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Fertility and Child Status - Appendix 3
Variables Created
- CV_CHILD_BIRTH_DATE.xx~M, CV_CHILD_BIRTH_DATE.xx~Y--month and year of birth of youth's children (actual date)
- CV_CHILD_BIRTH_MONTH.xx--month of birth of youth's children (continuous month scheme)
- CV_CHILD_DEATH_DATE.xx~M, CV_CHILD_DEATH_DATE.xx~Y--month and year of death of youth's biological children
- CV_CHILD_DEATH_MONTH.xx--month of death of youth's biological children (continuous month scheme)
- CV_CHILD_STATUS.xx--status of youth's children
- CV_BIO_CHILD_HH--number of children ever born (biological, not adopted) to the youth as of the survey date and residing in the household
- CV_BIO_CHILD_NR--number of children ever born (biological, not adopted) to the youth as of the survey date not residing in the household
- CVC_TTL_BIO_CHILD--total number of biological children (collapsed variable)
This program creates a number of variables describing the youth's fertility and the current status of the youth's children. For more information on the continuous month system, see Appendix 7.