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Title: The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables - Statistical Data Included
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Gius, Mark Paul |
The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables - Statistical Data Included American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58,4 (1999): 947-957. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Inc. Keyword(s): Crime; Gender Differences; Modeling, Logit; Peers/Peer influence/Peer relations; Racial Differences This study uses a combination of individual-level and county-level data to estimate an economic model of crime for young adults similar to that used by Becker (1968) and Trumbull (1989). In order to estimate a model of crime in which both individual-level and county-level data are used, it is necessary to take account of the bias introduced by using aggregate-level data in conjunction with individual-level data. In order to eliminate this bias, a technique derived by Moulton (1990) is employed. Results from a logit regression model indicate that race, sex, and peer pressure have statistically significant effects on the probability that a young adult will commit a crime. Results also suggest that police presence, as measured by county-level per capita police expenditures, does not deter young adults from committing crimes. |
Bibliography Citation
Gius, Mark Paul. "The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables - Statistical Data Included." American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58,4 (1999): 947-957.