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([age at interview date] >= 15); /* IS YOUTH 15 YEARS OR OLDER AS OF INTERVIEW DATE? */
Next, we need to ask you some work-related questions. This section is made up of the same questions that are used to determine the national unemployment rate. The information gathered here will be compared to the national data.
([age at interview date] >= 17); /* IS YOUTH 17 YEARS OR OLDER AS OF INTERVIEW DATE? */
Are you now in the active Armed Forces?
I am going to ask a few questions about work-related activities LAST WEEK. By last week I mean the week beginning on the Sunday before (this/this past) Sunday and (this/this past) Saturday.
Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
Is the business or farm owned by you ALONE, does someone else in your household own it WITHOUT YOU, or do you own it with someone else in your household?
LAST WEEK, did you do ANY work for pay?
LAST WEEK, did you do ANY work for either pay or profit?
([anyone in the household owns a farm or business] =1); /* R REPORTED HOUSEHOLD OWNERSHIP OF BUSINESS OR FARM */
LAST WEEK, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
([who owns business] = 1) or ([who owns business] = 2); /* HAS THE R INDICATED OWNER SHIP IN A BUSINESS OR FARM? */
Do you receive any payments or profits from the business?
([R's labor force status] = 2); /* WAS R UNABLE TO WORK AT DLI? */
[R worked last week]; /* WHAT WAS R'S WORK STATUS REPORTED IN YCPS-2800 OR YCPS-2900? */
At [date of last interview], you reported that you were unable to work. Does your disability continue to prevent you from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months, including work in the family business or farm?
At [date of last interview], you reported that you were unable to work. Does your disability continue to prevent you from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months?
Does your disability continue to prevent you from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months, including work in the family business or farm?
Does your disability continue to prevent you from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months?
([R worked last week] = 2); /* IS R RETIRED? */
Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?
([R worked last week] = (-1)) or ([R worked last week] = (-2)); /* DID R NOT KNOW, OR REFUSED TO REPORT WHETHER R WORKED FOR PAY OR PROFIT LAST WEEK? */
([R worked last week] = 1); /* DID R WORK FOR PAY OR PROFIT LAST WEEK? */
([business profits] = 0) or ([business profits] = 1) or ([business profits] = (-1)) or ([business profits] = (-2)); /* DID R RECEIVE PAYMENTS OR PROFITS FROM BUSINESS? */
([R worked last week] = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
([R worked last week] = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
[R wants a job]; /* R WANT A JOB (EITHER FULL OR PART TIME)? */
([R disabled and unable to work]1 = 3) or ([R disabled and unable to work]1 = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
([R disabled and unable to work]1 = 4) or ([R disabled and unable to work]1 = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
INPATH ([YCPS-16800(1)]); /* WAS YCPS-16800(1) HIT? */
([R has looked for work in last 4 weeks]1 = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
INPATH ([YCPS-25900(1)]); /* WAS YCPS-25900(1) HIT? */
([YCPS-25900(1)] = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
([R has looked for work in last 4 weeks]1 = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
([YCPS-25900(1)] = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
([R disabled and unable to work]2 = 3) or ([R disabled and unable to work]2 = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
([R disabled and unable to work]2 = 4) or ([R disabled and unable to work]2 = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
INPATH ([YCPS-16800(2)]); /* WAS YCPS-16800(2) HIT? */
([R has looked for work in last 4 weeks]2 = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
INPATH ([YCPS-25900(2)]); /* WAS YCPS-25900(2) HIT? */
([YCPS-25900(2)] = 3); /* R DISABLED? */
([R has looked for work in last 4 weeks]2 = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
INPATH ([YCPS-25900(2)]); /* WAS YCPS-25900(2)? */
([YCPS-25900(2)] = 4); /* R UNABLE TO WORK? */
Does your disability prevent you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?
Do you have a disability that prevents you from accepting any kind of work during the next six months?
(([anyone in the household owns a farm or business] = 1) and ([who owns business] = 1 or [who owns business] = 2)); /* DOES R OWN A BUSINESS OR FARM (IN WHOLE OR IN PART)? */
LAST WEEK, in addition to the business, did you have a job either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
LAST WEEK, did you have a job either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
([R owns a business or farm] = 1); /* DOES R OWN A BUSINESS OR FARM (IN WHOLE OR IN PART)? */
([R has a disability] != 99); /* IS THERE AN ENTRY IN YCPS-7800? */
([R is disabled] != 99); /* IS THERE AN ENTRY IN YCPS-7900? */
LAST WEEK, were you on layoff from a job?
