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Home ›Programs Creating Total Net Family Wealth Variables
This part of Appendix 23 includes the programs that created the TNFW_TRUNC (Total Net Family Wealth) Variables for survey years 1985-2020.
- 1985-1987 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 1988-1993 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 1994-1998 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2000 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2004 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2008 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2012 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2016 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
- 2020 TNFW_TRUNC variable creation
1985 TO 1987 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Adjust for missing codes */
array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_131_revised
q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;
do n = 1 to 10;
if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 11 */
do i = 1 to 11;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_1985 > 488773) then tnfw_trunc_1985 = 1054132;
if (tnfw_trunc_1986 > 471571) then tnfw_trunc_1986 = 679856;
if (tnfw_trunc_1987 > 488649) then tnfw_trunc_1987 = 1005767;
tnfw_trunc_1985 = round(tnfw_trunc_1985);
tnfw_trunc_1986 = round(tnfw_trunc_1986);
tnfw_trunc_1987 = round(tnfw_trunc_1987);
1988 TO 1993 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Adjust for missing codes */
array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_125_revised
q13_127_revised q13_131_revised q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised
q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;
do n = 1 to 12;
if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 13 */
do i = 1 to 13;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute TRUST */
if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then trustc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_1988 > 493828) then tnfw_trunc_1988 = 778437;
if (tnfw_trunc_1989 > 496507) then tnfw_trunc_1989 = 1103405;
if (tnfw_trunc_1990 > 499800) then tnfw_trunc_1990 = 1321099;
if (tnfw_trunc_1992 > 495536) then tnfw_trunc_1992 = 1148782;
if (tnfw_trunc_1993 >= 497550) then tnfw_trunc_1993 = 1116977;
tnfw_trunc_1988 = round(tnfw_trunc_1988);
tnfw_trunc_1989 = round(tnfw_trunc_1989);
tnfw_trunc_1990 = round(tnfw_trunc_1990);
tnfw_trunc_1992 = round(tnfw_trunc_1992);
tnfw_trunc_1993 = round(tnfw_trunc_1993);
1994 TO 1998 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Adjust for missing codes */
array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_123a_revised
q13_123c_revised q13_123e_revised q13_125_revised
q13_127_revised q13_131_revised q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised
q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;
do n = 1 to 15;
if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc
cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 16 */
do i = 1 to 16;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute TRUST */
if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then trustc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised >= 0) then irac = (irac + q13_123a_revised);
else if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_revised);
else if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123e_revised);
else if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_1994 > 500000) then tnfw_trunc_1994 = 1224375;
if (tnfw_trunc_1996 > 548000) then tnfw_trunc_1996 = 1232183;
if (tnfw_trunc_1998 > 640682) then tnfw_trunc_1998 = 1674836;
tnfw_trunc_1994 = round(tnfw_trunc_1994);
tnfw_trunc_1996 = round(tnfw_trunc_1996);
tnfw_trunc_1998 = round(tnfw_trunc_1998);
2000 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES */
array quartileqs (i) q13_122_quartile1 q13_122_quartile2 q13_122_quartile3 q13_122_quartile4
q13_123c_quartile1 q13_123c_quartile2 q13_123c_quartile3 q13_123c_quartile4
q13_125_quartile1 q13_125_quartile2 q13_125_quartile3 q13_125_quartile4
q13_136_quartile1 q13_136_quartile2 q13_136_quartile3 q13_136_quartile4;
do i = 1 to 16;
quartileqs = 0;
q13_122_quartile1 = (500/2);
q13_122_quartile2 = (500 + ((1500-500)/2));
q13_122_quartile3 = (1500 + ((3500-1500)/2));
q13_122_quartile4 = 60000;
q13_123c_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_123c_quartile2 = (1000 + ((4000-1000)/2));
q13_123c_quartile3 = (4000 + ((10000-4000)/2));
q13_123c_quartile4 = 75000;
q13_125_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_125_quartile2 = (1000 + ((4000-1000)/2));
q13_125_quartile3 = (4000 + ((15000-4000)/2));
q13_125_quartile4 = 85000;
q13_136_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_136_quartile2 = (1000 + ((5000-1000)/2));
q13_136_quartile3 = (5000 + ((10000-5000)/2));
q13_136_quartile4 = 40000;
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc trustc bizc
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1 realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
realestate_5_value1 realestate_6_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value business_3_value realestate_1_value
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value realestate_6_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1 business_3_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt business_3_debt;
do i = 1 to 51;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute TRUST */
if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2)) then trustc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz */
if (q13_131_revised >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_revised);
else if (q13_131_revised in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_01_trunc > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_01_trunc;
if (q13_fjt_11_02_trunc > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_01_trunc > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_01_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_02_trunc > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_03_trunc > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_03_trunc;
if (q13_rejt_11_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_06 > -4) then realestate_6_value1 = q13_rejt_11_06;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_06 > -4) then realestate_6_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_06;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_6_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_6_pcntshare = (realestate_6_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_6_value1 >= 0 & realestate_6_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_6_value = (realestate_6_value1 * realestate_6_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);
if (realestate_6_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_6_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_6_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_6_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */
if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_revised);
else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
/* (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc) */
if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_01_trunc > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_01_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_12_02_trunc > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03_trunc > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03_trunc;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122a < 0 & q13_122b < 0
& q13_122c < 0) then cashc = -3;
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile1);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile2);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile3);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 60000);
/* Compute CDS */
if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + q13_123e_revised);
else if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125a < 0 & q13_125b < 0
& q13_125c < 0) then stockc = -3;
else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125b = 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile1);
else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125b = 1) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile2);
else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125c = 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile3);
else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125c = 1) then stockc = (stockc + 85000);
/* Compute HOME */
if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised >= 0) then irac = (irac + q13_123a_revised);
else if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised in(-1, -2)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_revised);
else if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_1 < 0 & q13_123c_2 < 0
& q13_123c_3 < 0) then a401kc = -3;
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_2 = 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile1);
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_2 = 1) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile2);
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_3 = 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile3);
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_3 = 1) then a401kc = (a401kc + 75000);
/* Compute CDEBT */
if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136a < 0 & q13_136b < 0 & q13_136c < 0) then carc = -3;
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136b = 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile1);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136b = 1) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile2);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136c = 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile3);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136c = 1) then carc = (carc + 40000);
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_2000 > 928938) then tnfw_trunc_2000 = 2056326;
tnfw_trunc_2000 = round(tnfw_trunc_2000);
2004 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */
nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);
debt_1ac = debt_1a_trunc;
if (debt_1a_trunc > 0) then debt_1ac = (debt_1a_trunc/100);
debt_2ac = debt_2a_trunc;
if (debt_2a_trunc > 0) then debt_2ac = (debt_2a_trunc/100);
debt_2dc = debt_2d_trunc;
if (debt_2d_trunc > 0) then debt_2dc = (debt_2d_trunc/100);
debt_3ac = debt_3a_trunc;
if (debt_3a_trunc > 0) then debt_3ac = (debt_3a_trunc/100);
debt_4ac = debt_4a_trunc;
if (debt_4a_trunc > 0) then debt_4ac = (debt_4a_trunc/100);
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates */
array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;
do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;
if (symbol_entry_othhh = 10000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((10000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (10000 + ((30000-10000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 20000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((20000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (20000 + ((30000-20000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1 realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value business_3_value realestate_1_value
