Return to round 5 questionnaire table of contents
([R was eligible for program participation questions at DLI] =1)COMMENT: R was eligible for Program Participation at DLI
([R was eligible for marriage section at DLI] >=1) OR ([was R married] >=1) OR ([was R married] >=1) OR ([R has ever been married] >=1)COMMENT: R was ever married from marriage sections loop questions
([parent/guardian] >= 1)COMMENT: R is living at home with parent or guardian
([household biological child flag] = 1) OR ([non resident biological child flag] = 1) OR ([# of biological/adopted children] > 0)COMMENT: R has biological children
([R's age in 2000] >=18)COMMENT: R's age >= 18 as of 12/31/2000
([currently enrolled] =1) AND (([elementay/middle/high school] >=1) AND ([elementay/middle/high school] <=4))COMMENT: R is currently enrolled and schooltype is less than 4 year college
([R is currently married]=1) OR ([current partner] =1)COMMENT: R is currently married or has a current partner
([R was eligible for program participation questions at DLI] =1)COMMENT: R was eligible to go through program participation at DLI
For these next questions we are interested in different kinds of payments that might have been made directly to [you/you or your spouse or partner]. For these questions, please do not include any payments that were made to your parents or to other members of your family or household, even if the payments were used to help pay for your support.
([did R ever receive unemployment compensation as of DLI] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received unemployment by DLI
([did R ever receive unemployment compensation as of DLI] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving unemployment as refused, don't know or missing
([unemployment compensation status at DLI] = 1 )COMMENT: R was currently recieving unemployment at DLI
([did R ever receive unemployment compensation as of DLI] = 1 )COMMENT: R had ever received unemployment as of DLI
My computer shows that you were receiving unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that you were not receiving unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Unemployment stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] you last received unemployment compensation in [stop date]? Is this correct?
My computer shows that you never received unemployment compensation as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Have you ever received any unemployment compensation payments?
Are you currently receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation?
Were you receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did you last receive unemployment compensation prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did you last receive unemployment compensation prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have you received any unemployment compensation payments?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Unemployment loop
([loop] =1)COMMENT: This is the first time through the loop
([R was receiving unemployment] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving unemployment compensation at DLI
What month and year did you [first/next] receive unemployment compensation?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Unemployment start date is refused, don't know or missing
What day in [start date] did you [first/next] receive unemployment compensation?
Was it at the beginning of [start date], the middle of [start date] or the end of [start date]?
([currently receiving unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving unemployment compensation
Since [start date] have there been any periods of two weeks or more when you did not receive unemployment compensation benefits?
What month and year did you [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Unemployment stop date is refused, don't know or missing
What day in [stop date] did you [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks?
Was it at the beginning of [stop date], the middle of [stop date] or the end of [stop date]?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Unemployment stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did you ever receive unemployment compensation?
Did you receive your benefit payment once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Thinking about the unemployment benefits you received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did you receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD BB) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount you received per week in unemployment compensation?
(([currently receiving unemployment] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiving unemployment] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving unemployment] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiving unemployment] = 0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving unemployment and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did you start receiving unemployment compensation again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R received unemployment again] =0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Unemployment loop
([marital status] =1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household] =1)COMMENT: R has a spouse or partner
(INTERVIEWER : IS R'S [spouse/partner] THE SAME [spouse/partner] SINCE [date of last interview]?)
([R's spouse/partner received unemployment] = 0)COMMENT: R's spouse or partner had never received unemployment by DLI
([R's spouse/partner received unemployment] < 0)COMMENT: R reported spouse or partner receiving unemployment as refused, don't know or missing
([R's spouse/partner received unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner was currently receiving unemployment at DLI
([R's spouse/partner received unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner had ever received unemployment as of DLI
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] was receiving unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] was not receiving unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner unemployment stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] your [spouse/partner] last received unemployment compensation at [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] had never received unemployment compensation as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Has your [spouse/partner] ever received unemployment compensation payments?
Is your [spouse/partner] currently receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation?
Was your [spouse/partner] receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] last receive unemployment compensation prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did your [spouse/partner] last receive unemployment compensation prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] has your [spouse/partner] received any unemployment compensation payments?
