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Author: Vesterdal, Wendy J.
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Rowe, David C.
Vesterdal, Wendy J.
Rodgers, Joseph Lee
Herrnstein's Syllogism: Genetic and Shared Environmental Influences on IQ, Education, and Income
Intelligence 26,4 (November 1998): 405-423.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Economics Department, Moore School of Business, University of Soutn Carolina
Keyword(s): Education; Genetics; I.Q.; Income; Income Distribution; Intelligence; Kinship; Modeling, Biometric; Siblings

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Genotypes may influence the phenotypic associations among IQ, education, and income. To investigate this hypothesis, we believe that the appropriate methodology requires estimation of genetic and environmental influences using data able to separate these influences. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) is a nationally representative sample that contains genetically-informative full- and half-siblings (28-35 years old in 1992; Ns = 1943 full-siblings, 129 half-siblings). A biometric genetic model was fit that estimated the shared environmental and genetic variance components of IQ, years of education, and hourly income. The total heritabilities were 0.64 for IQ, 0.68 for education, and 0.42 for income. Heritabilities due to a common genetic factor were 0.35 for IQ, 0.52 for education, and 0.12 for income. Environmental influences due to a common shared environmental factor were 0.23 for IQ, 0.18 for education, and 0.08 for income. The model predicted a correlation of 0.63 between IQ and education and 0.34 between IQ and income. Sixty-eight percent of the former and 59% of the latter was genetically mediated; the remainder was mediated by common shared environment. These findings suggest that social inequality in the United States has its origin in both genetically-based traits and in different environmental backgrounds.
Bibliography Citation
Rowe, David C., Wendy J. Vesterdal and Joseph Lee Rodgers. "Herrnstein's Syllogism: Genetic and Shared Environmental Influences on IQ, Education, and Income." Intelligence 26,4 (November 1998): 405-423.