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1 business_3_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt business_3_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3
amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amtowe_othervehicles
mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3
marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8 marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10
marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12
marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 mktval_othervehicles;
do i = 1 to 105;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections */
if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 55000);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items */
if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 60000);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;
/* Add components POSES */
if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt */
if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1ac >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1ac);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1ac in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1ac;
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 47500);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */
if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2ac >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2ac);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2ac in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2ac;
else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 50000);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */
if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2dc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2dc);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2dc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2dc;
else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 39000);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */
if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3ac >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3ac);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3ac in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3ac;
else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 56000);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */
if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4ac >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4ac);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4ac in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4ac;
else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 58500);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;
/* Add components ODEBT */
if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz */
if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile1);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile2);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 202500);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_b in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */
if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_b < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_b < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_b = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile1);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_b = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile2);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
/* (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc) */
if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
/* CASH Component - cash */
if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_tc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_tc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc = fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_tc);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc > fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_tc - fa_1a_sr000001_tc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_tc));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_tc - fa_1a_sr000002_tc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_tc));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 65000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;
/* Set CASHC -3 missing */
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
/* CDS Component - cds */
if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 60000);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Set CDSC -3 missing */
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
/* STOCK Component - govbonds */
if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_trunc);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a_trunc;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 57500);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;
/* STOCK Component - mutual */
if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 70000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure */
if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares */
if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 100000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond */
if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 100000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;
/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor */
if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_trunc);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a_trunc;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 60000);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK */
if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
/* HOME Component - home1 */
if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001 - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 165000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome */
if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 150000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME */
if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
/* MORT Component - mort1 */
if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 100000);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort */
if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 100000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT */
if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1 */
if (nfa_1c_trunc >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_trunc);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c_trunc;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 55000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt */
if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;
/* Add components PDEBT */
if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
/* IRA Component - ira1 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 77000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira2 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 50000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_03 < 0 ) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira4 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 42500);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira5 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 52000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 80000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA */
if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
/* A401K component - r_401k */
if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 70000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;
/* A401K component - sp_401k */
if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 75000);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;
/* Add components A401K */
if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
else if (sc_12b_01 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
else if (sc_12b_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
else if (sc_12b_02 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_02 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
else if (sc_12b_03 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_03 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_01));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 36000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_02));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_03));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_04));
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4f_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_05);
else if (nfa_4f_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_uab_a_05 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_05;
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 65000);
else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CDEBT */
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3);
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1);
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2);
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3);
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4);
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5);
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
else if (sc_12a_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
else if (sc_12a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
else if (sc_12a_03 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_03 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_01));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_02));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 36000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_03));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_04));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_05));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4c_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_06);
else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_06;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_06);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_06));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_06));
else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7 */
if (nfa_4c_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_07);
else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_07;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 = nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_sr000001_07);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 > nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_07 - nfa_4c_sr000001_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_07));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 < nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_07 - nfa_4c_sr000002_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_07));
else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8 */
if (nfa_4c_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_08);