Is your [spouse/partner] currently receiving State of Federal unemployment compensation?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Spouse/partner unemployment loop
([loop] =1)COMMENT: this is the first time through the loop
([spouse/partner was receiving unemployment] =1)COMMENT: spouse was receiving unemployment compensation at DLI
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] receive unemployment compensation?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner's unemployment compensation start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving spouse unemployment] =1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving unemployment
Since [start date], have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [spouse/partner] did not receive unemployment compensation benefits?
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner unemployment stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did your [spouse/partner] ever receive unemployment compensation?
Did your [spouse/partner] receive your payments once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Thinking about the unemployment benefits your [spouse/partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD BB) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [spouse/partner] received per week in unemployment compensation?
(([currently receiving spouse unemployment] = 1) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment] = 0)) OR (([spouse/partner was receiving unemployment] = 1) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment] = 0))COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving and no stop periods
Since [stop date], did your [spouse/partner] start receiving unemployment compensation again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([spouse/partner received unemployment again] =0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner unemployment loop
Since you began living together, has your [spouse/partner] received any unemployment compensation payments?
Is your [spouse/partner] currently receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation payments?
Please think back to the very [first/next] time your [spouse/partner] received unemployment compensation since you began living together. What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] receive unemployment compensation since you began living together?
([currently receiving spouse unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving unemployment
Since [start date], have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [spouse/partner] did not receive unemployment compensation benefits since you began living together?
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks since you began living together?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date]);COMMENT: Unemployment stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did your [spouse/partner] ever receive unemployment compensation since you began living together?
Did your [spouse/partner] receive payments once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Thinking about the unemployment compensation benefits your [spouse/partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per week during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD BB) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [spouse/partner] received per week in unemployment insurance?
([currently receiving spouse unemployment] = 1) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving unemployment] = 0)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving and no stop periods
UNTIL ([loop], ([loop] >=4 OR [spouse/partner received unemployment again] = 0))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner unemployment loop
([did R ever receive workers' compensation as of DLI] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received workers comp by DLI
([did R ever receive workers' compensation as of DLI] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving workers comp as refused, don't know or missing
([workers' compensation status at DLI] =1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving workers comp at DLI
([did R ever receive workers' compensation as of DLI] =1)COMMENT: R had ever received workers comp
My computer shows that you were receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that you were not receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Workers comp stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] you last received Workers' Compensation in [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that you never received Workers' Compensation as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Have you ever received Workers' Compensation payments?
Are you currently receiving Workers' Compensation payments?
Were you receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did you last receive Workers' Compensation prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did you last receive Workers' Compensation prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have you received any Workers' Compensation payments?
Are you currently receiving payments from Workers' Compensation or other payments as a result of a job related injury or illlness?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Workers' comp loop
([R was receiving workers comp] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving workers' compensation at DLI
What month and year did you [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Workers comp start date is refused, don't know or missing
What day in [start date] did you [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation?
Was it the beginning of [start date], the middle of [start date] or the end of [start date]?
([currently receiving workers comp] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving workers comp
Since [start date] have there been any periods of two weeks or more when you did not receive Workers' Compensation benefits?
What month and year did you [first/next] stop receiving Workers' Compensation?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Workers comp stop date is refused, don't know or missing
What day in [stop date] did you [first/next] stop receiving Workers' Compensation for more than two weeks?
Was it the beginning of [stop date], the middle of [stop date] or the end of [stop date]?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Workers comp stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did you ever receive Workers' Compensation?
Did you receive Workers' Compensation benefit payment once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Thinking about the Workers' Compensation benefit payments you received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did you receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount you received per week in Workers Compensation?
What was the source of these payments?
(([currently receiving workers comp] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiveing workers comp] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving workers comp] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiveing workers comp] = 0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving workers comp and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did you start receiving Workers' Compensation again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([loop again for workers comp] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Workers' comp loop
([same partner as at date of last interview] =1)COMMENT: This is the same spouse/partner as DLI
([R's spouse/partner received workers comp] = 0)COMMENT: R's spouse or partner had never received workers comp by DLI
([R's spouse/partner received workers comp] < 0)COMMENT: R reported spouse or partner receiving workers comp as refused, don't know or missing
([spouse workers' compensation status at DLI] =1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner was currently receiving workers comp at DLI
([R's spouse/partner received workers comp] =1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner had ever received workers comp as of DLI
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] was receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] was not receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner workers comp stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] your [spouse/partner] last received Workers' Compensation in [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that your [spouse/partner] had never received Workers' Compensation as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Has your [spouse/partner] ever received Workers' Compensation payments?
