Now we would like to ask you about any biological or adopted children you might have.
XFER (ROS=TOTBIOACHILDUPD, DIR=OUT, FIELDS=(AGE=[age], NAME=[name], SEX=[gender], BDATE=[birth date], DECEASED=[child is deceased], HHFLAG=[child is in the household], RELY=[relationship to R], UID=[unique ID], CHILDID=[child ID], PARENTUID=[child's parent's unique ID]))COMMENT: Xfer out bio and adoptive children from edit roster
(INTERVIEWER: MARK INFORMATION THAT IS INCORRECT. IF NECESSARY PROBE:) Is [name]'s name correct? Is [name]'s sex correct? (GENDER=[gender]) Is [name]'s birthdate correct? (BIRTHDATE=[birth date]) (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
INLIST ([YFER-800()],1)COMMENT: Bio and Adoptive child's name was incorrect.
What is the correct name and spelling for [name]? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD CORRECT NAME AND/OR SPELLING.)
INLIST ([YFER-800()],2)COMMENT: Bio or Adoptive child's birthdate was incorrect.
What is the correct birthdate for [name]?(INTERVIEWER: RECORD CORRECTED BIRTHDATE.)
INLIST ([YFER-800()],3)COMMENT: Bio and Adoptive child's sex was incorrect.
INLIST ([YFER-800()],4)COMMENT: Bio and Adoptive child needs to be deleted from the roster
([# of people on non-resident roster] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one person on the nonres roster
UNTIL ([(1, 2, 3,...)], [roster line #]=1)COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Biological and Adoptive children
XFER (ROS=TOTBIOADOPTCHILDUPD2, DIR=OUT, FIELDS=(AGE=[age], NAME=[name], SEX=[gender], BDATE=[birth date], DECEASED=[child is deceased], HHFLAG=[child is in household], RELY=[relationship to R], UID=[unique ID], CHILDID=[child ID], PARENTUID=[child's parent's unique ID]))COMMENT: Xfer out bio and adoptive children from edit roster
REPEAT ([biological and adopted children loop])COMMENT: Biological and Adoptive children
([child is deceased]="Y") OR ([child is deceased]="y")COMMENT: the child is deceased
Does [name] live primarily with you or somewhere else?(INTERVIEWER: IF [name] is living with both biological parents, select the first category.)
Since [date of last interview] has there been a continuous period of one month or more when you and [name] lived in different places?
Since [date of last interview], what months have you lived with your child at least some of the time?
In what month and year did [name] die?
Since [date of last interview], have you lived with [name] for a period of one month or more?
Since [date of last interview], what months have you lived with your child?
([YFER-1850()]=3)COMMENT: child has been given up for adoption
([YFER-1850()]=4 OR [YFER-1850()]=5 OR [YFER-1850()]=11)COMMENT: the child is in foster care
Are you still legally responsible for [name], or have your parental rights and responsibilities been terminated?
UNTIL ([biological and adopted children loop],[biological and adopted children loop]=[# of children])COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Biological and adoptive children
(Aside from the child/children we just discussed), have you had or adopted any children since [date of last interview]? Please include any children that may have been put up for adoption, or that you no longer have any connection with.
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Information on new biological and adoptive children
What is this child's first and last name?
What is [name]'s birthdate?
What is [name]'s sex?
What is your relationship to this child? Are you [his/her] biological or adopted parent?
Since [birth date] has there been a continuous period of one month or more when you and [name] lived in different places?
Since [birth date], what months have you lived with your child at least some of the time?
In what month and year did the child die?
Since [birth date], have you lived with [name] for a period of one month or more?
Since [birth date], what months have you lived with your child?
([residential status] = 3)COMMENT: Bio or adopted child has been given for adoption
([YFER-5900()]=4 OR [YFER-5900()]=5 OR [YFER-5900()]=11)COMMENT: the child is in foster care
Are there any other children you have had, adopted, or learned about since [date of last interview] that we haven't talked about yet? FOR MALE RESPONDENTS ONLY: This could include children you only learned about after they were born.
UNTIL ([loop], [newbioadoptchild_loopagain] =0)COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Information on new biological and adoptive children
XFER (ROS=ALLBIOAKIDS, DIR=OUT, COND= ((EMPTY(DECEASED) OR ISBLANK(DECEASED)) AND (HHFLAG > 3) AND ((RELY=49) OR (RELY=50))), FIELDS=(AGE=[child's age], NAME=[child's name], SEX=[child's sex], BDATE=[child's bdate], DECEASED=[child is deceased], HHFLAG=[child's hhflag], RELY=[child's relationship to R], UID=[child's UID], CHILDID=[child's childid], PARENTUID=[child's other parent's UID]))
([number of bio children] > 0)COMMENT: There is at least one new child to ask about
Now, again please look at the computer with me. I will ask you about the other parent of each new biological child that you told me about earlier. INTERVIEWER: PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE
REPEAT ([loop through new biological kids])COMMENT: Loop through all of the new biological children on the roster
Please select the other biological parent of [this child]'s from this list. (INTERVIEWER: IF NAME IS NOT ON THE LIST SELECT "ADD A NEW NAME" AND PRESS <ENTER> . OTHERWISE SELECT NAME AND PRESS <ENTER>.)