else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_08;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 = nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_sr000001_08);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 > nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_08 - nfa_4c_sr000001_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_08));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 < nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_08 - nfa_4c_sr000002_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_08));
else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4c_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_09);
else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_09;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 = nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_sr000001_09);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 > nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_09 - nfa_4c_sr000001_09)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_09));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 < nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_09 - nfa_4c_sr000002_09)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_09));
else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10 */
if (nfa_4c_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_10);
else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_10 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_10;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 = nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_sr000001_10);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 > nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_10 - nfa_4c_sr000001_10)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_10));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 < nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_10 - nfa_4c_sr000002_10)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_10));
else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11 */
if (nfa_4c_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_11);
else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_11;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12 */
if (nfa_4c_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_12);
else if (nfa_4c_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_12;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13 */
if (nfa_4c_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_13);
else if (nfa_4c_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_13;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14 */
if (nfa_4c_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_14);
else if (nfa_4c_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_14;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15 */
if (nfa_4c_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_15);
else if (nfa_4c_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_15;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles+ quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR */
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1);
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4);
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6);
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7);
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8);
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9);
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10);
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11);
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12);
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13);
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14);
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates */
array ranges1 (n) nfa_1a_sr000001 nfa_1b_sr000001
nfa_1c_sr000001 nfa_2a_sr000001
nfa_2b_sr000001 nfa_2c_sr000001
fa_8d_sr000001_01 fa_8d_sr000001_02 fa_8d_sr000001_03 fa_8d_sr000001_04
fa_8d_sr000001_05 fa_8d_sr000001_06 fa_8d_sr000001_07
fa_6e_sr000001 fa_7c_sr000001
fa_3a_sr000001 fa_4a_sr000001 fa_5a_sr000001 fa_9a_sr000001 fa_10a_sr000001
q13_131_sr000001 q13_132_sr000001
sc_12b_sr000001_01 nfa_4f_sr000001_01 nfa_4f_sr000001_02 nfa_4f_sr000001_03
sc_12a_sr000001_01 sc_12a_sr000001_02 nfa_4c_sr000001_01 nfa_4c_sr000001_02
nfa_4c_sr000001_03 nfa_4c_sr000001_04 nfa_4c_sr000001_05 nfa_4c_sr000001_06
nfa_4c_sr000001_07 nfa_4c_sr000001_08 nfa_4c_sr000001_09 nfa_4c_sr000001_10
array ranges2 (n) nfa_1a_sr000002 nfa_1b_sr000002 nfa_1c_sr000002 nfa_2a_sr000002 nfa_2b_sr000002
fa_8d_sr000002_01 fa_8d_sr000002_02 fa_8d_sr000002_03 fa_8d_sr000002_04 fa_8d_sr000002_05
fa_8d_sr000002_06 fa_8d_sr000002_07
fa_6e_sr000002 fa_7c_sr000002
fa_3a_sr000002 fa_4a_sr000002 fa_5a_sr000002 fa_9a_sr000002 fa_10a_sr000002
q13_131_sr000002 q13_132_sr000002
sc_12b_sr000002_01 nfa_4f_sr000002_01 nfa_4f_sr000002_02 nfa_4f_sr000002_03
sc_12a_sr000002_01 sc_12a_sr000002_02 nfa_4c_sr000002_01 nfa_4c_sr000002_02
nfa_4c_sr000002_03 nfa_4c_sr000002_04 nfa_4c_sr000002_05 nfa_4c_sr000002_06
nfa_4c_sr000002_07 nfa_4c_sr000002_08 nfa_4c_sr000002_09 nfa_4c_sr000002_10
do n = 1 to 44;
if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 & ((ranges1 >= 0 & ranges2 in(-1, -2)) | (ranges1 in(-1, -2) & ranges2 >= 0)))
then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_2004 > 1485000) then tnfw_trunc_2004 = 2671980;
tnfw_trunc_2004 = round(tnfw_trunc_2004);
2008 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */
nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates */
array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;
do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;
if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 farm_3_value1 farm_4_value1
business_1_value1 business_2_value1 business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1
realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value farm_3_value farm_4_value business_1_value business_2_value
business_3_value realestate_1_value realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
realestate_5_value realestate_6_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 farm_3_debt1 farm_4_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
business_3_debt1 realestate_1_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt farm_3_debt farm_4_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
business_3_debt realestate_1_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3 amtowe_assetpoorcars4
amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles7 amtowe_othervehicles
mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3 mktval_assetpoorcars4
marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8 marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10
marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12
marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16
marketvalue_vehicles17 mktval_othervehicles;
do i = 1 to 126;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections */
if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 72500);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items */
if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0
& nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0
& nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;
/* Add components POSES */
if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt */
if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a;
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */
if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a;
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 50000);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */
if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d;
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 40000);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */
if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 72500);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */
if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0
& debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0
& debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 70000);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;
/* Add components ODEBT */
if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz */
if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile1);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile2);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 250000);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_b in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then farm_3_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then farm_4_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_06 > -4) then realestate_6_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_06;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_fjt_12b_03 > -4) then farm_3_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_03;
if (q13_fjt_12b_04 > -4) then farm_4_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_06 > -4) then realestate_6_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_06;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_3_pcntshare > 0) then farm_3_pcntshare = (farm_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_4_pcntshare > 0) then farm_4_pcntshare = (farm_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_6_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_6_pcntshare = (realestate_6_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (farm_3_value1 >= 0 & farm_3_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_3_value = (farm_3_value1 * farm_3_pcntshare);
if (farm_4_value1 >= 0 & farm_4_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_4_value = (farm_4_value1 * farm_4_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_6_value1 >= 0 & realestate_6_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_6_value = (realestate_6_value1 * realestate_6_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (farm_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_3_value);
if (farm_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_4_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);
if (realestate_6_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_6_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_6_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_6_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */
if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 200000);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
/* (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc) */
if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_fjt_12_03 > -4) then farm_3_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_03;
if (q13_fjt_12_04 > -4) then farm_4_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (farm_3_debt1 >= 0 & farm_3_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_3_debt = (farm_3_debt1 * farm_3_pcntshare);
if (farm_4_debt1 >= 0 & farm_4_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_4_debt = (farm_4_debt1 * farm_4_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (farm_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_3_debt);