Is your [spouse/partner] currently receiving Workers' Compensation payments?
Was your [spouse/partner] receiving Workers' Compensation on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] last receive Workers' Compensation prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did your [spouse/partner] last receive Workers' Compensation prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] has your [spouse/partner] received any Workers' Compensation payments?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Spouse/partner Workers' Comp loop
([spouse/partner was receiving workers comp] = 1)COMMENT: spouse was receiving workers' compensation at DLI
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner's workers comp start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving spouse workers comp] = 1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving workers comp
Since [start date] have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [spouse/partner] did not receive Workers' Compensation benefits?
What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] stop receiving Workers' Compensation for more than two weeks?
("-"$ [stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Spouse or partner workers comp stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did your [spouse/partner] ever receive Workers' Compensation?
Did your [spouse/partner] receive your Workers' Compensation benefit payment once a week, every two weeks or once a month?
Thinking about the Workers' Compensation benefit your [spouse/partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [spouse/partner] received per week in Workers' Compensation?
(([currently receiving spouse workers comp] = 1)) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving workers comp] = 0) OR (([spouse/partner was receiving workers comp] = 1) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving workers comp] = 0))COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving and no stop periods
Since [stop date], did your [spouse/partner] start receiving Workers' Compensation again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([loop again for workers comp] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner Workers' Comp loop
Since you began living together has your [spouse/partner] received any Workers' Compensation payments?
Is your [spouse/partner] currently receiving Workers' Compensation?
Please think back to the very [first/next] time your [spouse/partner] received Workers' Compensation since you began living together. What month and year did your [spouse/partner] [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation since you began living together?
([currently receiving spouse workers comp] =1)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving workers comp payments
Since [start date] have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [spouse/partner] did not receive Workers' Compensation benefits since you began living together?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Workers comp stop date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did your [spouse/partner] ever receive Workers' Compensation since you began living together?
Thinking about the Workers' Compensation benefits your [spouse/partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [spouse/partner] received per week in workers compensation?
([currently receiving spouse workers comp] = 1) AND ([spouse/partner stopped receiving workers comp] = 0)COMMENT: Spouse or partner is currently receiving workers comp and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did your [spouse/partner] start receiving Workers' Compensation again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([loop again for spouse's workers comp] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner Workers' Comp loop
([R has ever received food stamps] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received food stamps by DLI
([R has ever received food stamps] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving food stamps as refused, don't know or missing
([food stamps status at DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving food stamps at DLI
([R has ever received food stamps] = 1)COMMENT: R had ever received food stamps as of DLI
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were receiving Food Stamp benefits on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were not receiving Food Stamp benefits on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Food stamp stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] [you/you or your spouse or partner] last received Food Stamp benefits in [stop date]. Is that correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] had never received Food Stamp benefits as of [date of last interview]. Is that correct?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received any Food Stamp benefits?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving any Food Stamp benefits?
Were [you/you or your spouse or partner] receiving Food Stamp benefits on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive Food Stamp benefits prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive Food Stamp benefits prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have [you/you or your spouse or partner] received any Food Stamp benefits?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving Food Stamp benefits?
Please think back to the first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] received Food Stamp benefits since [date of last interview].
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Food Stamps loop
([R was receiving food stamps] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving food stamps at DLI
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive Food Stamp benefits?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Food stamp start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving food stamps] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving food stamps
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive Food Stamp benefits?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving Food Stamp benefits?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Food stamp stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive Food Stamp benefits since [date of last interview]?
Thinking about the Food Stamp benefits [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive per MONTH during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average per month in Food Stamp benefits?
Which persons were covered by the Food Stamp benefits received [between (date) and (current/stop date)]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
(([currently receiving food stamps] = 1) AND ([R has not received food stamps for a period] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving food stamps] = 1) AND ([R has not received food stamps for a period] = 0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving food stamps and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving benefits from the Food Stamp program again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R received food stamps again] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Food Stamps loop
([did R ever receive WIC as of DLI] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received WIC by DLI
([did R ever receive WIC as of DLI] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving WIC as refused, don't know or missing
([WIC status at DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving WIC at DLI
([did R ever receive WIC as of DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R had ever received WIC as of DLI
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were receiving WIC benefits on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were not receiving WIC benefits on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: WIC stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] [you/you or your spouse or partner] last received WIC benefits in [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] had never received WIC benefits as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received any WIC benefits?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving any WIC benefits?