[R was laid off]; /* WHAT STATUS WAS REPORTED IN YCPS-8700 IF ANY. */
([R owns a business or farm] = 1) and ([R had CPS job] = 0); /* DOES R OWN ALL OR PART OF A BUSINESS OR FARM AND DOES NOT HAVE A JOB IN ADDITION TO THE BUSINESS OR FARM? */
What was the main reason you were absent from work LAST WEEK?
Are you being paid by your employer for any of the time off last week?
([anyone in the household owns a farm or business] = 1); /* HAS THE R INDICATED OWNERSHIP IN A BUSINESS OR FARM WITHIN THE HH? */
LAST WEEK, did you have more than one job, including part-time, evening or weekend work?
Altogether, how many jobs did you have?
LAST WEEK, did you have more than one job or business, including part-time, evening or weekend work?
Altogether, how many jobs or businesses did you have?
([R had more than one job] = 1); /* HAS R REPORTED MORE THAN ONE JOB OR BUSINESS? */
How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your main job? By "main" job we mean the one at which you usually work the most hours.
(How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your main job? By "main" job we mean the one at which you usually work the most hours.) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS)
How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your job?
(How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your job?) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS)
([R had more than one job] = 1); /* DID R REPORT MORE THAN ONE JOB? */
([number of jobs] = 3) or ([number of jobs] = 4); /* DID R REPORT AT LEAST THREE OTHER JOBS? */
How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your other job?
(How many hours per week do you USUALLYwork at your other job?) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS)
How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your other jobs?
(How many hours per week do you USUALLY work at your other jobs?) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS)
(([R had more than one job] = 1) and (((([usual working hours at main job] != 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 999)) or (([usual working hours at main job] = 1) and ([usual working hours] < 0))) and ((([ususal working hours at other job] != 1) and ([ususal working hours at other job] != 999)) or (([usual working hours] >= 0) and ([usual working hours] <= 34)) or ([usual working hours] < 0)))); /* R HAS MORE THAN 1 JOB, HAS VARIABLE/INDETERMINATE HOURS ON THE MAIN JOB, AND VARIABLE/INDETERMINATE/UNDER 34 HOURS ON THE OTHER JOBS */
(([R had more than one job] = 1) and (((([ususal working hours at other job] != 1) and ([ususal working hours at other job] != 999)) or (([ususal working hours at other job] = 1) and ([usual working hours] < 0))) and ((([usual working hours at main job] != 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 999)) or (([usual working hours] >= 0) and ([usual working hours] <= 34)) or ([usual working hours] < 0)))); /* R HAS MORE THAN 1 JOB, HAS VARIABLE/INDETERMINATE HOURS ON THE OTHER JOBS, AND VARIABLE/INDETERMINATE/UNDER 34 HOURS ON THE MAIN JOB. */
((([R had more than one job] != 1) and ([R had more than one job] != 99) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 999)) or (([R had more than one job] != 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] = 1) and ([usual working hours] < 0))); /* R HAS ONLY ONE JOB, HAS INVARIATE/INDETERMINATE HOURS ON THAT JOB. */
([R did unpaid work] = 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 1) and ([usual working hours at main job] != 999); /* R DID UNPAID WORK IN FAMILY FARM OR BUSINESS, BUT HAD INDETERMINANT OR VARIANT WORK HOURS. */
([number of jobs] != 99) and ([R did unpaid work] = 1); /* R HAS MORE THAN ONE JOB, AND DID UNPAID WORK IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM LAST WEEK. */
([number of jobs] = 99) and ([R did unpaid work] = 1); /* R HAS ONLY ONE JOB, AND DID UNPAID WORK IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM LAST WEEK. */
([R had more than one job] = 1) and ([R did unpaid work] != 1) and ([R did unpaid work] != 99); /* R HAS MORE THAN ONE JOB, AND DID NO UNPAID WORK IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM LAST WEEK. */
Do you USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week at all your jobs combined including in the family business or farm?
Do you USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week at your job in the family business or farm?
Do you USUALLYwork 35 hours or more per week at all your jobs combined?