if (farm_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_4_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
/* CASH Component - cash */
if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc = fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc > fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_trunc - fa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_trunc - fa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 70000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing */
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
/* CDS Component - cds */
if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 60000);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing */
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
/* STOCK Component - govbonds */
if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 45000);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;
/* STOCK Component - mutual */
if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 100000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure */
if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares */
if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc = fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc > fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002_trunc - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 100000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond */
if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 190000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) /* | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) */ | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;
/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor */
if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_trunc);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a_trunc;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 90000);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK */
if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
/* HOME Component - home1 */
if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 200000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome */
if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 180000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME */
if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
/* MORT Component - mort1 */
if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort */
if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 145000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT */
if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1 */
if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 50000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt */
if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;
/* Add components PDEBT */
if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
/* IRA Component - ira1 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 80000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira2 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 55000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_03;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira4 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_04;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));
else if (fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 115000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira5 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 65000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 59000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 65000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA */
if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
/* A401K component - r_401k */
if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 80000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;
/* A401K component - sp_401k */
if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc = fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc > fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002_trunc - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 94500);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;
/* Add components A401K */
if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
else if (sc_12b_01 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
else if (sc_12b_02 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_02 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
else if (sc_12b_03 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_03 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars4 */
if (sc_12b_04 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 + sc_12b_04);
else if (sc_12b_04 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_04 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = sc_12b_04;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars5 */
if (sc_12b_05 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 + sc_12b_05);
else if (sc_12b_05 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_05 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = -1;
else if (sc_12b_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = sc_12b_05;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_01));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 38000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_02));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 36000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_03));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4f_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_04);
else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_04;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_04));
else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + 30000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 = nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then
amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_sr000001_05);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 > nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then
amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_05 - nfa_4f_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_05));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 < nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then
amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_05 - nfa_4f_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_05));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + 122000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4f_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_06);
else if (nfa_4f_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_06;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles7 */
if (nfa_4f_07 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles7 = (amountowe_vehicles7 + nfa_4f_07);
else if (nfa_4f_07 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles7 = nfa_4f_07;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 51000);
else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CDEBT */
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars4);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars5);
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1);
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2);
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3);
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4);
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5);
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6);
if (amountowe_vehicles7 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles7);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
else if (sc_12a_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
else if (sc_12a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
else if (sc_12a_03 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_03 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars4 */
if (sc_12a_04 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = (mktval_assetpoorcars4 + sc_12a_04);
else if (sc_12a_04 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_04 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_04 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = sc_12a_04;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars5 */
if (sc_12a_05 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = (mktval_assetpoorcars5 + sc_12a_05);
else if (sc_12a_05 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_05 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = -1;
else if (sc_12a_05 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = sc_12a_05;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_01));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_02));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_03));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_04));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_05));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 75000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_06);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_06));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_06));
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8 */
if (nfa_4c_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_08);
else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_08;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11 */
if (nfa_4c_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_11);
else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_11 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_11;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 = nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then
marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_sr000001_11);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 > nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then
marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_11 - nfa_4c_sr000001_11)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_11));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 < nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then
marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_11 - nfa_4c_sr000002_11)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_11));
else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + 30000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_12 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 = nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then
marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_sr000001_12);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 > nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then
marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_12 - nfa_4c_sr000001_12)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_12));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 < nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then
marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_12 - nfa_4c_sr000002_12)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_12));
