2])COMMENT: R's change of address since DLI
Thinking about the [first/next] time you moved to a different state, city, or county, please tell me to what state, city, and county you moved. (IF FOREIGN COUNTRY, ENTER COUNTRY).
What month and year did you move to that location?
Since that time, have you moved to another state, city or county?INTERVIEWER: CODE 'YES' IF R MOVED BACK TO A PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED PLACE.
UNTIL ([loop number 2],([R has moved] != 1))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? R's change of address since DLI
(HAND R SHOWCARD A )In what type of place are you currently living?
How long have you been living in this place? Has it been...
([prevparentf.count] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one parent to ask about
Now I'm going to ask you about your parents and any other people you consider to be parent figures. I will ask about each parent separately.
REPEAT ([loop number 3])COMMENT: DLI HH parent information
My computer tells me that at the time of your last interview, you were living [under joint custody/[blank]] with your [parent's relationship to R] []. Was this information correct on [date of last interview] when we had your last interview?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
([parent information was correct] = 1)COMMENT: Parent information from date of last interview is correct
Which information was not correct?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
INLIST ([YHHI-7200()], 2)COMMENT: The parent's name reported at date of last interview is incorrect
What is your [parent's relationship to R]'s name?
INLIST ([YHHI-7200()],3)COMMENT: The parent's relationship to R reported at date of last interview is incorrect
(HAND R SHOWCARD RR )(INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:)What was [this person]'s relationship to you at that time?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
([parent date is incorrect]= 0) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0)COMMENT: No parent information reported at date of last interview is incorrect
([parent date is incorrect]= 0) AND (([parent date is incorrect]= 1) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0))COMMENT: The parent was not living with R at date of last interview
([parent date is incorrect]= 0) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 1)COMMENT: The parent was deceased at date of last interveiw
([parent date is incorrect]= 1) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0)COMMENT: The parent's relationship to R reported at date of last interview is incorrect
([relationship to R] > 2) AND ([relationship to R] < 11)COMMENT: This is a new parent or parent figure chosen as parent at date of last interview
([parent date is incorrect]= 1) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 1) AND ([parent date is incorrect]= 0)COMMENT: The parent's relationship to R reported at date of last interview is incorrect
([newly reported dli household parent]=1)COMMENT: This person is a parent
([prevparentf.deceased] = "Y")COMMENT: Parent is deceased
([loop number 3] > 1)COMMENT: This is at least the second time through the HH parent loop
([custodian]=1)COMMENT: This DLI parent was newly named as DLI custodian
Are you currently living with [him/her] full-time, living with [him/her] as part of a joint custody arrangement, or not living with [him/her] at all?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
([custodian's roster ID] > 1) AND ([custodian's roster ID] <= [number of household members])COMMENT: A new custodian has NOT been selected from the roster
([YHHI-12910()]=1)COMMENT: A new custodian was selected
What is the name of the other custodian?
Under this arrangement, do you stay at each household for one month at a time or more, or do you stay at each household for less than one month at a time?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Do you consider one of these households to be your primary residence or are they pretty much equal?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Which household do you consider your primary residence?(INTERVIEWER: IF R SELECTS [this person]'s HOUSEHOLD, CHOOSE NUMBER 1. IF R SELECTS THE HOUSEHOLD OF THE CUSTODIAN SELECTED FROM THE ROSTER, OR A NEW CUSTODIAN, CHOOSE NUMBER 2).COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
([frequency R stays at parent's house])COMMENT: R stays at each house more than one month at a time
Since [date of last interview], has there been a continuous period of one month or more when you and your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] lived in different places?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
REPEAT ([resparent1loop])
Since [respar1datefill] what month did you [resparent1firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
What month did you [resparent1firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Was there another period of a month or more when you did not live with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
UNTIL ([resparent1loop],([resparent1again] < 1))
INPATH ([YHHI-12910()])COMMENT: R answered YHHI-12910, Other custodian with whom R's parent shares custody
([primary residence]=1)COMMENT: Original parent is primary custodian
([custodian's roster ID] > 1) AND ([custodian's roster ID] <= [number of household members])COMMENT: A custodian was selected from the roster
([primary residence]=1)COMMENT: The original parent is primary custodian
([R currently resides with parent] = 1) OR ([R currently resides with parent]=2)COMMENT: R currently lives with parent full-time or part-time
([prev.parresincorrect]=1)COMMENT: The parent's DLI residence was incorrect
Since [date of last interview], what month did you first start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Since [date of last interview] has there been a period of one month or more when you and your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] lived in different places?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Since [date of last interview], have you lived with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] for a period of one month or more?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
REPEAT ([resparent2loop])
Since [respar2datefill] what month did you [resparent2firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Was there another period of a month or more when you lived with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
Since [respar2stoplive4txt], what month did you [resparent2firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] again?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
UNTIL ([resparent2loop],([stopresparent2again] < 1))
REPEAT ([resparent3loop])
Since [respar3datefill] what month did you [resparent3firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
What month did you [resparent3firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
UNTIL ([resparent3loop],([resparent3again] < 1))
([R currently resides with parent] = 1)COMMENT: R currently lives with parent full-time
([R has lived with parent]=0)COMMENT: R hasn't lived with parent since DLI
INPATH ([YHHI-12910()])COMMENT: R answered YHHI-12910(), with whom parent shares custody
What is the main reason that you are not currently living with [this person]?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
What is the main reason that you have not lived with [this person] since [date of last interview]?COMMENT: The household id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-5525
UNTIL ([loop number 3],([loop number 3] = [prevparentf.count]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? DLI HH parent information
([prevnonhhiparentf.count] > 0)COMMENT: there is at least one parent on the original non-resident roster
Now I'd like to ask you about parents and parent figures you weren't living with at the time of our last interview.