Were [you/you or your spouse or partner] receiving WIC benefits on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive WIC benefits prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive WIC benefits prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have [you/you or your spouse or partner] received any WIC benefits?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving WIC benefits?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: WIC loop
([R was receiving WIC] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving WIC at DLI
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive WIC benefits?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: WIC start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving WIC] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving WIC
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive WIC benefits?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving WIC benefits?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: WIC stop date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive WIC benefits?
Thinking about the food items [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], in an average month, how much would it have cost you to purchase these items?
(HAND R SHOWCARD DD) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount it would have cost you to purchase the food items you received.
Which persons were covered by the WIC benefits received [between (date) and (current/stop date)]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
(([currently receiving WIC] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiving WIC] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving WIC] =1) AND ([R stopped receiving WIC]=0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving WIC and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving WIC benefits again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R has received WIC again] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? WIC loop
([R has ever received public housing] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received public housing by DLI
([R has ever received public housing] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving public housing as refused, don't know or missing
([public housing status at DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving public housing at DLI
([R has ever received public housing] = 1)COMMENT: R had ever received public housing as of DLI
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were living in public housing or receiving rental certificates or vouchers on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were not living in public housing or receiving rental certificates or vouchers on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Public housing stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] [you/you or your spouse or partner] last lived in public housing or received rental certificates or vouchers in [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] never lived in public housing or received rental certificates or vouchers as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever lived in a public housing project or received any public housing assistance in the form of rental certificates or vouchers for a period of one month or more?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently living in a public housing project or receiving rental certificates or vouchers?
Were [you/you or your spouse or partner] living in public housing or receive rental certificates or vouchers on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last live in public housing or receive rental certificates or vouchers prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last live in public housing or receive rental certificates or vouchers prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever lived in a public housing project or received any public housing assistance in the form of rental certificates or vouchers for a period of one month or more?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Public housing loop
([R was receiving housing vouchers] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving public housing at DLI
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] begin living in public housing or begin receiving rental assistance from the government?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Public housing start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving housing vouchers] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving public housing
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when you did not live in public housing or receive rental assistance from the government?
What month and year did you [first/next] stop living in public housing or stop receiving rental assistance?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Public housing stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive public housing or rental assistance from the government?
Thinking about the housing assistance you received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], were you living in a public housing project owned by a local housing authority or were you paying lower rent because the Federal, State or local government was paying part of the cost through rental certificates or vouchers?
Thinking about the rental assistance you received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did you receive per MONTH during this period in rental certificates or vouchers?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average in rental assistance during this period?
(([currently receiving housing vouchers] = 1) AND ([period did not live in government housing] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving housing vouchers]=1) AND ([period did not live in government housing] = 0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving public housing and no stop periods
Since [stop date] did [you/you or your spouse or partner] live in a public housing project or receive any public housing assistance payments in the form of rental certificates or vouchers again for a period of one month or more?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R has received housing again] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Public housing loop
([R has ever received afdc] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received AFDC by DLI
([R has ever received afdc] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving AFDC as refused, don't know or missing
([AFDC status at DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving AFDC at DLI
([R has ever received afdc] = 1)COMMENT: R had ever received AFDC as of DLI
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were receiving AFDC or ADC on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were not receiving AFDC or ADC on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: AFDC stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] [you/you or your spouse or partner] last received AFDC or ADC in [stop date]. Is that correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] had never received AFDC or ADC as of [date of last interview]. Is that correct?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received any AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Were [you/you or your spouse or partner] receiving AFDC or ADC on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive AFDC or ADC prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive AFDC or ADC prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have [you/you or your spouse or partner] received any AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving any AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
([R was receiving AFDC] =1)COMMENT: R was receiving AFDC at DLI
Since [date of last interview], what month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: AFDC start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving AFDC] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently reciving AFDC
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive AFDC or ADC benefits or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving payments AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: AFDC stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
Since [date of last interview], about how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Thinking about these payments that [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between (date) and (currnt/stop date)], on average, how much did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive per MONTH during this period? Please do not include any child support "pass through" paid by parents who don't live with their children.
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average per month in AFDC, ADC, or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Please tell me the name of the program from which you received these government assistance payments to low-income families. If you received payments from more than one program, please tell me the names of all the programs.