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13 */
if (nfa_4c_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_13);
else if (nfa_4c_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_13;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14 */
if (nfa_4c_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_14);
else if (nfa_4c_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_14;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15 */
if (nfa_4c_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_15);
else if (nfa_4c_15 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_15 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_15;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16 */
if (nfa_4c_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_16);
else if (nfa_4c_16 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_16 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_16;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17 */
if (nfa_4c_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_17);
else if (nfa_4c_17 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_17 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_17;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles+ quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR */
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars4);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1);
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4);
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6);
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7);
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8);
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9);
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10);
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11);
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12);
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13);
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14);
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15);
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16);
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_2008 > 2138310) then tnfw_trunc_2008 = 3527333;
tnfw_trunc_2008 = round(tnfw_trunc_2008);
/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates */
if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 &
((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
| (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
| (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0)
| (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
| (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (debt_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0)))
then tnfw_trunc = -3;
2012 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */
nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates */
array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;
do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;
if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 business_4_value1 business_5_value1 realestate_1_value1
realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
business_3_value business_4_value business_5_value realestate_1_value
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 business_5_debt1 realestate_1_debt1
realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
business_3_debt business_4_debt business_5_debt realestate_1_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3
amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles9 amtowe_othervehicles
mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3
marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10 marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12
marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16
marketvalue_vehicles17 mktval_othervehicles;
do i = 1 to 119;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections */
if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 66000);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items */
if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;
/* Add components POSES */
if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt */
if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_trunc);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a_trunc;
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */
if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a_trunc);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a_trunc;
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 52500);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */
if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d_trunc);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d_trunc;
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 50000);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */
if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 68000);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */
if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0
& debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0
& debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 55500);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;
/* Add components ODEBT */
if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz */
if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc = q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc > q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002_trunc - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002_trunc)/2) + q13_131_sr000002_trunc));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 250000);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (business_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_5_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_5_value in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */
if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 200000);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
/* (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc) */
if (q13_fjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1);
if (business_5_debt1 >= 0) then business_5_debt = (business_5_debt1);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (business_5_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_5_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_5_debt in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
/* CASH Component - cash */
if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc = fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc > fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_trunc - fa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_trunc - fa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 80000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing */
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
/* CDS Component - cds */
if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc = fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc > fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002_trunc - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 70000);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing */
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
/* STOCK Component - govbonds */
if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 50000);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;
/* STOCK Component - mutual */
if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 115000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure */
if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc = fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc > fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002_trunc - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares */
if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc = fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc > fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002_trunc - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < fa_9a_sr000001) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 125000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond */
if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 100000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;
/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor */
if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc = fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc > fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002_trunc - fa_11a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001_trunc - fa_11a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 67500);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK */
if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
/* HOME Component - home1 */
if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 175000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome */
if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 150000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME */
if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
/* MORT Component - mort1 */
if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 120000);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort */
if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 120000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT */
if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1 */
if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 45000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt */
if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + 45000);
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;
/* Add components PDEBT */
if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
/* IRA Component - ira1 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira2 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 54000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 80000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira4 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0)
then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));
/* IRA Component - ira5 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 84000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 60000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 130000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA */
if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
/* A401K component - r_401k */
if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 100000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;
/* A401K component - sp_401k */
if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 100000);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;
/* Add components A401K */
if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2) /* & sc_12b_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_02 < 0 & sc_12b_uab_b_02 < 0 & sc_12b_uab_c_02 < 0*/) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_03 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_03 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 = sc_12b_sr000001_03) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_sr000001_03);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 > sc_12b_sr000001_03) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_03 - sc_12b_sr000001_03)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_03));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 < sc_12b_sr000001_03) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_03 - sc_12b_sr000002_03)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_03));