Do you USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week at your job?
(([R had CPS job] = 1) or (([R had CPS job] = 0) and ([R owns a business or farm] = 1)) or ([R wants a job] = 2)); /* R HAS A JOB, OR R HAS A BUSINESS OR FARM (PART OR WHOLE), BUT DOES NOT HAVE A JOB IN ADDITION TO THE BUSINESS OR FARM. */
([business profits] <= 0) and ([business profits] != 99); /* R HAS A JOB, OR R HAS A BUSINESS OR FARM (PART OR WHOLE), BUT DOES NOT HAVE A JOB IN ADDITION TO THE BUSINESS OR FARM. */
((([usual working hours] >= 0) and ([usual working hours] <= 34)) or ([R works 35+ hours] = 0)); /* R REPORTED 34 HOURS OR LESS USUALLY WORKED PER WEEK AT ALL JOBS. */
([usual working hours] >= 35) or (([R works 35+ hours] != 0) and ([R works 35+ hours] != 99)); /* R REPORTED 35 HOURS OR MORE USUALLY WORKED PER WEEK AT ALL JOBS. */
([R works 35+ hours] != 99); /* IS THERE AN ENTRY IN USUAL35? */
([R works 35+ hours] = 1) or ([R works 35+ hours] = 2) or ([R works 35+ hours] = (-1)) or ([R works 35+ hours] =(-2)); /* R REPORTED 35 HOURS OR MORE (OR DK/REF/HRS VARY) USUALLY WORKED PER WEEK AT ALL JOBS. */
([business profits] != 99); /* IS THERE AN ENTRY IN BUSPROFIT? */
([business profits] != 1) and ([business profits] != 99); /* R DID NOT RECEIVE PAYMENTS OR PROFIT FROM A BUSINESS OR FARM. */
([R does not work full-time] = 1); /* R REPORTED 34 HOURS OR LESS USUALLY WORKED PER WEEK AT ALL JOBS. */
Do you want to work a full-time work week of 35 hours or more per week?
Some people work part time because they cannot find full-time work or because business is poor. Others work part time because of family obligations or other personal reasons. What is your MAIN reason for working part time? (PROBE IF NECESSARY:) What is your MAIN reason for working PART TIME instead of FULL TIME?
What is the main reason you do not want to work full time?
Now I have some questions about the exact number of hours you worked LAST WEEK. LAST WEEK, did you lose or take off any hours from (work/your MAIN job), for ANY reason such as illness, slack work, vacation, or holiday?
How many hours did you take off?
LAST WEEK, did you work any overtime or EXTRA hours (at your MAIN job) that you do not USUALLY work?
How many ADDITIONAL hours did you work?
([R worked less hours] != 99) and ([R had more than one job] = 1); /* R ANSWERED YCPS-14300 AND DID HAVE MORE THAN ONE JOB/BUSINESS LAST WEEK. */
([R worked less hours] = 99) and ([R had more than one job] = 1); /* R DID NOT ANSWER Y1-140 AND DID HAVE MORE THAN ONE JOB/BUSINESS LAST WEEK. */
([R worked less hours] != 99) and ([R had more than one job] != 1) and ([R had more than one job] != 99); /* R ANSWERED Y1-140 BUT DID NOT HAVE MORE THAN ONE JOB/BUSINESS LAST WEEK. */
So, for LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your MAIN job?
LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your MAIN job?
So, for LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your job?
LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your job?
([R had more than one job] = 1); /* DOES R HAVE MORE THAN ONE JOB? */
([number of jobs] = 3) or ([number of jobs] = 4); /* RESPONDENT HAS AT LEAST 3 JOBS. */
LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your other jobs?
LAST WEEK, how many hours did you ACTUALLY work at your other job?
