The NLSY79 Cohort is a longitudinal project that follows the lives of a sample of American youth born between 1957-1964. The cohort originally included 12,686 respondents ages 14-22 when first interviewed in 1979; after two subsamples were dropped, 9,964 respondents remain in the eligible samples. Data are now available from Round 1 (1979 survey year) to Round 30 (2022 survey year).
Index to the NLSY79 Cohort
Topical Guide to the Data
Topic-by-topic descriptions of the NLS Youth 1979 data, a crosswalk between the NLS Investigator’s Areas of Interest, and a glossary of terms. -
Asterisk Tables
Table of NLS Youth 1979 topics across all survey rounds often referred to as the "Asterisk Table." -
Introduction to the Sample
Description of the sample, the sample design and screening process, interview methods, retention and reason for non-interview, and confidentiality. -
Other Documentation
Tutorials, NLS Youth 1979 Codebook Supplement, Geocode Supplement, Technical Sampling Report, List of Errata, and questionnaires for all rounds. -
Using and Understanding the Data
Information on survey instruments, variables types, the interviewing process, item nonresponse, sample weights and design effects, data documentation, and how to access the data. -
Get Data
The NLS Investigator provides access to all public NLS data, including NLS Youth 1979 data.