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 37000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 38000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_06 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then
amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then
amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then
amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06));
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles6 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles9 = (amountowe_vehicles9 + nfa_4f_trunc_09);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles9 = nfa_4f_trunc_09;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 50500);
else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CDEBT */
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3);
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1);
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2);
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3);
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4);
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5);
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6);
if (amountowe_vehicles9 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles9);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_c_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_c_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile3);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_c_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + 40000);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3 */
if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 38000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 50000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then
marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then
marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_trunc_08);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_trunc_08;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then
marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_trunc_11);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_trunc_11;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_trunc_13);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_trunc_13;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_trunc_14);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_trunc_14;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_trunc_15);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_15 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_trunc_15;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_trunc_16);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_trunc_16;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_trunc_17);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_trunc_17;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR */
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1);
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4);
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6);
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7);
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8);
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9);
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10);
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11);
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12);
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13);
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14);
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15);
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16);
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc > 2060328) then tnfw_trunc = 3749941;
tnfw_trunc = round(tnfw_trunc);
/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates */
if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 &
((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
| (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
| (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0)
| (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)))
then tnfw_trunc = -3;
2016 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */
nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates */
array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;
do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;
if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible. Otherwise set to 30000 */
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 business_4_value1 realestate_1_value1
realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
business_3_value business_4_value realestate_1_value
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 realestate_1_debt1
realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1 realestate_5_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
business_3_debt business_4_debt realestate_1_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2
amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles8 amountowe_vehicles9 amtowe_othervehicles
mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2
marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10 marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12
marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16
marketvalue_vehicles17 marketvalue_vehicles18 marketvalue_vehicles19 marketvalue_vehicles20
do i = 1 to 120;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections */
if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 75000);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items */
if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 55500);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;
/* Add components POSES */
if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt */
if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
& debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a;
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then
ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 41000);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */
if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0
& debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a;
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 60000);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */
if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0
& debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d;
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 60000);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */
if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0
& debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 60000);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */
if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;
/* Add components ODEBT */
if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz */
if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 350000);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_04 > -4) then business_4_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_4_pcntshare > 0) then business_4_pcntshare = (business_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_value1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_value = (business_4_value1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */
if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 190000);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
/* (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc) */
if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
/* CASH Component - cash */
if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 = fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 > fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002 - fa_1a_sr000001)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001 - fa_1a_sr000002)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 90000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing */
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
/* CDS Component - cds */
if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 92500);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing */
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
/* STOCK Component - govbonds */
if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_trunc);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a_trunc;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 60000);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;
/* STOCK Component - mutual */
if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 180000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure */
if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares */
if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 150000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond */
if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 175000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;
/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor */
if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 67000);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK */
if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
/* HOME Component - home1 */
if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 200000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome */
if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 175000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME */
if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
/* MORT Component - mort1 */
if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 115000);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort */
if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 130000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT */
if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1 */
if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 51000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt */
if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;
/* Add components PDEBT */
if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
/* IRA Component - ira1 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 120000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira2 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 96000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira4 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira5 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7 */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 < 0
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 121000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA */
if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
/* A401K component - r_401k */