REPEAT ([loop number 6])COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent information
([prevnonhhiparentf.deceased] = "Y") OR ([prevnonhhiparentf.deceased] = "y")COMMENT: The nonresident parent was deceased at DLI
([prevnonhhiparentf.current2] = 98)COMMENT: The nonresident parent's deceased status was verified at DLI
([joint custody] = 1)COMMENT: R's parents held joint custody at DLI
My computer tells me that on [date of last interview] your [prevnonhhiparentf.relytxt] [] was living outside of your household. Was this information correct on [date of last interview] when we had your last interview?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
My computer tells me that on [date of last interview] you were living with your [prevnonhhiparentf.relytxt] [] [under joint custody/[blank]], although [] did not live at your permanent residence. Was this information correct on [date of last interview] when we had your last interview?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
([R's non-household parent was alive at dli] = 1)COMMENT: all non-resident parent information is correct
My computer tells me that your [prevnonhhiparentf.relytxt] [] was deceased at the time of the last interview. Is this information correct?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
([R's parent was deceased at dli] = 1)COMMENT: all non-resident parent information is correct
Which information is not correct?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
INLIST ([YHHI-20700()],2)COMMENT: The non-resident parent's name was incorrect
INLIST ([YHHI-21700()],2)COMMENT: The deceased parent's name was incorrect
What is your [prevnonhhiparentf.relytxt]'s name?
INLIST ([YHHI-20700()],3)COMMENT: The non-resident parent's relationship to R was incorrect
INLIST ([YHHI-21700()],3)COMMENT: The deceased parent's relationship to R was incorrect
(HAND R SHOWCARD RR )(INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:)What is [this parent]'s relationship to you?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
(HAND R SHOWCARD RR )(INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:)What is []'s relationship to you?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0)COMMENT: R did not correct any information about deceased parent
([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0) AND (([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0))COMMENT: R was living with deceased parent at DLI
([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1)COMMENT: deceased parent was not deceased at DLI
([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 0)COMMENT: The deceased parent's relationship to R was incorrect at DLI
([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1) AND ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1)COMMENT: All deceased parent info from DLI is incorrect
([relationship to R] > 2) AND ([relationship to R] < 11)COMMENT: Non-resident member is R's parent or parent figure
([dli non-resident parent is current parent]=1)COMMENT: This person is a parent
([prevnonhhiparentf.uid] = [household custodian's id](1)) OR ([prevnonhhiparentf.uid] = [household custodian's id](2))COMMENT: This non-resident parent was previously name as a custodian at DLI
Are you currently living with [him/her] full-time, living with [him/her] as part of a joint custody arrangement, or not living with [him/her] at all?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
([custodian's roster ID] > 1) AND ([custodian's roster ID] <= [number of household members])COMMENT: This non-resident parent was previously named as a custodian
([YHHI-32205()]=1)COMMENT: A new custodian was selected
Under this arrangement, do you stay at each household for one month at a time or more, or do you stay at each household for less than one month at a time?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
Do you consider one of these households to be your primary residence or are they pretty much equal?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
Which household do you consider your primary residence?(INTERVIEWER: IF R SELECTS [this parent]'s HOUSEHOLD, CHOOSE NUMBER 1. IF R SELECTS THE HOUSEHOLD OF THE CUSTODIAN SELECTED FROM THE ROSTER, OR A NEW CUSTODIAN, CHOOSE NUMBER 2).COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
([frequency R stays at parent's home])COMMENT: R stays at each house more than one month at a time
Since [date of last interview], has there been a continuous period of one month or more when you and your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] lived in different places?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
REPEAT ([nonresparent3loop])
Since [nonrespar3datefill] what month did you [nonresparent3firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
Since [nonrespar3stoplive4txt], what month did you [nonresparent3firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] again?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
Was there another period of a month or more when you did not live with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
UNTIL ([nonresparent3loop],([stopnonresparent3again] < 1))
REPEAT ([nonresparent1loop])
Since [nonrespar1startlive4txt] what month did you [nonresparent1firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
What month did you [nonresparent1firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
Was there another period of a month or more when you lived with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?COMMENT: The nonresident id for this parent can be found in question YHHI-17050
UNTIL ([nonresparentloop1],([nonresparent1again] < 1))
([parent is a current resident] = 1) OR ([parent is a current resident] = 2)COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent is a current resident
(([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1) OR ([non-resident parent information is incorrect]= 1))COMMENT: Parent was living in R's household at DLI
Since [date of last interview] has there been a period of one month or more when you and your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] lived in different places?