Who is [this child]'s other parent?
UNTIL ([loop through new biological kids],([loop through new biological kids] >= [number of bio children]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Name of other parent of child
XFER (ROS=PARENTS3, DIR=OUT, FIELDS=(NAME=[this other parent], FLAG=[parents3.flag], OLDEST=[this child], CHECK=[parents3.check]))COMMENT: Xfer out the information about parent to save arrays
REPEAT ([loop for added children])COMMENT: Information on other parent of child
([parents3.check] =2)COMMENT: There is already information for this parent
Is [this other parent] Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?
Which of the following is [this other parent]?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
The next few questions are about [this other parent] AT THE TIME [you/she] BECAME PREGNANT WITH [this child]. Please remember to think about THAT time, not the present, in answering my next few questions.How old was [this other parent] at that time?
What is your best guess? [Was he/she]?
At that time was [this other parent] . . .enrolled in school?
. . .working for pay?
. . .receiving welfare or some type of government assistance?
What is your best estimate of [his/her] current monthly income at that time from all sources?
([YFER-11700()] =1)COMMENT: The other bio parent was enrolled in school
Not counting the grade [this other parent] was in at that time, what was the highest grade of schooling that [this other parent] COMPLETED?
At that time, what was the highest grade of schooling that [this other parent] COMPLETED?
What was the highest educational degree/certificate that [this other parent] had received at that time?
(HAND R SHOWCARD AA)What religion did [this other parent] belong to at that time?
At the time [you/she] became pregnant, what was your relationship to one another? Were you...
At the time [this child] was born, which of these statements best describes your relationship with [this other parent]...
Think about your relationship with [this other parent] now. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not close at all and 10 is very close, how close do you feel towards [him/her]?
How much do you feel that [this other parent] cares about you? Again, 0 means does not care at all and 10 means cares a great deal.
Overall, what is your relationship like with [this other parent]? On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no conflict and 10 is a lot of conflict, how would you rate your relationship with [him/her]?
UNTIL ([loop for added children], ([loop for added children] = [number of other parents]))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Information on other parent of child
Let's talk about the new children you've told me about today. We'll begin with [this child](1).
([number of people on the household roster] > 0)COMMENT: There are people on the HH roster
([# of people on non-resident roster] > 0)COMMENT: There are people on the NONHH roster
([parent has been assigned a parent UID]=1)COMMENT: we have already filled in the parentuid
([(1, 2, 3, . . .)] =1)COMMENT: this is the first time through the loop
Now let's talk about [this child].
([new bio child's hhflag] =5)COMMENT: the child is a non-resident
In what month and year did you last see [this child]?
([year R saw child] =[current year]) OR ((([year R saw child] + 1) = [current year]) AND ([month R saw child] >= [current month]))COMMENT: R has seen the child during the past twelve months
In the past 12 months, about how often have you seen [this child]? Is it ...(READ EACH CATEGORY.)
About how many miles from you does [this child] live?ASK R FOR BEST GUESS IF R DOES NOT KNOW EXACT MILEAGE
Do you live in the same state or a different state as [this child]?
What state does [this child] live in?
(([new bio child's relationship to R] = 49) OR ([new bio child's relationship to R] = 50))COMMENT: looking only for biological children, not adopted
These next questions are about the legal relationship between you and [this child]. Which of the following steps [have you/ have the father] taken to establish a legal relationship with your child. [have you/ has he]...(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
Do you have a formal or legal agreement about custody, an informal agreement, or no agreement about custody for [this child]?
What child custody arrangements does the most recent agreement specify? Is it...
What child custody arrangements does the understanding specify?
([gender]=2)COMMENT: the respondent is female
Sometimes fathers participate in child-related activities before the child's birth. Did you do any of the following before your child was born?Did you go with the child's mother to a doctor's appointment?
Did you feel the baby move?
Did you buy things for the baby?
Were you present at the delivery or did you come to the hospital when your child was born?
Who makes major decision about things such as child care and health care for [this child]? Would you say ...
SYMBOLEXIST ([date R saw child])
(([year R saw child] =[current year]) AND ([month R saw child] +1 >= [current month])) OR (([year R saw child] + 1 = [current year]) AND ([current month]=1) AND ([month R saw child]=12))COMMENT: R has seen the child during the past month
How many times in the past month have you seen [this child]?
([new biological child's age] >= 0) AND ([new biological child's age] < 5)COMMENT: the child is less than four
The next questions are about things you may have done with or for [this child]. In the past month, how often did you do the following things with [allnewbiokidslive.him/her]? Was it more than once a day, about once a day, a few times a week, a few times during the month, rarely, or not at all?In the past month, how often did you talk or sing to your child?
In the past month, how often did you read books or tell a story to [this child]?
In the past month, how often did you play together with [this child]?
([new biological child's age] >= 0) AND ([new biological child's age] < 3)COMMENT: the child is less than three
In the past month, how often did you bathe or dress [this child]?
([new biological child's age] >= 3) AND ([new biological child's age] < 5)COMMENT: the child is at least three and less than five
In the past month, how often did you prepare a meals for [this child] or assist [this child] with eating?
UNTIL ([(1, 2, 3, . . .)], [(1, 2, 3, . . .)] = [number of bio children])