([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] < 1) and ([business profits] != 1) and ([business profits] != 99); /* TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS REPORTED IN ACTUALHRS1 AND ACTUALHRS2 IS NONE, AND R DID NOT RECEIVE ANY PAYMENTS OR PROFITS FROM THE BUSINESS. */
([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] < 1) and ([R had CPS job] != 1); /* TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS REPORTED IN ACTUAL HOURS SERIES IS NONE, AND R DID RECEIVE ANY PAYMENTS OR PROFITS FROM THE BUSINESS. */
(((([usual working hours] >= 35) and ([usual working hours] <= 168)) or ([R works 35+ hours] = 1)) and ([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] >= 0) and ([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] <= 34) and ((([total actual hours R worked at main job] >= 0) and ([total actual hours R worked at main job] <= 99)) or (([total actual hours R worked at other jobs] >= 0) and ([total actual hours R worked at other jobs] <= 99)))); /* R USUALLY WORKED > 35 HOURS AT ALL JOBS, GAVE VALID VALUES FOR ACTUAL HOURS, AND ACTUALLY WORKED LESS THAN 35 HOURS LAST WEEK. */
(([R wants to work full-time] = 1) and ([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] >= 0) and ([total actual hours worked at all jobs last week] <= 34) and (([reason R works part time] = 1) or ([reason R works part time] = 2) or ([reason R works part time] = 3))); /* R WANTS TO WORK FULL TIME, BUT WORKS LESS THAN 35 HOURS PER WEEK, AND THE REASON S/HE WORKED LESS THAN 35 HOURS A WEEK IS SLACK WORK, COULD FIND ONLY PART TIME WORK OR SEASONAL WORK. */
What is the main reason you worked less than 35 hours LAST WEEK?
LAST WEEK, could you have worked full time if the hours had been offered?
([business profits] != 1) and ([business profits] != 99) and ([total actual hours R worked at main job] <= 15); /* R DID NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT FROM A BUSINESS OR FARM AND ACTUALLY WORKED LESS THAN 15 HOURS OR INDETERMINATE HOURS AT THE MAIN JOB. */
Has your employer given you a date to return to work?
Have you been given any indication that you will be recalled to work within the next 6 months?
Could you have returned to work LAST WEEK if you had been recalled?
Why is that?
Even though you expect to be called back to work, have you been looking for work during the last 4 weeks?
As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been on layoff? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT BELOW AND PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE.)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been on layoff?) (ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been on layoff?) (ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been on layoff?) (ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS)
([weeks/months/years] = 2) and ([length of layoff] >= 1) and ([length of layoff] <= 4); /* R HAS BEEN ON LAYOFF FOR BETWEEN 1 AND 4 MONTHS. */
We would like to have that in weeks, if possible. Exactly how many weeks had you been on layoff?
Is the job from which you are on layoff a full-time job of 35 hours or more per week?
Have you been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks?
([R has a disability] != 99); /* IS THERE AN ENTRY IN Y1-75? */
([R is disabled] != 99); /* IS THER AN ENTRY IN Y1-76? */
[R has actively/passively looked for work]; /* SKIP BASED UPON ANY ENTRY IN Y1-183 */
What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?
(HAND R SHOWCARD X) (What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?) (PROBE AFTER EACH RESPONSE:) Anything else? (INTERVIEWER: MARK ALL THAT APPLY. DO NOT READ LIST.)
([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1); /* DID R SEARCH FOR WORK USING ACTIVE JOB SEARCH METHODS? */
([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks] = 1); /* DID R SEARCH FOR WORK USING PASSIVE JOB SEARCH METHODS? */
You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?
(HAND R SHOWCARD X) (You said you have been trying to find work. How did you go about looking?) (PROBE AFTER EACH RESPONSE:) Anything else? (INTERVIEWER: MARK ALL THAT APPLY. DO NOT READ LIST.)
Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?
(HAND R SHOWCARD X) (Can you tell me more about what you did to search for work?) (PROBE AFTER EACH RESPONSE:) Anything else? (INTERVIEWER: MARK ALL THAT APPLY. DO NOT READ LIST.)
LAST WEEK, could you have started a job if one had been offered?
BEFORE you started looking for work, what were you doing: working, going to school, or something else?
Did you lose or quit that job, or was it a temporary job that ended?
([R lost or quit the job] != 99); /* DOES YCPS-24000 HAVE AN ENTRY? */
When did you last work at that job or business?
When did you last work at a job or business?
(INTERVIEWER: ASK IF NECESSARY, OTHERWISE VERIFY:) What was the month and year that you last worked?
As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been looking for work? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT AND PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE.)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been looking for work?) (ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been looking for work?) (ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS)
(As of the end of LAST WEEK, how long had you been looking for work?) (ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS)
([how long look for work] = 2) and ([months looked for work] >= 1) and ([months looked for work] <= 4); /* HAS R BEEN LOOKING FOR WORK FOR BETWEEN 1 AND 4 MONTHS? */
We would like to have that in weeks, if possible. Exactly how many weeks had you been looking for work?