Which persons were covered by these payments received [between (date) and (currnt/stop date)]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([currently receiving AFDC] = 1) AND ([two week period R did not receive AFDC or ADC] = 0)COMMENT: R is currently receiving AFDC and no stop periods
Since [stop date] was there another time that [you/you or your spouse or partner] started receiving AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R has received AFDC again] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? AFDC loop
Now I'd like to ask you about other welfare programs such as SSI, general assistance payments, emergency assistance payments, or Cuban/Haitian or Indian assistance payments.
([did R ever receive other welfare as of DLI] = 0)COMMENT: R had never received other welfare by DLI
([did R ever receive other welfare as of DLI] < 0)COMMENT: R reported receiving other welfare as refused, don't know or missing
([other welfare status at DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R was currently receiving other welfare at DLI
([did R ever receive other welfare as of DLI] = 1)COMMENT: R had ever received other welfare as of DLI
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were receiving other welfare programs such as SSI, general assistance payments, emergency assistance payments, or Cuban/Haitian or Indian assistance payments on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] were not receiving any other welfare programs on [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Other welfare stop date from DLI is refused, don't know or missing
My computer shows that prior to [date of last interview] [you/you or your spouse or partner] last received any of these other welfare payments in [stop date]. Is this correct?
My computer shows that [you/you or your spouse or partner] had never received other welfare payments as of [date of last interview]. Is this correct?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received other welfare payments?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving other welfare payments?
Were [you/you or your spouse or partner] receiving other welfare payments on [date of last interview]?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive other welfare payments prior to [date of last interview]?
(What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] last receive other welfare payments prior to [date of last interview]?)
Since [date of last interview] have [you/you or your spouse or partner] received any other welfare payments?
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving any other welfare payments?
REPEAT ([loop])COMMENT: Welfare loop
([loop] =1 )COMMENT: This is the first time through the loop
([R was receiving welfare] =1 )COMMENT: R was receiving other welfare at DLI
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive any other welfare payments since [date of last interview]?
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Other welfare start date is refused, don't know or missing
([currently receiving welfare] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving other welfare
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive other welfare payments?
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving these other welfare payments?
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Other welfare stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive these other welfare payments?
Thinking about the other welfare payments [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between (date) and (current/stop date)], on average, how much did you receive per MONTH during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average per month in other welfare payments?
Which persons were covered by these other welfare payments? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
(([currently receiving welfare] = 1) AND ([R stopped receiveing welfare] = 0)) OR (([R was receiving welfare] =1) AND ([R stopped receiveing welfare] =0))COMMENT: R is currently receiving other welfare and no stop periods
Since [start date] did [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving other welfare payments again?
UNTIL ([loop],(([loop] >= 4) OR ([R has received welfare again] = 0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Welfare loop
Have you ever received any Workers' Compensation payments?
([R is currently married] =1) OR ([current partner] =1)COMMENT: R is married or has a partner
Has your [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received unemployment compensation payments?
Has your [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received Workers' Compensation payments?
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received any AFDC or ADC benefits?
Now I'd like to ask you about other welfare programs such as SSI, general assistance payments, emergency assistance payments, or Cuban/Haitian or Indian assistance payments. Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever received any of these assistance payments or any other welfare payments?
([R has received unemployment] =1)COMMENT: check if R received unemployment compensation
Earlier you said that you have received unemployment compensation. Are you currently receiving State or Federal unemployment compensation?
Please think back to the very first time you received unemployment compensation. (INTERVIEWER: SHOW RESPONDENT WORK HISTORY CALENDAR TO INDICATE PERIODS RESPONDENT WAS NOT WORKING.)
REPEAT ([unemployment loop])COMMENT: Unemployment loop
([R currently receiving unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving unemployment
([YPRG-4500()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received unemployment
("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: Unemployment stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
Thinking about the unemployment benefits you received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did you receive per WEEK during this period?
([R received unemployment again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Unemployment dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([unemployment loop],(([unemployment loop] >= 4) OR ([R received unemployment again] =0) OR ([YPRG-6100()] =0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Unemployment loop
([R was eligible for program participation questions at DLI] =1)COMMENT: R was eligible for program participation at DLI
([spouse/partner has received unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: R's spouse received unemployment benefits
Has your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received unemployment compensation payments?
You said your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received unemployment compensation. Is your [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving State Federal unemployment compensation?