if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 120000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;
/* A401K component - sp_401k */
if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 150000);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;
/* Add components A401K */
if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
else if (sc_12b_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 = sc_12b_sr000001_02) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_sr000001_02);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 > sc_12b_sr000001_02) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_02 - sc_12b_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_02));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < sc_12b_sr000001_02) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_02 - sc_12b_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_02));
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 38000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 35000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0
& nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + 53500);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles8 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_08 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles8 = (amountowe_vehicles8 + nfa_4f_trunc_08);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_08 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles8 = nfa_4f_trunc_08;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles9 = (amountowe_vehicles9 + nfa_4f_trunc_09);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles9 = nfa_4f_trunc_09;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
/* Add components CDEBT */
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2);
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1);
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2);
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3);
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4);
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5);
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6);
if (amountowe_vehicles8 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles8);
if (amountowe_vehicles9 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles9);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1 */
if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_01));
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2 */
if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0
& nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 45000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 < 0)
then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + 40000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_trunc_08);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_trunc_08;
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + 60000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_trunc_11);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_trunc_11;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_trunc_13);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_trunc_13;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_trunc_14);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_trunc_14;
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_trunc_15);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 in(-1, -2) ) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_trunc_15;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_trunc_16);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_trunc_16;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_trunc_17);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_trunc_17;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles18 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_18 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles18 = (marketvalue_vehicles18 + nfa_4c_trunc_18);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_18 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles18 = nfa_4c_trunc_18;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles19 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_19 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles19 = (marketvalue_vehicles19 + nfa_4c_trunc_19);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_19 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles19 = nfa_4c_trunc_19;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles20 */
if (nfa_4c_trunc_20 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles20 = (marketvalue_vehicles20 + nfa_4c_trunc_20);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc_20 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles20 = nfa_4c_trunc_20;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR */
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1);
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4);
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6);
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7);
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8);
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9);
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10);
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11);
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12);
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13);
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14);
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15);
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16);
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17);
if (marketvalue_vehicles18 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles18);
if (marketvalue_vehicles19 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles19);
if (marketvalue_vehicles20 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles20);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles18 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles19 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles20 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (tnfw_trunc_2016 > 3132500) then tnfw_trunc_2016 = 5526252;
tnfw_trunc_2016 = round(tnfw_trunc_2016);
/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates */
if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 &
((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
| (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
| (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
| (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
| (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
| (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
| (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
| (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)))
then tnfw_trunc = -3;
2020 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation
/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */
nfa_7d_dc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_dc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);
/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES where necessary */
/* -- quartile4 defaults to 30000 if no specific */
/* value determined from frequencies */
array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;
do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;
if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
quartile4 = 30000;
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000;
array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 business_4_value1 realestate_1_value1
realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
business_3_value business_4_value realestate_1_value
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 realestate_1_debt1
realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1 realestate_5_debt1
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
business_3_debt business_4_debt realestate_1_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amountowe_vehicles amtowe_othervehicles
marketvalue_vehicles mktval_othervehicles;
do i = 1 to 92;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;
/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections: */
if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < 0
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < 0)
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 75000);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items: */
if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_dc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_dc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_dc;
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;
/* Add components POSES */
if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
/* Compute ODEBT */
/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt: */
if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_trunc);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a_trunc;
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */
if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a_trunc);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a_trunc;
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 70000);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */
if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d_trunc);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d_trunc;
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 67500);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */
if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 60000);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */
if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1
& debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 50000);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;
/* Add components ODEBT */
if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
/* Compute BIZ */
/* BIZ Component - solebiz: */
if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & (q13_131_sr000001 < 0 | q13_131_sr000002 < 0)
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 310000);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;
if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_04 > -4) then business_4_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_05 > -4) then business_5_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_4_pcntshare > 0) then business_4_pcntshare = (business_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_5_pcntshare > 0) then business_5_pcntshare = (business_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_value1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_value = (business_4_value1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (business_5_value1 >= 0 & business_5_pcntshare >= 0) then business_5_value = (business_5_value1 * business_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
/* Add components BIZ */
if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (business_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_5_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_5_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
/* Compute BDEBT */
/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz: */
