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Title: The Abortion Decision: A Qualitative Choice Approach
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Stevans, Lonnie K.
Register, Charles A.
Sessions, David N.
The Abortion Decision: A Qualitative Choice Approach
Social Indicators Research 27,4 (December 1992): 327-344.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Springer
Keyword(s): Abortion; Adolescent Fertility; Demography; Educational Attainment; Fertility; Income; Local Area Unemployment; Medicaid/Medicare; Regions; Religious Influences

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Used data from the National Longitudinal Survey, Youth Cohort to show the impact of various sociodemographic and economic factors on the abortion decision for 1,867 pregnancies occurring between 1983 and 1985 in 12,868 female adolescents (aged 14-21 yrs). The results suggest a profile of an adolescent choosing the abortion decision as being White, unmarried, residing in the Northeast or West, relatively well-educated, and either in school or working. Additionally, the woman is likely to have a relatively high personal income, and, if present, a relatively low spousal income. Being Baptist or Catholic appears to have no significant influence on the abortion decision, and the same is true for Baptists and Catholics who are religious (attend church more than 2 times per month). For low income women, access to Medicaid funding does significantly increase the probability of choosing abortion. (PsycINFO Database Copyright 1993 American Psychological Assn, all rights reserved)
Bibliography Citation
Stevans, Lonnie K., Charles A. Register and David N. Sessions. "The Abortion Decision: A Qualitative Choice Approach." Social Indicators Research 27,4 (December 1992): 327-344.