Have you been looking for full-time work of 35 hours or more per week?
([R wants a job] = 1); /* R DOES WANT A FULL OR PART TIME JOB. */
(([R worked less than 15 hours and received no payment] = 0) or (([R was laid-off from a full-time job] >= -2) and ([R was laid-off from a full-time job] != 99))); /* SET 1 OF CONDITIONS FROM LOOP MET? I.E. NO BUSINESS INCOME AND WORKED LESS THAN 15 HOURS OR HOURS VARIED, AND R WAS ON LAYOFF FROM A JOB OF 35+ HOURS A WEEK? */
((([reason did not take job] >= -2) and ([reason did not take job] != 99)) or (([R has looked for full-time work] >= -2) and ([R has looked for full-time work] != 99)) or ([no profits or payment from business] = 1) or ([R was absent due to new job] = 1)); /* SET 2 OF CONDITIONS FROM LOOP MET? */
([R currently wants full-time job] = 1) or ([R currently wants full-time job] = 2); /* SET 3 OF CONDITIONS FROM LOOP MET? I.E. R WANTS A JOB OR IT DEPENDS. */
([R currently wants full-time job] = 0) or ([R currently wants full-time job] = -1) or ([R currently wants full-time job] = -2) or ([R was asked if have a disability] = 1) or ([R was asked if has a disability] = 1); /* SET 4 OF CONDITIONS FROM LOOP MET? */
([loop number 1] = 3); /* DID R PASS THROUGH LOOP 3 TIMES? */
([loop number 1] = 2); /* DID R PASS THROUGH LOOP 2 TIMES? */
((([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1)) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 != 1)); /* DID THE R USE ANY PASSIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH, BUT NO ACTIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH? */
((([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1)) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 != 1)); /* DID THE R USE ANY PASSIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH, BUT NO ACTIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH? */
((([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1)) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1) and ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 != 1)); /* DID THE R USE ANY PASSIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH, BUT NO ACTIVE METHODS OF JOB SEARCH? */
What is the main reason you were not looking for work during the LAST 4 WEEKS? (INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ LIST.)
([R has actively/passively looked for work] = 1); /* R HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR WORK IN THE LAST 4 WEEKS. */
Did you look for work at any time during the last 12 months?
Did you actually WORK at a job or business during the last 12 months?
Did you do any of this work during the last 4 weeks?
And since you LEFT that job or business, have you looked for work?
([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 1) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]3 = 0); /* DID THE R REPORT LOOKING FOR WORK IN THE LAST 4 WEEKS IN LOOP 3? */
([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 1) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]2 = 0); /* DID THE R REPORT LOOKING FOR WORK IN THE LAST 4 WEEKS IN LOOP 2? */
([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used job training to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 1) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R contacted employer to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to public agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R went to private employment agency to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used friends/relatives to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used school/university employment center to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used resumes/applications to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R answered ads to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used union/professional registries to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0) or ([R used some other method to look for work during last 4 weeks]1 = 0); /* DID THE R REPORT LOOKING FOR WORK IN THE LAST 4 WEEKS IN LOOP 1? */
How many job offers did you receive as a result of your job search? (INTERVIEWER: IF "NONE", ENTER "00".)
What was the (highest) wage that you were offered as a result of your job search? (PROBE IF NECESSARY:) Is that per hour, day, week, or what? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT OF AMOUNT BELOW. ENTER AMOUNT IN NEXT SCREEN.)
(What was the (highest) wage that you were offered as a result of your job search?) (PROBE IF NECESSARY:) Is that per hour, day, week, or what?)
Did you, or are you planning to accept that offer?
Do you intend to (continue to) look for (other) work of any kind in the next 12 months?
([R worked last week] = 1); /* DID R REPORT WORKING FOR PAY AT ALL LAST WEEK? */
([when R last worked] != 99); /* DID R ALREADY ANSWER YCPS-24200? */
([when R last worked] != 99); /* DID R ALREADY ANSWER YCPS-24300? */
What best describes your situation at this time? For example, are you disabled, ill, in school, taking care of house or family, or something else?
That ends the short section of the survey. We are now going to begin the main survey.