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Author: Morgan, James N.
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Duncan, Greg J.
Morgan, James N.
Andrisani, Paul J.
Sense of Efficacy and Subsequent Change in Earnings - A Replication
Journal of Human Resources 16,4 (Fall 1981): 649-666.
Cohort(s): Older Men, Young Men
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
Keyword(s): Attitudes; Earnings; Internal-External Attitude; Labor Force Participation; Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID); Racial Differences

In a recent article, Paul Andrisani, using data from the NLS panels of Young and Older Men, found internal- external attitudes related to the level of and subsequent changes in their economic status. An attempt is made here to replicate part of Andrisani's analysis and is limited to an analysis of the effects of initial efficacy on subsequent change in economic status. The replication indicated somewhat smaller effects of initial efficacy on subsequent changes in earnings in Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data than in the NLS data but produced larger effects when the time period was extended. However, the evidence did not support Andrisani's conclusion that an attitudinal change among whites and blacks with external attitudes would result in greater initiative and a more successful labor market experience. In a reply, Andrisani contends that Duncan and Morgan's PSID findings are inconsistent with the evidence. Further, Andrisani finds the replication questionable and points out that it ignored about 92% of the data.
Bibliography Citation
Duncan, Greg J., James N. Morgan and Paul J. Andrisani. "Sense of Efficacy and Subsequent Change in Earnings - A Replication." Journal of Human Resources 16,4 (Fall 1981): 649-666.