REPEAT ([2nd loop in unemployment])COMMENT: Spouse/partner unemployment loop
Please think back to the very [first/next] time your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received unemployment compensation. What month and year did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive unemployment compensation?
What day in [start date] did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive unemployment compensation?
([Spouse/partner currently receiving unemployment] = 1)COMMENT: R's spouse or partner is currently receiving unemployement
Since [start date], have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive unemployment compensation benefits?
([YPRG-7700()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R's spouse/partner has not received unemployment
What month and year did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks?
What day in [stop date] did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving unemployment compensation for more than two weeks?
About how many weeks did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive unemployment compensation?
Did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive your payments once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Thinking about the unemployment benefits your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD BB) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received per week in unemployment compensation?
([spouse/partner received unemployment again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Unemployment dates are complete and no new period to loop again
Since [stop date], did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving unemployment compensation again?
UNTIL ([2nd loop in unemployment],(([2nd loop in unemployment] >= 4) OR ([spouse/partner received unemployment again] =0) OR ([YPRG-9200()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner unemployment loop
([R has received workers comp] = 1)COMMENT: R received workers comp
Earlier you said you had received Workers' Compensation. Are you currently receiving payments from Workers' Compensation or other payments as a result of a job related injury or illness?
Please think back to the very first time you received Workers' Compensation.
REPEAT ([workers comp loop])COMMENT: Worker's Comp loop
("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Workers comp stat date is refused, don't know or missing
([R currently receiving workers comp] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving workers comp
([YPRG-10700()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received workers comp
Thinking about the Workers' Compensation benefit payments you received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did you receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount you received per week in Workers' Compensation?
([spouse/partner received workers comp again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Workers comp dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([workers comp loop],(([workers comp loop] >= 4) OR ([spouse/partner received workers comp again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-12400()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Worker's Comp loop
([spouse/partner has received workers comp]= 1)COMMENT: R's spouse received workers comp
([marital status] = 1) OR ([R has a prtner in the household] = 1)COMMENT: R has a spouse or partner
([spouse/partner has received workers comp]=1)COMMENT: R's spouse received workers comp
Earlier you said your [you/you or your spouse or partner] had received Workers' Compensation. Is your [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving payments from Workers' Compensation?
Please think back to the very first time your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received Workers' Compensation.
REPEAT ([workers comp 2nd loop])COMMENT: Spouse/partner Worker's Comp loop
What month and year did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation?
What day in [start date] did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive Workers' Compensation?
([Spouse/partner currently receiving unemployment]= 1)COMMENT: R's spouse or partner is currently receiving workers comp
Since [start date] have there been any periods of two weeks or more when your [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive Workers' Compensation benefits?
([YPRG-14000()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R's spouse/partner has not received workers comp
What month and year did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving Workers' Compensation for more than two weeks?
What day in [stop date] did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving Workers' Compensation for more than two weeks?
About how many weeks did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive Workers' Compensation?
Did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive your Workers' Compensation benefit payment once a week, every two weeks or once a month?
Thinking about the Workers' Compensation benefit your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did [he/she] receive per WEEK during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount your [you/you or your spouse or partner] received per week in Workers' Compensation?
Since [stop date], did your [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving Workers' Compensation again?
UNTIL ([workers comp 2nd loop],(([workers comp 2nd loop] >= 4) OR ([spouse/partner received workers comp again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-15700()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Spouse/partner Worker's Comp loop
([R has received food stamps] = 1)COMMENT: R received food stamps
Earlier you said [you/you or your spouse or partner] have received Food Stamp benefits. Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving Food Stamp benefits?
Please think back to the very first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] received Food Stamp benefits.
REPEAT ([food stamps loop])COMMENT: Food stamps loop
([R currently receiving food stamps] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving food stamps
([YPRG-19700()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received food stamps
("-"$[stop date]) OR ("-"$[start date])COMMENT: Food stamp stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive Food Stamp benefits?
Thinking about the Food Stamp benefits [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive per MONTH during this period?
Which persons were covered by the Food Stamp benefits received [between start and stop date]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R received food stamps again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Food stamp dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([food stamps loop],(([food stamps loop] >= 4) OR ([R received food stamps again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-21000()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Food stamps loop
([R has received WIC] = 1)COMMENT: R received WIC
Earlier you said [you/you or your spouse or partner] have received WIC benefits. Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving WIC benefits?