Since [date of last interview], have you lived with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)] for a period of one month or more?
REPEAT ([nonresparent2loop])
Since [nonrespar2datefill] what month did you [nonresparent2firstnext] start living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.
([parent is a current resident] = 1) OR ([parent is a current resident]=2)COMMENT: R currently lives with parent full-time or part-time
Was there another period of a month or more when you did not live with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?
What month did you [nonresparent2firstnext] stop living with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.
Was there another period of a month or more when you lived with your [mother (figure)/father (figure)]?
UNTIL ([nonresparent2loop],([nonresparent2again] < 1))
([parent is a current resident] = 1) OR ([parent is a current resident] = 2)COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent is a current resident or current non-resident member
([parent is a current resident] = 4)COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent is currently deceased
([prevnonhhiparentf.deceased] = "Y") OR ([prevnonhhiparentf.deceased] = "y") OR ([parent is a current resident] = 4)COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent is deceased
([relationship to R] > 2) AND ([relationship to R] < 7)COMMENT: DLI non-resident parent is a bio or adoptive parent
What is [this parent]'s current marital status?
UNTIL ([loop number 6],([loop number 6] = [prevnonhhiparentf.count]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? DLI non-resident parent information
([nummber of parents] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one parent on the HH roster
Since [date of last interview], during the times you were not living with one of the people we've already discussed, did you ever live with anyone else who has been like a parent to you?
Please list the names of any parents or parent figures you lived with when you were not living with one of the people we have already talked about.
([number of other parents] > 0)COMMENT: Ther is at least one parent on the Other Parent roster
REPEAT ([loop number 10])COMMENT: Nonresponding parent information
(HAND R SHOWCARD RR )What is [this parent]'s relationship to you?
([relationship to youth] = 2) OR ([relationship to youth] = 8) OR ([relationship to youth] = 10) OR ([relationship to youth] = 12) OR ([relationship to youth] = 33) OR ([relationship to youth] = 14)OR ([relationship to youth] = 18) OR ([relationship to youth] = 22) OR ([relationship to youth] = 24)OR ([relationship to youth] = 26) OR ([relationship to youth] = 27) OR ([relationship to youth] = 41)OR ([relationship to youth] = 46) OR ([relationship to youth] = 48) OR ([relationship to youth] = 50) OR ([relationship to youth] = 52) OR ([relationship to youth] = 54) OR ([relationship to youth] = 56)OR ([relationship to youth] = 58) OR ([relationship to youth] = 60) OR ([relationship to youth] = 62)OR ([relationship to youth] = 64) OR ([relationship to youth] = 67) OR ([relationship to youth] = 72) OR ([relationship to youth] = 73) OR ([relationship to youth] = 78) OR ([relationship to youth] = 79) OR ([relationship to youth] = 80) OR ([relationship to youth] = 81) OR ([relationship to youth] = 83) OR ([relationship to youth] = 86)COMMENT: Parent (figure) is male
([relationship to youth] = 1) OR ([relationship to youth] = 7) OR ([relationship to youth] = 9) OR ([relationship to youth] = 11) OR ([relationship to youth] = 29) OR ([relationship to youth] = 13)OR ([relationship to youth] = 15) OR ([relationship to youth] = 21) OR ([relationship to youth] = 23)OR ([relationship to youth] = 25) OR ([relationship to youth] = 28) OR ([relationship to youth] = 37)OR ([relationship to youth] = 45) OR ([relationship to youth] = 47) OR ([relationship to youth] = 49) OR ([relationship to youth] = 51) OR ([relationship to youth] = 53) OR ([relationship to youth] = 55)OR ([relationship to youth] = 57) OR ([relationship to youth] = 59) OR ([relationship to youth] = 61)OR ([relationship to youth] = 63) OR ([relationship to youth] = 66) OR ([relationship to youth] = 70) OR ([relationship to youth] = 71) OR ([relationship to youth] = 74) OR ([relationship to youth] = 75) OR ([relationship to youth] = 76) OR ([relationship to youth] = 77) OR ([relationship to youth] = 82) OR ([relationship to youth] = 87)COMMENT: Parent (figure) is female
Is [this parent] a male or a female?