if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & (q13_132_sr000001 < 0 | q13_132_sr000002 < 0)
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 187000);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */
if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_05 > -4) then business_5_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_05;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;
if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (business_5_debt1 >= 0 & business_5_pcntshare >= 0) then business_5_debt = (business_5_debt1 * business_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
/* Add components BDEBT */
if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (business_5_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_5_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);
if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_5_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CASH */
/* CASH Component - cash: */
if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_1a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 = fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 > fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002 - fa_1a_sr000001)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < fa_1a_sr000001) then
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001 - fa_1a_sr000002)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 90000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing */
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;
/* Compute CDS */
/* CDS Component - cds: */
if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_2a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 100000);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing */
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;
/* Compute STOCK */
/* STOCK Component - govbonds: */
if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & (fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_3a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 85000);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;
/* STOCK Component - mutual: */
if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_4a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 250000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure: */
if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0)
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc = fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc > fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002_trunc - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < fa_5a_sr000001) then
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares: */
if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 | fa_9a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 200000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond: */
if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc < 0 | fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < 0)
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc = fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc > fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002_trunc - fa_10a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001_trunc - fa_10a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 200000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;
/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor: */
if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & (fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_11a_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 90000);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK */
if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
/* Compute HOME */
/* HOME Component - home1: */
if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001) then
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001 - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 250000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome: */
if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 200000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME */
if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
/* Compute MORT */
/* MORT Component - mort1: */
if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 125000);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort: */
if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 135000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT */
if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
/* Compute PDEBT */
/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1: */
if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 55000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt: */
if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + 47500);
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;
/* Add components PDEBT */
if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
/* Compute IRA */
/* IRA Component - ira1: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0)
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 200000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira2: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0)
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_03;
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 266000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira4: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira5: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0)
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 137000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0)
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 90977);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7: */
if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0)
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 150000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA */
if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
/* Compute A401K */
/* A401K component - r_401k */
if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 | fa_6e_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 150000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;
/* A401K component - sp_401k */
if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 | fa_7c_sr000002 < 0)
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 160000);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;
/* Add components A401K */
if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars: */
if (sc_12b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + sc_12b_trunc);
else if (sc_12b_trunc = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = -1;
else if (sc_12b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (sc_12b_sr000001 < 0 | sc_12b_sr000002 < 0)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = sc_12b_trunc;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 = sc_12b_sr000001) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + sc_12b_sr000001);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 > sc_12b_sr000001) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12b_sr000002 - sc_12b_sr000001)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 < sc_12b_sr000001) then
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12b_sr000001 - sc_12b_sr000002)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002));
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles: */
if (nfa_4f_trunc >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + nfa_4f_trunc);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc < 0 | nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc < 0)
& nfa_4f_uab_a < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c < 0) then amountowe_vehicles = nfa_4f_trunc;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b = 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b = 1) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c = 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c = 1) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + 40000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles: */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CDEBT */
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars);
if (amountowe_vehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars: */
if (sc_12a_trunc >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + sc_12a_trunc);
else if (sc_12a_trunc = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 < 0
& sc_12a_uab_a < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b < 0 ) then mktval_assetpoorcars = -1;
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (sc_12a_sr000001 < 0 | sc_12a_sr000002 < 0)
& sc_12a_uab_a < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = sc_12a_trunc;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 = sc_12a_sr000001) then
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + sc_12a_sr000001);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 > sc_12a_sr000001) then
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12a_sr000002 - sc_12a_sr000001)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 < sc_12a_sr000001) then
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12a_sr000001 - sc_12a_sr000002)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002));
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles: */
if (nfa_4c_trunc >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + nfa_4c_trunc);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_4c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc < 0)
& nfa_4c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = nfa_4c_trunc;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc = nfa_4c_sr000001) then
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + nfa_4c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc > nfa_4c_sr000001) then
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc - nfa_4c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc < nfa_4c_sr000001) then
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + (((nfa_4c_sr000001 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles: */
if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 60000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR */
if (mktval_assetpoorcars >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars);
if (marketvalue_vehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
/* Compute NET_WORTH */
/* NET_WORTH - add components created in above code */
if (homec >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - odebtc);
if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
/* Adjust for partially missing range estimates */
if (tnfw ~= -3 &
((((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0))
& q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0))
& q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_4f_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0))
& sc_12a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_4c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))))
then do;
tnfw = -3;
tnfw_trunc = -3;
/* Apply Topcode to TNFW_TRUNC for 2020 */
if (tnfw_trunc > 5384000) then tnfw_trunc = 16449398;
tnfw_trunc = round(tnfw_trunc);