Please think back to the very first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] received WIC benefits.
([R currently receiving WIC] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving WIC
([YPRG-22300()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received WIC
("-"$[start date]) OR ("-"$[stop date])COMMENT: WIC stop date or start date is refused, don't know or missing
Thinking about the food items [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start and stop date], in an average month, how much would it have cost you to purchase these items?
(HAND R SHOWCARD DD) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount it would have cost you to purchase the food items you received?
Which persons were covered by the WIC benefits received [between start and stop date]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R received WIC] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: WIC dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([WIC loop],(([WIC loop] >= 4) OR ([R received WIC] = 0) OR ([YPRG-23600()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? WIC loop
Have [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever lived in a public housing project or received any public housing assistance in the form of rental certificates or vouchers for a period of one month or more? (PLEASE DON'T INCLUDE ANY TIME THAT YOU LIVED IN PUBLIC HOUSING WHEN SOMEONE ELSE WAS THE PERSON RECOGNIZED BY THE PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY.)
Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently living in a public housing project or received rental certificates or vouchers?
Please think back to the very first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] lived in public housing or received rental certificates or vouchers.
REPEAT ([public housing loop])COMMENT: Public housing loop
([R currently receiving government housing] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving public housing
([YPRG-34000()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received public housing
Thinking about the housing assistance you received [between start and stop date], were you living in a public housing project owned by a local housing authority or were you paying lower rent because the Federal, State or local government was paying part of the cost through rental certificates or vouchers?
Thinking about the rental assistance you received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did you receive per MONTH during this period in rental certificates or vouchers?
([R received public housing again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Public housing dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([public housing loop],(([public housing loop] >= 4) OR ([R received public housing again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-35300()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Public housing loop
([R has received AFDC] = 1)COMMENT: R has received AFDC
Earlier you said [you/you or your spouse or partner] have received AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families. Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving AFDC or ADC payments, or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Please think back to the very first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] received AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families.
REPEAT ([afdc loop])COMMENT: AFDC loop
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
([R currently receiving AFDC] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving AFDC
Since [start date] have there been any periods of one month or more when [you/you or your spouse or partner] did not receive AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
([YPRG-17000()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received AFDC
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] stop receiving AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
About how many weeks did [you/you or your spouse or partner] ever receive AFDC or ADC payments or other government assistance payments to low-income families?
Thinking about these payments that [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start date and stop date], on average, how much did [you/you or your spouse or partner] receive per MONTH during this period? Please do not include any child support "pass through" paid by parents who don't live with their children.
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average per month in AFDC or ADC benefit payments?
Please tell me the name of the program from which you received these government assistance payments to low-income families. If you received payments from more than program, please tell me the names of all of the programs.
Which persons were covered by these payments [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start date and stop date]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R received AFDC again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: AFDC dates are complete and no new period to loop again
UNTIL ([afdc loop],(([afdc loop] >= 4) OR ([R received AFDC again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-18400()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? AFDC loop
([R has received other welfare]=1)COMMENT: R received other welfare
Earlier you said you have received benefits from other welfare programs. Are [you/you or your spouse or partner] currently receiving benefits from other welfare programs?
Please think back to the very first time [you/you or your spouse or partner] received other welfare payments.
REPEAT ([welfare loop])COMMENT: Welfare loop
What month and year did [you/you or your spouse or partner] [first/next] receive any other welfare payments?
([R currently receiving other welfare] = 1)COMMENT: R is currently receiving other welfare
([YPRG-31300()]=1)COMMENT: There has been a period when R has not received other welfare
What month and year did you [first/next] stop receiving these other welfare payments?
Thinking about the other welfare payments [you/you or your spouse or partner] received [between start and stop date], on average, how much did you receive per MONTH during this period?
(HAND R SHOWCARD CC) Please look at this card. Can you tell me the letter of the category that corresponds to the range that includes the amount [you/you or your spouse or partner] received on average in other welfare payments?
Which persons were covered by these other welfare payments [between start and stop date]? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
([R received welfare again] = 0) AND ([stop date is unknown]=0)COMMENT: Other welfare dates are complete and no new period to loop again
Since [start date] did [you/you or your spouse or partner] start receiving payments from these programs again?
UNTIL ([welfare loop],(([welfare loop] >= 4) OR ([R received welfare again] = 0) OR ([YPRG-32600()]=0)))COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Welfare loop
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