Are you currently living with [this parent]?
UNTIL ([loop number 10],([loop number 10] = [number of other parents]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Nonresponding parent information
Sometimes people live in places temporarily while attending school or working a job or for some other reason, but they consider their permanent residence to be elsewhere. Do you consider the place you are currently living to be your permanent residence?
As you answer these next questions about who lives in your household, please tell us about the household at your permanent residence.
We are interested in knowing about the people you usually live with, even if you move from place to place together. If you usually live alone, or with different people at different times, then I will record that you are the only member of your household.
([number of household members] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person in the DLI HH
XFER (ROS=UPDPREVHHI, DIR=OUT, COND= (EMPTY(DECEASED) OR ISBLANK(DECEASED)), FIELDS=(UID=[unique id], AGE=[age], BDATE=[updprevhhilive.bdate], CURRENT=[current resident], DECEASED=[deceased], DEGREE=[highest degree], EMPLOYED=[employment status], ENROLLSTAT=[enrollment status], ETHNICITY=[ethnicity], HHFLAG=[in the household], HIGHGRADE=[highest grade], MARSTAT=[marital status], NAME=[name], RACE=[race], RELY=[relationship to R], RELYTXT=[relationship to R], SEX=[gender], CHILDID=[updprevhhilive.childid], PARENTUID=[updprevhhilive.parentuid]))
Here is a list of people who lived in your permanent household when we last interviewed you. It may help you tell me who usually lives in your household now. First, please tell me which of these people, if any, do not usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time?INTERVIEWER: HIGHLIGHT THE LINE OF EACH PERSON NO LONGER LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD AND PRESS THE <DELETE> KEY.IF THERE ARE NO DELETIONS, PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE.
([number of household members] > 0)COMMENT: At least one person remains on the HHI roster
([number of household members] = [number of household members])COMMENT: No people were dropped from the original HH Roster
XFER (ROS=UPDPREVHHILIVE, DIR=OUT, COND=(EMPTY(CURRENT) OR ISBLANK(CURRENT)), FIELDS=(UID=[unique id], AGE=[age], BDATE=[updprevhhidrops.bdate], DECEASED=[deceased], DEGREE=[highest degree], EMPLOYED=[employment status], ENROLLSTAT=[enrollment status], ETHNICITY=[ethnicity], HIGHGRADE=[highest grade], MARSTAT=[marital status], NAME=[name], RACE=[race], RELY=[relationship to R], RELYTXT=[relationship to R], SEX=[gender], CHILDID=[updprevhhidrops.childid], PARENTUID=[updprevhhidrops.parentuid]))
I have (READ NAMES ON LIST) no longer living in the household at your permanent address. [Are these people/Is ths person] living somewhere else, or has [someone/the person] on this list died since the time of your last interview?INTERVIEWER: IF DECEASED, ENTER A "Y" FOR THAT PERSON INSIDE THE 'DECEASED' FIELD OF THE ROSTER. IF NO ONE IS DECEASED, PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE.
([number of non-household members] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the DLI non-resident roster
XFER (ROS=UPDPREVNONHHI, DIR=OUT, COND= (EMPTY(DECEASED) OR ISBLANK(DECEASED)), FIELDS=(UID=[unique id], AGE=[age], BDATE=[updprevnonhhilive.bdate], DECEASED=[deceased], ETHNICITY=[ethnicity], HHFLAG=[household flag], LIVEDWITH=[R lived with parent], MARSTAT=[marital status], NAME=[name], RACE=[race], RELY=[relationship to R], RELYTXT=[relationship to R], SEX=[gender], CHILDID=[updprevnonhhilive.childid], PARENTUID=[updprevnonhhilive.parentuid], ADOPTEDOUT=[updprevnonhhilive.adoptedout]))
Here is a list of some people who were not living in your permanent household last year when we interviewed you. Which of these people, if any, usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time? INTERVIEWER: ENTER A "Y" IN THE 'IN HH?' FIELD NEXT TO THE NAME OF ALL PERSONS WHO ARE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE RESPONDENT'S HOUSEHOLD.
Here is a list of people who usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time. INTERVIEWER: SHOW LIST TO RESPONDENT.
Besides the people on this list, are there any other people who usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time?
Please tell me the names of the other people who usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time? INTERVIEWER: ENTER NAMES ON ROSTER.
([number of people] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the New People roster
REPEAT ([loop number 17])COMMENT: New HH member information
Is [this person] a male or a female?
(HAND R SHOWCARD RR )What is [this person]'s relationship to you?
UNTIL ([loop number 17],([loop number 17] = [number of people]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? New HH member information
Here is the list of all persons who usually live in the household at your permanent residence at this time. INTERVIEWER: ASK RESPONDENT TO VERIFY THIS LIST. IF THERE IS ANYONE ON THIS LIST WHO IS NOT A CURRENT MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD, BACK UP TO QUESTION YHHI-44700 TO DELETE THAT PERSON.
([total people on household roster] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the final HH roster
Now I'd like to get a little more information about the people in your household. The questions I ask may be different for different people.
REPEAT ([loop 18])COMMENT: New HH member information
([relationship to R] =49) OR ([relationship to R] =50) OR ([relationship to R] = 53) OR ([relationship to R] = 54)COMMENT: This is a biological or adoptive child of the respondent
ISCOMPLETE ([temphhi2.bdate])
What is [this person]'s date of birth?
([flag] = 2) OR ([flag] = 4)COMMENT: This HH member is either newly reported this round or has no previous HH residency
([age] <= 0) OR ([age] > 100)COMMENT: HH member's age is unknown
ISCOMPLETE ([birth date])
How old is [this person] now?
What is your best guess? Is [this person]...
([ethnicity] < 0) OR ([race] <= 0)COMMENT: HH member's ethnicity or race is unknown
Is [this person] of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Which of the following is [this person]?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
(HAND R SHOWCARD AA)What is [this person]'s current religious preference?
([age] >=16) OR ([estimated age] >=3)COMMENT: HH member's age is >= 16 or age estimate >= 18-24
What is the marital status of [this person]?
([age] >=4) OR ([estimated age] > 0)COMMENT: HH member's age is >=4 or age estimate > 0
Is [this person] currently enrolled in regular school?
What is the highest grade of schooling that [this person] has completed?
What is the highest educational degree that [this person] has received?
([flag])COMMENT: HH status
([relationship to R] =1) OR ([relationship to R] =2) OR (([relationship to R] > 4) AND ([relationship to R] < 13)) OR (([relationship to R] > 20) AND ([relationship to R] < 29)) OR ([relationship to R] >50) OR ([relationship to R] <= 0)COMMENT: IS THIS PERSON NOT R'S BLOOD RELATIVE OR IS THE INFORMATION MISSING?
(([relationship to R] >= 5) AND ([relationship to R] <=8) AND ([flag] !=1)) OR (([relationship to R] = 88) OR ([relationship to R] = 89) AND ([flag] !=1))COMMENT: This person is R's adoptive or step parent or a parent's partner and was not in the household at DLI
In what month and year did [this person] start living in your permanent residence?INTERVIEWER: IF R HAS LIVED WITH PERSON MULTIPLE TIMES, ASK: When did [this person] start living in your permanent residence this time?
Is [this person] currently employed full-time, part-time, or not at all?
UNTIL ([loop 18],([loop 18] = [total people on household roster]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? New HH member information
([number of non-household members] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the final non-resident roster
XFER (ROS=UPDPREVNONHHIPARENT, DIR=OUT, FIELDS=(RELY= [relationship to R], DECEASED=[parent is deceased], LIVEDWITH=[R lived with parent]))
XFER (ROS=NONHHIPARENT, DIR=OUT, FIELDS=(RELY= [relationship to R], DECEASED=[non-household parent is deceased], LIVEDWITH=[lived with bio parent since DLI]))
Now let's begin to talk about you.
Are you one of the following: Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?
Which one of the following are you?
([r5complete] = 1)COMMENT: R completed the round 5 interview
Were you born in the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico?
In which state or territory were you born?
In which country were you born?
Are you a citizen of the United States by birth, a citizen of the U.S. by naturalization, or not a U.S. citizen?
Approximately how old were you when you first came to the United States and stayed for 6 months or more?(INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR RESPONDENT'S BEST GUESS)
([YHHI-55704]=3)COMMENT: this respondent is not a citizen
(HAND R SHOWCARD SS )Which of the following categories listed on this card describes your current status?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)